Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1670: Proposal and magic

Two people walked into the student residence apartment together. The people in the apartment can be seen in various colors, white, black and brown, both men and women.

The location of the Magic Tournament is set in a small auditorium in the apartment. As a student residence, this is already a super-luxury facility, and the apartment is not limited to the students of Sakurano High School. The students from nearby schools also live here. .

Into the small auditorium, the seats that can accommodate 50 or 60 people have been seated for more than half, and they are all dressed in various school uniforms.

Li Xuehao's five people and Ke Yiping's group of girls had just arrived. The two people sat down and the seats in the auditorium were almost full. Later, they were estimated to stand by.

In front of the seat, there is a small stage with a height of half a person. It should be built on a temporary basis. It can be seen as rough, but it is not rude to be used as a venue for the magic game.

Li Xuehao's five people and Ke Yiping's group of girls are adjacent to each other. I don't know if they know each other. Yamamoto is too few people and the girls have left the middle position to them.

Li Xuehao and Ke Yiping sat together, and the rest of the people sat around the two.

The voice of the small auditorium is a bit noisy, because the game has not yet begun, everyone is talking about it, the various languages ​​are intertwined, and basically no one can understand what everyone on the scene said, except Li Xuehao.

"In fact, thank you for the last time." Because sitting together and talking easily, Ke Yiping whispered in Putonghua. She knew that although she was a Japanese, the Chinese dialect was very fluent.

"Your brother has already thanked him." Li Xuehao knew that she was referring to the last time she helped the short girl named Feifei to count her missing brother. Ke Yifan had already thanked him.

"His stupid, always give you trouble." Ke Yiping smiled lowly, although stupid, but the tone of the words is with that kind of petty.

"It's not too much trouble." Li Xuehao shook his head, which reminded him of the "devil" incident before Ke Yifan. In fact, it was only because of the illusion that he had passively touched his hands and feet. Now he has been solved by him, and he must have no more ghosts. .

"Listen to my brother, you can let people see any illusion pictures that you want to see?" Ke Yiping came to the interest, obviously very curious what kind of experience.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. It seems that Ke Yifan said anything to his sister.

"I have an eminent request, can you let me see it?" Ke Yiping said slightly embarrassed.

"You want to see?" Li Xuehao is a bit strange, the average person escapes from the illusion is too late, she actually wants to fall into the illusion.

“Is it a very excessive request?” Ke Yiping asked with some concern. After all, she knew that such a request was unreasonable.

"No, if you really want to see it, I can satisfy you. I don't know what picture you want to see?" Li Xuehao will not refuse to do anything about his hand and his opponent.

Ke Yiping was slightly excited: "In my life, the biggest dream is to climb a big snowy mountain. See the beauty of the snowy mountains, can you?"

"Yes." Li Xuehao nodded. "Then I have to start."

“Here?” Ke Yiping was a little surprised. So many people here, in her cognition, shouldn’t she go to a relatively quiet place, preferably only two people? Under the public, will it be too high-profile?

"It's okay here. As long as you can hold back and don't shout it out, there won't be any problems." Li Xuehao said with certainty that he was afraid that Ke Yiping would scream out if he was shocked by the real illusion. Awkward, although everyone does not know what happened, it will definitely become the focus of attention.

"Do not worry, I promise not to yell out." Ke Yiping said vowed.

"Well, then I started." Li Xuehao said, secretly began to cast a spell, this illusion picture, even he himself can see.

With the formation of the spell, Ke Yiping couldn't help but widen his eyes, because the picture in front of him changed, no longer a small auditorium, but a forest covered with white snow.

The tall towering trees cover the sky, but no matter whether the leaves or the trunks or the ground, there is no white snow everywhere, and there is only one color in the world. It seems that there is only one color in the whole world, that is white!

The real picture made Ke Yiping unable to scream, but she remembered her own assurances, and quickly smothered her mouth, but her face was shocked.

The snow scene in front of us is too real. She looks at this scene from the perspective of God. From the peak of the distant view to the trees of the close view, there is no illusion of illusion, just like being in the real world.

In the distance, a large group of deer came out from the side of the snow peak, walking and eating the grass roots buried deep in the snow, quiet and peaceful.

Ke Yiping's heart is more and more shocking and incredible. She feels that this is no illusion. Just like she has traveled through time and space, she has really come to the snowy mountains. She can even smell the fresh taste in the air and the chill in the snowy mountains.

She tightened her clothes and shivered a little. The Li Xuehao next to it noticed the scene, and the handle was gently placed on her shoulder, and a hint of aura was infiltrated.

Ke Yiping's body was a tremor, but a warmth passed over to let her know that the other party was not taking the opportunity to take advantage of it, but to give her a cold. Still, her face is still red.

“Too too real illusions will also affect the perception of the body. You have to remember that everything you see is an illusion, and that influence on you will be minimized.” Li Xuehao pointed out what she did.

"Yeah." Ke Yiping quickly responded, but in fact, the heart has been chaotic, feeling that the hands on the shoulders are getting heavier and heavier, hotter, and hot all over her body.

Li Xuehao did not realize this. He began to decorate the Daxue Mountain. In addition to the deer, the wolf and the bear were also active in the snowy mountains, and even a huge white tiger. This is the image of the white tiger that completely copied Charlotte. And a red-hot three-tailed fox, and a funny Akita dog, the three pets are also one by one.

However, Ke Yiping’s heart was chaotic, but he did not feel anything about these seemingly abnormal species.

After about seven or eight minutes, Li Xuehao felt that it was almost the same. He collected the spell and Ke Yiping returned to reality from the illusion.

“How do you feel?” Li Xuehao asked, not for “inviting merit”, but simply asking.

"This is amazing!" I noticed that the hand on my shoulder was removed, and Ke Yiping's messy heart gradually calmed down. "Thank you, I have fulfilled my biggest dream."

"You are welcome." Li Xuehao said modestly.

"You have helped me so much, I don't know how to thank you." Perhaps it was remembered that many people had troubled before, and Ke Yiping was somewhat unwilling to go. "It's a pity that you didn't go to China. If you go to China, I will treat you well."

"Speaking, I may have to go to China." After she mentioned that Li Xuehao thought of going back to confirm his guess, it would be inevitable to go back to China.

"Really?" Ke Yiping heard his eyes bright.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded.

"Is it summer vacation?" Ke Yiping asked some questions, so that she could report it once.

"It is still unclear. In fact, I have already arranged for the summer vacation. I will go to the United States first and then to South Korea." Li Xuehao said with uncertainty, mainly because he still does not know whether there is time to go to China after going to two countries.

"Do you want to travel all over the world?" Ke Yiping said with a joke, and then suggested, "Actually, I think that after you go to South Korea, you can transfer to China. After all, South Korea is not far from China."

Li Xuehao couldn't help but listen. This is indeed a very good suggestion. At most, I will go to China with Chiba Sayuri, Melon and Mai, and the right is to travel.

"When you arrive in China, you can come to my house to play." Ke Yiping saw his intentions and sent him an invitation.

"Go to your home? Are you sure? It may not be me alone at the time." Li Xuehao also made a joke.

"It doesn't matter, my family is not small, even if there are more than a few people, it can be entertained." Ke Yiping seems to be modest, in fact, this sentence has revealed a trace of pride.

"After going to China, I will visit you when I have time." Li Xuehao said.

"That's it." Ke Yiping said with a serious look, "Do you know? Actually, my father and mother are also very curious about you, I really want to see you. You can count that I have a younger brother, you don't know, I After my mother heard it, I was shocked. I didn’t believe it at first. I went to the hospital to check that I was telling you that it was true. I also told Feifei’s brother. I also told them that they are more curious about you. I really want to see you very much."

Li Xuehao can understand that after all, a teenager far away from Japan can count on it, and it is still so accurate. Two couples in China are of course curious and want to see for themselves. How special is the teenager who can count on it? .

"In fact, do you still speak Chinese?" Perhaps it was the two people who talked about it, and the Nakamura Takashi, who was sitting on the other side of Li Xuehao, couldn’t see it. It’s clear that it’s good to watch the magic game. The guy actually only talked to a cute girl and forgot some of them.

"Well, it is self-study." Li Xuehao did not hear the resentment in his words, and nodded plainly.

Nakamura’s history has blinked. Is he asking this? There are others around him, and he finally restrained the anger in his heart and pointed to the stage on the front: "The magic game is about to begin, please don't bother others."

Li Xuehao understands his suggestion that he should stop talking. Is this guy, is he talking to a beautiful woman?

Ke Yiping also heard the deep meaning of Nakamura's history. She was embarrassed to say it again. She spit out her tongue and focused on the stage.

On the stage of how high the half man is, it has been arranged almost.

The so-called magic game seems to be similar to the debate game, because there are four tables and chairs on each side of the stage, each sitting on a table and chair.

Four on the left and four on the right.

The people on the left have black hair, black eyes and yellow skin. They are Chinese students.

On the right are three blond whites and a black man, who should be American students.

Li Xuehao saw that Ke Yifan was among the four Chinese students. He was really one of the people who participated in the competition. He knew that he would work hard, but he did not expect that there would be magic. It can be said that he is versatile. .

On the Chinese student side, the four participants are all male, while the American students are three men and one woman.

When the two sides were seated, the scene was quiet. A boy like a host took the microphone to the stage. It looked like this. He tried the audition first and decided that it could be used normally. After a good laugh, he said: "Cough, the time is almost the same, then the magic test is now starting, the first to be a Chinese student representative, Ke Yifan."

When the voice fell, the host retreated to the side. Ke Yifan stood up from the seat and walked to the center of the stage.

Seeing his first appearance, Li Xuehao had some surprises and also had a hint of curiosity to see what magic he could perform.

"Anyone, come on!" Ke Yiping underneath excitedly called, as his sister, cheering is a matter of reason, and there is no need to care about everyone's eyes.

Ke Yifan naturally saw her sister, but when she saw someone around her, she was not surprised. He had never thought about it before, and someone would actually come to see such a boring game.

"Come on!" There are still a lot of girls cheering Ke Yifan. After all, he is tall and handsome. For girls of this age, it is extremely lethal. Otherwise, it will not be rejected because of a small girl. The confession was "cursed".

More than a dozen girls brought by Ke Yiping are even more unscrupulous. They know that the handsome boy on the stage is Ke Yiping’s younger brother. He is still so handsome. Of course he has become his support group without hesitation. The quiet of the scene has also been broken, but in order not to affect To the performance on the stage, the people underneath were very restrained. After a few words of "refueling," they were all quiet.

"The magic of my performance is 'unlimited playing cards'." In the center of the stage, Ke Yifan wore a suit for performances. The suit was exaggerated and colorful, making him look like a butterfly for a courtship.

As he finished speaking, the performance officially began.

I saw his sleeves on his arms, let the wrists bare out, and flipped back and forth, indicating that there was nothing in his hand. Next, he crossed his hands and crossed in the air. The five fingers of his hands began to shake. With the shaking, I saw that one after another of the cards fell from his hands. The more and more, the more and more, the forever. It’s also inexhaustible. This is “infinite poker”.

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