Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1661: Sea monster

A whole box of gifts was almost finished. Originally, Seto Yoko and Aoyama Yuko were more reserved. They chose two gifts and stopped. But the greed of Sakai Yuko is completely beyond imagination. Li Xuehao regrets to say The phrase "If you like it, take it away", this is equivalent to telling Yuki Yuki: Take the whole box of gifts.

It would be strange for a little girl who would have been blind to the human heart, she would choose two gifts and stop. The result is a box of things, except for some Kyoto specialties that are really uninteresting, and the rest are finished.

However, this gimmick is sensible. I did not only give myself a single person, but also gave a lot of Qingshan Yuzi and Seto Yoko. Li Xuehao did not stop her.

"Well, my brother, Hao Er, we will take it home when we wait." Yuki Yuki refers to the three piles of gifts like "hills" divided on the floor, although her pile looks a little more. However, this is her little selfishness. Everyone has it. I have not forgotten the Qingshan Yuzi and Seto Yoko. It has already shown that this girl has a conscience.

"You can't, Yuzi and Yangzi can take home." Li Xuehao deliberately teased her.

"Why?" Sato Yuko suddenly stared at him dissatisfiedly, and did not bring me back, I bite your "fierce" expression.

"Because what you don't know? Yuko, don't tell me, isn't this what you do?" Li Xuehao pulled the clothes behind his waist and there was a red mark.

"What is the brother of Hao Er talking about, how can I not understand?" The little girl pretended to have a look of stunned expression, but the gaze of hiding from her has already betrayed her.

The Seto Yoko and Aoyama Yuko on the side did not know what happened, and they looked at it with some doubts.

"Leave a lipstick on the back of my clothes, Yuko, you are getting bolder now." Li Xuehao deliberately said it, and let Seto Yoko and Aoyama Yuko know what happened, and sure enough, the two together Shocked to see Yuki Yuki, in addition to not believing, the eyes seem to be a little admired and eager to try, it seems that this matter also swayed a certain string in their hearts.

"His brother, do you have any evidence to prove that I did it?" Sakai Yuko still refuses to admit, clothes, you have no evidence to prove that I am doing a proud expression.

"Youzi, there seems to be something you don't know." Li Xuehao looked at her with interest. "I don't need evidence, just think that it's what you do." He said, he grabbed and realized that something was wrong. The little girl who wants to escape, her neat and straight mushroom head instantly became a madman.


Li Xuehao saw that "retaliation" was almost the same, and she let go of her. In fact, he was not really angry in his heart. It was just that the mischievous mischief of this girl would not be taught, and it might continue in the future, and it might be even worse.

Seto Yoko and Aoyama Yuzi looked at this scene, and their eyes were a little stiff. Both bullies and bullied people subverted their usual impressions.

Yuki Yuki hid in the corner of the room and arranged his own messy hairstyle. He said awkwardly: "Hao brother, in fact, people are not intentional. Really, I just accidentally printed lipstick on you, but I dare not tell you... "Probably also realize that if you don't admit it, you will continue to bully, so she voluntarily admitted, of course, will never say that she is a deliberate mischief.

Li Xuehao fully understood her careful thoughts and gave her a glance: "Whether it is intentional or careless, Yuko, this happens next time, and you don't want to receive gifts in the future."

"I promise, I won't have it next time." Yuji Yuji shook his head again and again, and finally looked at the pile of his own "Gift Mountain" on the ground, and asked poorly, "Hao brother, can I take them home?" ”

"Bring it back." Li Xuehao said with no anger.

"Yeah! Thank you, Hao Er brother!" Yuji Yuji suddenly got excited and ran to him, grabbed his arm and kept his body tender.

Li Xuehao quietly pushed her away, this girl, the boss is not small, still playing this trick.

Things came to an end, when the door suddenly came down the door, and the voice of talking and talking, apparently someone came back.

"It’s Samui’s sister coming back.” Yuji Yuki heard his eyes bright, and he ran downstairs, but just started, she turned and turned, "Hao brother, these good gifts don't move, I After dinner here, I brought it back." After she finished, she hurried out.

Li Xuehao knew that she was worried that she would tamper with her good gift. She shook her head and shook her head with Qingshan Yuzi and Seto Yoko.

When I came downstairs, the people who came back from the living room were not Chiba Sayuri, but the melons and linens and the islands were expensive, as well as the new 垣 垣 真 and Miyun Ningning. The two mermaids may have gone to Heyi’s high to pick melon and linen. So, so four talents come back together.

"Hey, Yuko, Yoko and Yuzi, have you all come?" Gua Mai, seeing a few people downstairs, greeted with enthusiasm.

"Ma sister." Saito Yuko rushed forward, this girl's tone is very sweet, plus very good people, not only melon, but even Chiba Sayuri likes her.

However, the Qingshan jade that came down later is not strange because it does not come often: "Ma clothing predecessors, by your predecessors, hello."

"Yuzi doesn't have to be so shy. You can call our sister like Yuko." Gua Mai took the front and held her in her arms. She rubbed her face against her face and smiled. "Yuzi is really lovely!"

Qingshan Yuzi is even more blushing, and he can't speak.

The new 垣 垣 一 一 并 并 并 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一For a person's level of fancy, there is a new cognition.

Li Xuehao saw several girls in the living room get along well. He went to the other side of the living room alone. There was a rectangular glass fish tank on the table. The fish tank was raised when he and Suzuki Mina "dating". The little goldfish that came back was a total of twenty-two.

After his careful care, he occasionally injected a little aura into the aquarium. Although more than 20 small goldfish of different colors did not grow up, the spirits were not comparable when they were brought back.

As soon as he saw him approaching, all the little goldfish suddenly looked at him actively, and swam to the side of the fish tank facing him, crowded together and splashed.

Although these little goldfish have not yet opened their intellect, they are already very clever, and some short words can be understood. I believe that soon, if he continues to inject aura into these little goldfish, they will definitely open their minds. It is not twenty-two small goldfish, but twenty-two little monsters.

For the cultivation of them into monsters, Li Xuehao did not have this idea. The family already had two powerful "half demon" at 4:30 and Charlotte. The 22 demons will undoubtedly be a big burden. .

Feeding these little goldfish with some fish food, Li Xuehao stood by and watched them fight for it. After a while, they ate up. The little goldfish once again gathered at the corner of the fish tank facing him, dense and crowded.

"Zhen Zhongjun." Behind him, a clear and sweet woman's voice came over. It was the new girl who was a popular girl idol, but she was not in the same place.

"Miss Xinyi, is there anything?" Li Xuehao knew that she would not come over for no reason, and it seems that she also deliberately opened the water and the Ningning, it must be said that it is inconvenient for him to know what he said.

"I remembered one more thing." Xinyi came to a point and looked at the fish in the fish tank and whispered.

"Oh?" Li Xuehao waited for her to go on.

"It’s about those sea monsters." Xinyi was deeply saddened by the serious expression. "The sea monsters are very ferocious, look like fish and sea snakes, and they are like humans, with hands... ..."

"Wait a minute, you mean, sea monsters still have hands?" Li Xuehao interrupted her, could not help but frown, the sea monster with hands, plus fish and snakes, it is very similar to some legendary Siren.

"Yes, I remember all of them. Those sea monsters, some have only one hand, some are four hands. This is what I painted before, you can look at it." Xinyi really took out a piece from behind. The rolled up paper was handed to him.

Li Xuehao took over and unfolded the paper.

Xinyi Yu is obviously very talented in painting, and the content in the painting is clear and vivid.

I saw a group of sea monsters in the sea raging or the bright red or bright yellow color, which are huge, really like fish and snakes, because the head is in the shape of a fish. There are also fins, but the body has the characteristics of a snake, and the tail is not the flat shape of the fish, but the round shape of the snake.

Under the head of the fish, the snake's "seven inches", including one with both hands, and some with four hands, look weird and awkward, although very similar to human hands, but the claws are very long The sharp look makes people have no doubt that they can easily pierce a person's body.

"These sea monsters, is it sure that you are in the memory?" Li Xuehao asked Xinyizhen, he wondered if there was a place where she "beautified and processed".

Xinyi really seems to know what he is asking, and his face is serious and solemn: "Yes, really Zhongjun, I can guarantee that they are like this!"

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded, no doubt she said, presumably she would not joke about this kind of thing. I looked at the sea monsters in the painting, and the eyes of the group also caught the goldfish in the fish tank. The colors on them were mostly red and yellow, which is similar to the colors of the sea monsters in the painting.


Li Xuehao suddenly felt a shock, looked at the sea monster in the painting, and then looked at the goldfish in the fish tank. He found that the two were not only color images, but the fish's head was almost identical.

It’s just that the sea monster’s mouth is covered with fangs, and the goldfish mouth that he raises does not have the same jaggedness as the barb, but if you zoom in a dozen times and then put on the teeth, there is not much difference.

Also, the sea monster's "snake body" can find similarities in these small goldfish in the aquarium. It is not the snake's body. It is just because it is slender and looks like a snake.

Why are there two different creatures, and there are so many coincidences?

Li Xuehao faintly guessed what, but could not grasp the key points. He compared the sea monsters in the paintings and the goldfish in the fish tank. The appearance looks different, but it has its essence.

Are those sea monsters actually the evolution of this goldfish?

Li Xuehao suddenly couldn't help but come up with this idea. Although it seems absurd, it is not impossible. Ordinary goldfish want to evolve into fierce sea monsters, of course, it is impossible to succeed, but if someone is specially cultivated? For example, he himself, if you want to cultivate these goldfish into monsters, it will not be a laborious task.

It is very likely that those fierce sea monsters are artificially "cultivated", but in the world, except that he still has this ability, it is terrible.

"Zhen Zhongjun, what did you find?" Xinyi really saw the shock on his expression and couldn't help but ask.

“No.” Li Xuehao shook his head and denied it. He certainly wouldn’t say his guess before there was no definitive evidence. However, with this discovery, he gave birth to a urgency to go to Hokkaido. When do you want to go to Hokkaido?"

"Actually... I think the sooner the better, really Zhongjun, can you see this week's weekend?" Xinyi was really careful, she not only wanted to go back to the mermaid settlement, but more importantly, she wanted to get news from her parents. .

"Yes." Li Xuehao did not hesitate, almost directly agreed to it, but this time it is necessary to plan well, because the opponent is likely to be a monk who can be compared with him, he does not want to be surprised because he is not ready.

"Zhen Zhongjun, have you promised?" Xinyi was really a glimpse first, and then he was pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, Miss Nicholas, but I don't want Sayuri to know a few of them. I hope you can keep it secret." Li Xuehao glanced at the direction of a few people in the melons and whispered, not only because Hokkaido was far away. And because this time has a certain unknown danger, of course, can't tell a few people of Chiba Sayuri, in case they want to follow? So you must think about a reason that will not be suspected.

"Please rest assured, really Zhongjun, I will not say it." Xinyi said from the solemn.

"That's good, Miss Nicholas." Li Xuehao nodded, but he was thinking about why he went to Hokkaido.


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