Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1650: Kappa Incident

After receiving the "feedback" information from Kamogawa, Li Xuehao was shocked and there was something really below. As for what it is, because he is hiding too deep, he does not know, only knows that with a cold atmosphere, but not evil, otherwise it will not be so friendly to say hello.

However, it seems to be stimulated by his aura, or attracted by the aura, gradually getting out of the bed under the hiding.

As he got closer and closer to the river, Li Xuehao’s knowledge finally felt its appearance. It was an animal about one meter long and seven or eight centimeters wide. There were four claws similar to the dragonfly, and there was a circle behind it. The shaped shell, a long tail, seems to be a tortoise.

But it is obviously different from the tortoise. Its pointed mouth is covered with sharp fangs. Obviously, ordinary turtles are certainly not grown like this.

Is it really a Kappa?

In the image of Kappa, the back is also bearing a turtle-like carapace.

"Hoo, don't you like these teas and snacks?" Seeing someone's food on the table motionless, asked Suzuki Minako across from him.

"I am just not hungry." Li Xuehao shook his head, just looking at the situation in Kamogawa, and forgot about the things around him.

"If you are not hungry, then give it to me." Gua Ma Ma’s eyes were fast, and he took away the snacks in front of him.

Li Xuehao does not care, anyway, he is really not hungry.

At this time, the river outside suddenly heard a cry: "Kappa, I saw the Kappa!" Then followed by the sound of the sound, all exclaimed "Kappa", and the momentum became more and more fierce.

"Go out and see." Suzuki Minako first reacted, greeted, and the first one rushed out.

In fact, some people in the tea house have already gone out first. Although it is still unclear what happened, the nature of watching the bustle is common to all mankind.

Li Xuehao’s two tables also stood up, but Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi did not move. For her, the excitement was not enough to attract her, but the food in front of her was more important.

"You go out first, I am here to accompany Xiang Zhizi." Li Xuehao volunteered.

In this way, everyone has no worries, and under the leadership of Chiba Sayuri, they went out one by one. Even the waiters in the tea house went out to see the original tea house, which was almost clean.

Although Li Xuehao is in the tea house, the gods have never left the "Kappa."

"Kappa" has emerged from the water, but it has not fully appeared. It only reveals the big turtle shell on the back. The colorful lights illuminate the two sides of the Kamogawa River, and the river is looming, and a sudden turtle shell suddenly emerges. The center of the river rose, but it was still seen by many people who were eating food on the shore.

One saw, and then passed ten, ten passed, and then the entire river bank sensation, one by one standing on the bank of the river, watching the big turtle shell in the water.

If the "Kappa" is not always moved to the shore in the middle of the river, people who are excited may even get together to touch it.

"Big brother, Sister Lily, what are they going to do?" Shuizhi Xiangzhizi finished her matcha package and finally noticed what happened around her.

"They went to see interesting things." Li Xuehao lightly squeezed her tender cheeks.

“Can I go?” Shuizhi Xiangzhizi asked seriously.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao picked her up and stuffed her cup of juice that had not been finished before, holding her out of the traditional tea house.

A group of people from Chiba Sayuri and Suzuki Mina are occupying a favorable position. The people around them want to squeeze in, but there seems to be a force blocking them, making them unable to go further.

Of course, Li Xuehao will not have this feeling, and he will come directly to them with Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi.

"Putty sauce, there really is a Kappa!" Melon Mai turned back and said excitedly to him, the mobile phone in his hand was always patting the big turtle shell in the middle of the river.

Not only her, but also the island is expensive, Suzuki Alisha is patted, Chiba Sayuri, Suzuki Minazi looked serious, they are Yin Yang master, more concerned about the strength of the Kappa.

The two mermaids, Mizuno Ning and Xinyi, also realized that the “Kappa” was not simple. The two looked solemnly and faintly eager to try. I don’t know what caused them to become so restless.

Unlike the onlookers on the coast, although they couldn’t see the whole picture of the “Kappa” because of the light, they can only see the part that emerged from the water. As for the underwater situation, they must look Not enough.

However, Li Xuehao can completely see the whole of the "Kappa". It is not a Kappa at all, but a turtle. To be precise, it is a snapping turtle, the image is awkward, and the fangs in the mouth are especially looks. It looks terrible.

It is very likely that the rescuer was rumored to be a "Kappa". After all, it is too similar to the Kappa, especially when it is looming in the water, and people's preconceived relationship has already identified it as a Kappa.

According to Li Xuehao’s speculation, it may have been sleeping, but because of his “temptation”, he woke up from a deep sleep. It is estimated that he is now looking for the person who makes it sleep and wake up. It’s just that there are so many people on the river bank, it’s estimated that it’s impossible. Identify which one.

As time went on, more and more people ran to the coast of Kamogawa, and even reporters with cameras, in the distance, and police came over.

The appearance of the Kappa completely overwhelmed the incident.

The snapping turtle in the middle of the river finally moved. It began to align in one direction and moved towards the river.

Li Xuehao was shocked. The snapping turtle actually moved toward them. I didn't know what method was used to determine his position. I knew that he was agitated and could still find him.

With the movement of "Kappa", people in this direction were all excited, not only did not feel scared, but even cheered loudly, people on both sides also rushed to squeeze.

The lights of the camera and mobile phone are constantly flashing. Li Xuehao feels that this is not the way to go, and this snapping turtle is so psychic, and he does not want it to be caught by humans.

Once again, the converging gods unfolded unscrupulously and headed toward the center of the river.

The crocodile turtle was moving over the body shape, busy turning the direction, chasing the gods and swimming back to the center of the river. The people on the shore could not help but sigh. It was originally possible to see the true look of the river boy. How did the key moment run?

Li Xuehao led the crocodile turtle back to the center of the river, and was about to guide it to sneak back under the riverbed. Suddenly, his heart shook and looked up at the river in the far away of Kamogawa. He saw a few hundred meters away, and a serpentine wave on the water. It’s very fast, and in just a few seconds, it’s already cut by half.

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