"Kill!" The voice just fell, Mr. Xu and the handsome young man started, and the magic weapons in the hands of the two men were aligned with the sounding but empty, and the red and blue light spurred out from the magic weapon.

I thought I could seriously hurt the other person by surprise. However, the attack of the magic weapon fell through. The two red and blue rays passed through the place without any obstacles and shot directly on the wall.

Between the silent and silent, there are two large holes in the wall with a diameter of about one meter. The edge of the hole is neat and sleek, just like what is sharpened by the sharp things, and the building materials in the middle are directly evaporated without shadow. trace.

The people around the Jintian president couldn’t help but look at the two holes with a look of horror. Is this amazing destructive power really something humans can do?

"Very precise calculations, unfortunately, it has no effect." Li Xuehao was quite surprised that the two of them knew his position. He knew that he had used some kind of secret technique to disguise his voice, making the whole living room everywhere. Filled with his voice, others can't judge his specific position from the direction of the sound, but Mr. Xu knows it, and it is not wrong. If the strength is equal or just a relatively strong opponent, I am afraid it will be Seriously injured under this sudden attack.

"Hey, you just dare to hide in the dark and dare not show up with the poor worms." Since it has already been handed out, it means that the face is torn, and Mr. Xu does not care whether the tone is polite. When he wants to come, the other party has only one person, and he has always been invisible and does not dare to come out. That means that the strength is not very good, and there are two people on their side. They are basically in an invincible position. Just pay attention to it and not be attacked by him. Yes.

"This is what you think?" Li Xuehao has some "sympathy" and has not known who he has met.

"Let's say, what benefits does the country give you, so that you are willing to sell your life? You still have to catch up with foreign countries. Isn't it just selling a few antiques? Anyway, there is no one to go underground, I am just using waste." Mr. Xu began to speak out.

Li Xuehao was originally prepared to show up. He listened to him saying this, and faintly sensed that there are several people in the distance who are quietly approaching. From the perceptual point of view, they are all monks, and the strength is not in front of Mr. Xu. It’s just that the aura is the same.

He couldn't help but move. Perhaps this is the domestic monk who came to Japan, and he was mistaken for being with them.

In this case, it is necessary to make a quick decision, at least to solve everything before the domestic monks arrived.

"First of all, I have to correct one point. I am not the one you think." When he spoke, Li Xuehao was out of shape, but his appearance changed and became the one who once appeared in this face.

The people in the living room saw a figure appearing in the void, and they all stunned their eyes.

Mr. Xu and the handsome young man are on the verge of enemies. The other party had only dared to hide, but now they have suddenly appeared. What does this mean? Is it safe to take them?

“Who are you?” Mr. Xu asked in a deep voice, but he was alert in the dark, and at the same time made a look to the handsome young man around him. The latter tacitly tapped his head.

"Do you want to reinvent it? But I won't give you a chance." Li Xuehao smiled faintly, and the pressure on the monk who built the base period suddenly broke out.

"Boom--" the sound directly sounded directly in the brains of everyone in the living room.

As a common person, Jin Tian, ​​the president of the ordinary people, did not insist for a second, and under such pressure, he passed out.

In the face of such a devastating power, Mr. Xu and the handsome young man were also pale and their bodies were crumbling. The magic weapon in the hands of the two had already fallen on the ground because of the inability to grasp the stability. The fear in the heart could not be added. What kind of monster, the person who is chasing in the country, is there any horror? Why haven't they heard of it before?

"Take my things, I don't even know if my master will be angry?" Li Xuehao walked up to the two people and slightly converged a little pressure.

"Take... your stuff?" Mr. Xu was a sneak peek. After the reaction, the body trembled even more. "You, you, you are... Master of the earth?"

The handsome young man next to him is also full of fear and despair. In addition to being a master of refining, the masters of earth are also the land of immortality. They may be inferior to the ants in front of him.

"Since I took my things, why should I sell them, can I not see them?" Li Xuehao asked while he was monitoring the few domestic monks who were close to him.

"No, not..." Mr. Xu shuddered and couldn’t produce any resistance. "We don’t know that it’s your Dongfu. After you take something, you know that it’s your master, but if Putting it back will definitely be discovered. We only sell it. The more people we handle, the weaker our breath will be, the safer we will..."

"So, how do you know that place?" Li Xuehao finally knew why they knew the value of those things and sold them at the price of cabbage. They were worried that they would find them because of this. Indeed, this is a way to avoid him. The method of tracking, before he got the necklace from Nakamura Seven Beauty, did sense that there are many people in it, so it is impossible to determine which one belongs to the real "tomb thief."

"Someone threw us a note, we found it according to the instructions on the note." Mr. Xu did not dare to have any concealment, and he said it in one brain.

"Throw?" Li Xuehao frowned, it seems that someone really leaked his "dongfu" location.

"Yes, we were sleeping at the time, the paper wrapped in a stone and smashed into the window, but when we chased it out, we didn't see anyone."

"Hey..." Li Xuehao looked down and meditated. He could let the two monks chase out and find no one. The identity of the other party must also be a monk. What is the purpose of the other party? Is it designed to "steal" his "tomb"? Then how is it determined that others are not there?

He did not tell anyone about the "robbery" of the realm of the realm, but now think about it, the movement of the robbery at that time, certainly aroused many people. Therefore, some people can't stand the loneliness in their hearts. Let people try to test it first. Are you sure that you have died or an accident?

When he thought about it, he suddenly had a glimpse of it, because he thought of one thing. He should have been calm when he was "robbery". He had no reason to make a variety of delusions. Before that, he received a special commission. From one of the two most trusted people.

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