Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1635: Two monks

"I have another thing here, I also sell 3000 baht. After I sell it, you can get 2000 baht." Before the stall, the cap man took out another thing, but it was no longer a small chessboard, but a chess piece. There is a red "car" on the piece, which is a piece in Chinese chess.

"Please rest assured, sir, I will sell it soon." Just got 2000 円 "ti" income, middle-aged men are very energetic, but this is no cost of "profiteering", if not worried about too greedy may Let the other person hate, he even wants to ask for help to sell a few more things.

"Well, then I am leaving, waiting for you to sell, I will come again." The cap man said this sentence in a low voice and turned away.

Li Xuehao was in the crowd. He thought that the people behind the scenes didn't show up so quickly, but the situation was unexpectedly good. Even if he didn't wait until the afternoon, he might catch the "tomb thief."

Following the man in the cap out of the park, Li Xuehao arranged a stealth array for himself, so that he could be unscrupulous after tracking.

The cap man looks very vigilant. Every time he walks, he will deliberately stop, such as pretending to tie the laces, or picking up things, then take the opportunity to look around and see if there are any followers.

After confirming that there is no suspiciousness, he will move on.

So many times, I finally arrived at a car at the intersection. He quickly got into the car. The driver started the car while he was in the car. Soon the car went away. In this way, even if there are followers, I am afraid that there is too much time to react.

There is no problem for Li Xuehao. He is standing on the top of the car, and others can't see him at all.

The car didn't open for a long time. After more than ten minutes, it stopped in front of an ordinary house. The man in the cap got out of the car. The driver drove away again. From the beginning to the end, the two did not talk any words. Like not knowing at all.

When I got here, the cap didn't forget to look around in vigilance before I walked into the courtyard of the house.

"Hey!" Didn't wait for him to ring the doorbell, the door had already opened first, and a thin man with a bamboo pole poked his head out and said faintly, "Come back."

"Yeah." The man in the cap nodded and walked in.

"Hey!" The door was quickly closed by the bamboo man, but he obviously did not think that there was an invisible person who also entered the house.

In the living room, unlike the simplicity of the outside of the house, the interior decoration is luxurious. From the sofa to the TV cabinet, everything is very high-end fashion, and the marble floor is covered with a layer of extravagant luxury. carpet,

On the sofa, a middle-aged man who looks smart and strong is smoking a cigar while admiring the various antique vases on the coffee table.

These vases are obviously not Japanese, because the ink paintings above and the Chinese characters indicate where their origins come from.

Li Xuehao, who was invisible on the side, frowned. When he saw this scene, he had a general impression of the people present. They were probably smuggled with antiques.

For antiques, although he doesn't know much about it, he can judge their age. Two-thirds of the antique vases on the coffee table are fakes, but one-third are for some years, at least one or two. A hundred years of history.

"President, what you have told me, I have already done it." The man in the cap entered the living room and took off his hat. He is a young man in his twenties, who has a short flat head and a forehead. Knife, looking awkward, combined with ferocious looks, is the kind of bad person who knows that he is a violent group at first sight.

"Yeah." The president who smoked the cigar faintly responded and continued to admire the antique vase in front of him, as if he had done something for him.

There are also a few fierce guys who are also standing around, standing silently.

The atmosphere was very quiet, until the footsteps were heard, and the fascinating president suddenly put down an antique vase in his hand and stood up from the sofa, facing the direction of the corridor, respectful.

Two men from the upstairs, a 40-year-old, medium-sized, dressed in casual wear, looks ordinary, nothing special, but only a pair of eyes are very sharp, like to see people directly.

The other is in his thirties. He is more formal, dressed in a black suit, slender, and has a length of one meter and eighty, and looks handsome, but it looks like only the middle-aged man with sharp eyes, because he is always one step away from him. Follow the field.

"Mr. Xu." The president did not smoke even the cigars. In the ashtray, he respectfully went to the middle-aged people and said that it was actually Mandarin. Although it sounded a bit weird, the pronunciation was very standard.

"You are too polite, President Jin Tian, ​​we are friends, not so much." The middle-aged man came over with a smile, he said that he is fluent in Mandarin, but there is no strange feeling. This is normal because he is not Japanese.

"Mr. Xu, please sit down." Although the attitude of the other party is ambiguous, President Jin Tian does not dare to insane, and immediately invites him to sit down, and is the absolute theme he had previously sat.

The middle-aged man who was called Mr. Xu was not polite and sat down in a big way, just as it was originally his home court.

Li Xuehao, who was invisible on the side, looked at them from the time they walked downstairs, because he was surprised to find that these two people are not ordinary people, nor yin and yang, they are monks, and the spirit is faintly revealed in the body. It's just miscellaneous, not as pure as he is.

"President Jin Tian, ​​speaking, this is really troublesome for you. I want to help me with things other than 'cooperation'." Mr. Xu said as he looked at the antique vase on the coffee table.

"You are too polite, this is only a small matter. It is my pleasure to be able to help." President Jin Tian said very timidly. Before the hand, he was a ruthless boss, but in the presence of a stronger person, he It's another look.

"Right, what are the things that have been handed over to you, and how many pieces have not been sold?" asked Mr. Xu.

"There are only six pieces left." President Jin Tian immediately replied, apparently he has been paying attention to this.

"Very good, if possible, please sell it as soon as possible." Mr. Xu nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes!" President Jin Tian said, but then hesitated. "Mr. Xu, in fact, like the kind of artifact, isn't it better to keep it? Why sell it?"

Mr. Xu estimated that he did not expect him to ask, and his expression became serious: "If I can stay, I want to stay, but it will be a big trouble. Those things belong to... In short, you I sold it all, and one didn't stay."

"Understood, Mr. Xu." President Jin Tian still does not understand why Mr. Xu did this, but he will resolutely implement it.

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