Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1628: Someone is plugged in

"He, he..." Seeing the ghost of the college student disappeared into the air, the old bookstore owner pointed in that direction and said nothing.

"He has already become a Buddha." Li Xuehao's mood is not so heavy, there are life and death, this is just a natural law.

The boss sighed, his voice was sad, and apparently a very emotional guy: "I thought the ghosts were all terrible things, I didn't expect..." He didn't finish talking, and he sighed heavily. .

"There are good and bad ghosts, just like people, store manager, I think this bookstore, you will continue to operate." Originally because of the fear of ghosts, the boss may have the psychology of selling old books to the store. There is no need now.

"Yes, I have to manage it. If there is a ghost coming next time, I will let them see the best and most complete book." The boss said firmly, from fear of ghost to welcome ghost.

"So, I am leaving." Li Xuehao picked up four photobooks on the counter. In fact, when he had already seen the spirit of Fukushima Jiro, he had no interest in these books, but since he paid for it, he bought it. Come down, it should be a commemoration.

From the old bookstore, Li Xuehao was ready to return to the Aizawa Park flea market, but a group of people in front stopped him from going. It seems that he knew that he would come out of the bookstore early in the morning.

Li Xuehao was not surprised. He knew that someone had been stalking him. He was so long in the bookstore that it was enough for the other party to convene a meeting here.

The person who stopped him was headed by a man and a woman. The man was the former Sven youth, and his face was smug.

The woman is tall and stylish, but she wears a pair of large sunglasses, and there are blue masks that cover her entire face, seemingly afraid of being recognized.

However, the body did not have to say that the long legs and thin waist and **** look very eye-catching.

This kind of demeanor is very familiar. Li Xuehao remembers that when Niigata was coming to Kyoto with him, it was this kind of appearance. Perhaps this tall woman is also a celebrity.

As for the two men, there are six or seven men in black suits, all of them sturdy, and at first glance, they are followers of bodyguards.

"Hey, do you still know me?" Sven youth stepped forward and looked at him condescendingly, as if everything was in control.

"Well, at least my memory is not bad." Li Xuehao nodded faintly. Although he was wearing sunglasses, he was keenly aware that the woman was staring at the photo album in his hand. Is she also interested in buying it? ?

"I said, I just didn't sell it to me. Now you can't even get the original price." Sven youth said coldly, obviously there are bodyguards to support him, and he has enough conviction to say such things.

"Why, do you want to grab it?" Li Xuehao asked with a blank expression.

Sven youth is eager to move, but after looking at the sunglasses woman around him, he endured the temper: "I am in a good mood, sell the book to me, the original price, I will let you go."

"Do not sell!" Li Xuehao directly refused.

"You say it again!" Sven the young man shouted. Now it is not a crowded flea market. Even if you make some extraordinary things, there is not so much scruples.

"Even if it is a thousand times, maybe you can try to grab it?" Li Xuehao held four photobooks in his hand, fanned out like a playing card, and said with great interest.

Sven Young stared at the book in his hand. Originally there was only one book, but now it has become four books, and each cover is the same person. His eyes are more fierce: "You know that if you provoke it, you should not provoke it." What are the consequences of people?"

Li Xuehao did not speak, waiting for him to start, he is not a person who does not teach and swear, if the other party first, he is not welcome.

Sven youth has indeed been provoked, and no one has ever dared to challenge him so much, especially a young boy. Just as he waved his bodyguard to do something, the woman next to the sunglasses said: "Shengwen, people are not Selling is fine."

"How can I forget it? It is the photobook you took. Don't you want to take it back? He has four books in his hand."

Listening to the dialogue between the two, Li Xuehao was surprised, listening to the other party's meaning, the white swimsuit beauty on the photo album, actually the sunglasses woman in front of me? He couldn't help but look at his eyes. His figure was very similar. He was only blocked by sunglasses and a mask, and he couldn't see anything at all. No wonder she wants to disguise herself. It turns out that she is afraid of being recognized.

But this is not the most surprising place for him. What is even more surprising is that the dialogue between the two is in Mandarin, and the special tone is known to be from Taiwan Province on the southeast coast.

"But he does not sell, we have no way, here is abroad," said the woman in sunglasses.

"It’s just a teenager, you can see me." Sven’s youth bag said, obviously, in order to please the woman in sunglasses, he is ready to do something.

"Hey, I only said the last time, ten times the price, sell it to me, then you can go." He took another step forward, threatening to say to the ignorant teenager, and at the same time signaling several bodyguards. Go up.

This is a strong buy and can not be prepared to grab, Li Xuehao cold-eyed looking around the bodyguard, in fact, knowing that the sunglasses woman is the beauty of the white swimsuit and is ready to recycle her own photo album, he considered giving back to the other party, but the young Attitude, let him dispel this thought.

The scene on the road caught the attention of passers-by, but everyone was loyal to the body and hurriedly avoided.

But not everyone did not have the courage. When Li Xuehao was preparing to give the other a lesson, a middle-aged man took a big one, two girls and quickly ran over, and angered in his mouth: "I am a policeman, you guys. doing what!"

With the entry of this "Cheng Jin", several surrounding bodyguards stopped and looked at the young man who was the boss.

Sven youth frowned, and with the involvement of outsiders, he had at least scruples, and considering that he had to leave a good impression in front of the sunglasses woman around him, he could not really be unscrupulous.

Without getting his orders, the bodyguards didn't know what to do, and the scene was stagnant.

Li Xuehao is surprised to see the middle-aged man who entered the game, because he knows each other, this is too clever. The other party is the plainclothes police officer who led the car accident when he came to Kyoto last time. His name is Nakamura, and he is the chief of the Kyoto police headquarters.

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