Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1623: Final purpose

The purpose of Chiba Sayuri, Li Xuehao is not known, because she quickly opened the topic, the attention of melon and Mai was also attracted to the past.


Two days passed, and on the day of the bandit day (Saturday), Li Xuehao took a group of people to set off in a mighty way. Even himself, there were eight people.

Chiba Sayuri, Melon Mai, Miyajima Yuki, Shuiqiao Ryoko, Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi, Miye Ningning, and Xinyi Yuzhen, the latter as a popular girl idol, afraid of being recognized, dressed up and dressed Sunglasses cover most of the face, at least if you are not very familiar, even face to face, absolutely can not recognize.

As for the three pets at 4:30, 6:30 and Charlotte, they were told to go to the Erten Orphanage in the past two days, and the second generation of the second rattan was taken care of by the children.

The group arrived at the station and met with Suzuki Minako and Suzuki Arisa, who were waiting here, to get together ten people.

Tickets for ten people have already been bought, because they bought it in advance, or bought a discount ticket.

For the joining of Suzuki sisters, Li Xuehao has already said it in advance, so it did not cause much movement. However, after the melons and linens met, they kept a certain vigilance against them, but Suzuki Minako sent expensive snacks and said After some "pleasant" words, her vigilance was reduced to a minimum and she began to talk and laugh with Suzuki sisters.

A group of ten people took the Shinkansen and arrived at Kyoto Station, it was already more than 9 o'clock.

Out of the platform, a luxury hotel bus stopped waiting for them. This is Suzuki Minako, who called the sister company of the consortium to pick up the car from the Suzuki consortium.

Ten people got on the bus and the bus sent them to the hotel in Zuojing District. Kyoto University is located in the area. At the same time, Sakai Green said that Aizawa Park is near Kyoto University and will open a flea every weekend. market.

Ten people have asked for nine rooms, and Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi will be in the same room as Shuiqiao Ryoko.

Because I just arrived, everyone has no interest and spirit to go out and just rest in the hotel.

Li Xuehao wanted to go out and see, but everyone didn't go. He was not alone.

Moreover, one after another like an appointment, after putting the baggage, all gathered in his room, even the two mermaids Miyun Ningning and Xinyi are no exception, he can not even slip out.

After removing his "disguise", the new 垣 was also liberated, and then Suzuki Minako and Suzuki Yarisa both looked at her with surprise: "What is Miss Shinji?" The two had seen her tightly, just simple I greeted the place and did not expect that she would be a popular girl idol.

"Hello." Xinyi greeted them with great enthusiasm.

Suzuki Minako reacted instantly and knew that she was like a mermaid like Miyun Ningning, so it was not so strange to follow them.

Suzuki Arisa also thought of the mermaid identity of the popular girl idol, and the mermaid called Mizuno Ningning. She suddenly had a little excitement and wanted to see how the two turned into a mermaid, but the two sides were unfamiliar, and so The requirements are too rude.

However, despite this, she was very excited, and she was close to the two, intentionally or unintentionally, and shy and timid before the sweep.

"Putty sauce, where are we going to play in the afternoon, do you have a plan?" In the living room of the suite, after the initial freshness, the melons and linens began to talk about the afternoon trip. It’s rare to come to Kyoto once and of course to travel all the fun places in Kyoto.

"I..." Li Xuehao just wanted to talk, and Suzuki Minako next to him suddenly interrupted. "I have come to Kyoto many times. How come I introduce the attractions here?"

"Mina, let me talk about it, what interesting and fun place?" Gua Mai turned to look at her, and she could hear the name of Suzuki Minako. It is obvious that the relationship between the two is very close. It is.

Next to the island, Yuki, Chiba Sayuri, several people also looked at Suzuki Minako, waiting for her to analyze the attractions of Kyoto.

"In general, there are ten places to come to Kyoto." Suzuki Minako coughed up and told me slowly. "The first is the Kiyomizu-dera Temple, the oldest temple in Kyoto. The biggest attraction is the dangling. The Qingshui stage, there are eleven faces of Guanyin and Yinyu Waterfall; followed by the Kinkakuji Temple and the Ginkakuji Temple, and then you can take the train to visit Lushan..."

Suzuki Minako’s famous attractions in Kyoto City, such as Jane Jane, can be seen, she should have been to those places she said, otherwise she would not be so familiar.

"The last one is the way of philosophy." Suzuki Minako said here, deliberately paused.

"The way of philosophy?" The people present have never heard of it, but it doesn't sound like a famous attraction. It is similar to the sayings like "tea ceremony" and "kendo".

"Yes, the path of philosophy is a small river along the river. It is not far from here. It is in the Zuojing District. It is from the Kumanoru Prince Shrine in the south and the Ginkaku Temple in the north. It is about two kilometers long because of the philosopher Nishida. How many times I often go there for a walk and think about the philosophy of life, so I call it the path of philosophy. The cherry trees and maple trees are planted along the way. Unfortunately, the time we came is not right. If it is spring or autumn, you can enjoy the sky. The white petals of the flying and the magnificent maple leaves..." Suzuki Mina said incessantly.

Everyone was attracted by the beauty she described, and she lamented that it was summer and could not enjoy such a beautiful view.

"So, my proposal is, because everyone has just arrived in Kyoto, the energy is not very good, how about going to the philosophy in the afternoon? First, the distance is relatively close, not too far, and secondly there are many shrines and temples. There are many grocery stores and cafes in the northern end of the philosophical way, such as Yongguantang, Kumanoru Prince Shrine, Dafeng Shrine, Faran, etc. Some fine shops are also worth visiting. You can buy them. Native products, tired, you can go to the cafe to rest, and ... there is a flea market nearby, it is open today and tomorrow two days, about the flea market, do you know?" Speaking of the last sentence, Suzuki Mina revealed a mysterious smile.

Li Xuehao felt a move in her heart and knew that she finally said the topic. I am afraid that this is why she said so much and eventually wanted to come out. Her purpose is the Aizawa Park flea market.

Of course, this also solved his problem by the way. He was still thinking about how to guide everyone to flea the market without letting them suspect that the purpose of the beginning was this. I didn’t expect Suzuki Mina to solve it perfectly. And the solution is no doubt.

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