Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1621: a monster that can write

"I, I will give you the wallet, beg you, don't hurt me." Fu Chuanfeng tried to calm himself down. She knew that she was a single woman and wore high heels. She simply couldn't run this strong man, she only hoped. The fact that he is obedient to him can make him not hurt her.

"Come on!" The middle-aged man holding the dagger shook his hand in the face and urged him.

Furukawa Feng shook his hand and took the wallet out and handed it over.

The middle-aged man grabbed her wallet rudely and opened it. There were only two 1000-inch banknotes and a few coins inside, which made him disappointed and asked in a more fierce tone: "There is only this. Do you want some money?"

"Yes, yes, I am just an ordinary office worker, beg you, let me go." Fuchuan Feng was crying out, and his body shook with excitement.

The middle-aged man angrily stuffed all the banknotes and coins in his wallet into his pocket, and then looked at the woman who was scared by him. Although he looks a little ordinary, he wears a skirt and is of good shape. The uniform tempted, he began to feel dry and dry, and smiled and said: "If you let me go, you can, undress!"

"What, what..." Gu Chuanfeng was shocked, and the most terrible thing was coming to her head? She is not very beautiful, but the gangster obviously does not care about this, she is scared to take a small step back.

The middle-aged man suddenly approached her, and the dagger in his hand almost stabbed him: "Come on, didn't you hear what I said?"

"No, don't--" Fuchuan Feng grabbed his neckline tightly.

The middle-aged man grabbed her wrist and prepared to drag her to the dark alley next to it, which was obviously more suitable for doing something.

"Save, save lives -" Furukawa Feng just screamed half a voice, his mouth was stunned, and the voice of a middle-aged man screamed in her ear. "If you don't want to die, give me a shut up!"

"Hey--" Fuchuan Feng is still struggling, waving his hands and firmly grasping the walls on both sides of the alley.

The middle-aged man couldn’t drag her in for a while, and he was using violence in furious


A strong wind rolled up without warning, and the dust seemed to be darker.

Middle-aged men quickly cover their eyes with their hands to avoid being blinded by sand.

Furukawa Feng also raised his eyes, the wind is too big, and the dust has blown into her eyes.

In the meantime, a huge figure fell silently on the ground, three long tails behind him, swaying under the slightly dim street lights.

Furukawa’s eyes widened in an instant. Although the streetlight was not so bright, she still saw the huge figure. It was a fox, but it was comparable to a cow and had a red fur. The golden three tails... Her head is suddenly blank, is this a dream?

The middle-aged man also saw the huge monster, immediately scared the fart, and couldn’t take care of Furukawa, turned and ran, while running, yelling: "Monster, there are monsters..."

The red light in the eyes of the three-tailed fox glimmered and flew straight up. The middle-aged man could not resist at all, and the whole person was thrown to the ground.

The three-tailed fox turned him over to face him, two sharp claws holding his shoulders, opening his mouth and biting his throat.

"Ah--" The middle-aged man screamed and fainted directly under the shackles.

The three-tailed fox didn't really bite. It was just scaring the man. He didn't expect it to be so scared. He was already fainted.

She threw down the middle-aged man and headed for Furukawa.

Furukawa Feng shivered and shook, seeing that the huge fox with three tails obviously not in line with evolution came towards her, and the fear in his heart could not be added. Is there really a monster in this world?

The fox came to her, Gu Chuanfeng could even smell the smell of it, it seems to be the taste of chicken, but is it not normal for foxes to eat chicken? In this dangerous moment, she actually came up with such an idea.

The fox almost put her head on her face, and she tried to shrink her body in fear, as if she had to retract the entire body into the wall.

Sniffing the smell of her body, perhaps it is not good, the fox hesitated, and finally turned away.

Furukawa Feng sighed with relief, but immediately her heart was lifted again, because the fox walked a few steps, actually went back, staring at her almost two meters away, motionless.

Furukawa’s heart was terrified. It felt like it’s been a century since the fox had an action. What did it use to paddle on the ground, seems to be writing...

Furukawa Feng was a bit stunned, until the "writing" was over, the fox suddenly rose into the sky and soon disappeared into the night.

After a full or two minutes, Furukawa Feng dared to move. She trembled to the place where the fox "written" before, and there was a word on the ground.


Despite the twists and turns, she still recognized the words on the ground. What does this mean? Are you marrying her? But why bother to marry her?

Furukawa Feng didn't understand, but it was inexplicable, but the experience tonight was too bizarre. The fox with three tails - wait!

Suddenly she was shocked. She was so scared that she forgot the painting in her home. Now I think of it. Isn’t the fox in the painting exactly what she just saw?

Isn’t the story told by my father not a legend at all, but a real existence?

If she didn't see it, she would never believe that ridiculous thing, but she just saw it, and the middle-aged man who grabbed her money was lying on the ground at the moment, everything was explained, she was not There was an illusion, but the fox with three tails in the painting.

In other words, the monster is real!


On the other hand, in the orphanage, Li Xuehao is ready to leave.

Er Tengyuan sent him to the door and said goodbye: "Zhen Zhongjun, are you still coming tomorrow?"

"If there is time, I will." Li Xuehao nodded, and Ertoyuan had a relationship with him. He already understood that such a girl could not bear to hurt.

"I will wait for you..." Ertoyuan said lowly.

Li Xuehao waved at her and turned and left. When he passed a crossroad, he saw that at 4:30, waiting here, it didn't go back first, but waited for him here.

"Wang ~" ran around at four and a half, and spoiled at his feet.

Li Xuehao frowned, but unfortunately he couldn't understand what it was saying, but he always felt that it was doing something wrong to please him.

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