Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1604: Was discovered

And the three sons of Yamamoto Yoshito confessed, let them go back first, Li Xuehao followed the name of Nishimura into the previous interrogation room, mainly for the convenience of speaking.

"Hao, you can let people see the ghost right? I want to ask you to help me, I am going to see a ghost." The real name of Nishimura directly opened the door and said his purpose.

"Going to see the ghost?" Li Xuehao frowned. Before she and she and Acheng Limei went to the movies, in the cinema, they both saw the ghost, so they knew they had the ability to see the ghost. However, the real name of Nishimura actually wants to see the ghost, which is absolutely beyond his expectations.

"Yes." Nishimura nodded his real name and added, "A good ghost."

"Good ghost? Where is it?" Li Xuehao is more curious. The real name of Nishimura actually knows a ghost, and can be defined as "good" by her. It is certainly not an evil existence. At the same time, there is a hunch in the heart. It seems that the ghost also "knows".

“The Vampire Building.” said Nishimura’s real name. “When we first met, it was outside the Vampire Building. You were with a girl and she had a big backpack on her back...”

Li Xuehao did not need to be reminded at all. Li Xuehao also remembered very clearly. At that time, she listened to the cat Nanazi just joined the spiritual society. Her trial mission chose the Vampire Building. It was also in the building. He pretended to be a beheaded ghost to save the real name of Nishimura. And her twin brother West Village is not known.

"Would you like to see the ‘head-cut ghost?’” Li Xuehao already understood, which ghost is the name of Nishimura’s real name. The legend of the vampire’s “head-cut ghost” is one of the ten incredible events in Yokohama. I want to come to my own pot yesterday. In the Danye laboratory, I once again pretended to be a "head-smashing ghost" to save her, so she only came up to see the idea of ​​"head-cut ghost."

"Yeah." The real name of Nishimura is solemn, and it has obviously been decided.

"...I am afraid I can't help you, Nishimura police officer, I can let people see the ghost's ability, in fact, has disappeared." Li Xuehao decided to once and for all, lie can solve the worries, he certainly does not mind to say once. After all, the ghost of the beheading is his own, how can she take her to see.

"Disappeared?" Nishimura's real name brows, and his eyes are full of doubts. "Are you kidding me? Koji."

"I am serious, Nishimura police officer." Li Xuehao said with a serious face.

"Do you think I will believe it? Actually, there will be such a clever thing. I just want you to do this for me. Do you say that your ability has disappeared?" Nishimura’s real name definitely does not believe that there is such a clever thing, but thinks that this guy I don't want to help her.

"It is true, Nishimura police officer." Since they have already said so, Li Xuehao will certainly not change his mouth again.

"Xicun police officer, Xicun police officer... You will say what the West Village police officer will say -" Nishimura’s real name has a temper, but the voice suddenly bursts, the whole body is stiff, and he stares at him. "You just Call me?"

"The West Village police officer, is there any problem?" Li Xuehao did not understand how she suddenly changed her attitude.

"Call again." Nishimura's real name is solemn.

Li Xuehao didn't know what crazy she was doing, but she asked for such a request, but she didn't entangle herself to see the "heads ghost". It wouldn't matter if she met her. Anyway, she wouldn't die anyway: "Xicun police officer ""

"Yeah." Nishimura nodded his name and it was calm on the surface, but the violent fluctuations in her heart were only clear to her. Because she remembered yesterday in the underground laboratory of Danye Company, why the "Xicun police officer" who "cut the head ghost" will make her feel familiar, not the familiarity of the sound, but the tone, this lightness The tone is almost exactly the same as the guy in front of me.

When you think about it for the first time, when you first saw him, just outside the Vampire Building, remember that it was still in the morning, then you can boldly guess, maybe the girl and the girl were in the vampire building the night before. However, the police searched the entire building in search of a gangster who might have missed the net that night and found no other people.

For ordinary people, it may be impossible to escape the police search, but if it is the ability to stealth?

Stealth of this ability may be just human fantasy, but the real name of Nishimura has seen the ghosts with his own eyes, and even the ghosts exist, so the existence of stealth is not unthinkable.

Someone will be invisible and have strong strength. If he wants to install a "head-cut ghost", he will naturally have no difficulty for him.

Another point can be proved, that is, when she just proposed to go to see the "headache ghost", he immediately refused, and said that the ability to disappear such a ridiculous reason, originally this is only a small busy, for him simply no problem. But he refused, and the reason why he did not want to take her to see the "heads ghost" is because he himself is "the head of the ghost."

Nishimura’s real name thinks a lot in his heart, but it’s almost a matter of a moment. She knew that if she asked directly, he would certainly not admit it.

So... I have to think of a way.

"Hao, you are a high school student right?" The real name of Nishimura suddenly smiled, and she already had an idea in her heart.

"You know this very well, Nishimura police officer." Li Xuehao frowned slightly, how suddenly he talked about this nutrient-free topic, and did not know if it was an illusion, as if there was a feeling of being seen through, but obviously it was not possible.

"You are a graduate of St. Mary's Light and High School?" asked Nishimura's real name.


"You are sixteen years old this year?" Nishimura continued to ask.

"Yes!" Li Xuehao already has some intolerance. What does this mean, ask the genealogy?

"You don't have brothers and sisters, you are the only child..." The real name of Nishimura is talking nonsense, but he added a sentence under the circumstance. "And, thank you for saving me yesterday."

"Not welcome..." Li Xuehao subconsciously wants to say that he is not polite, suddenly stagnation, and instantly reacted and was set.

"Do you want to say that you are welcome?" Nishimura laughed proudly. This is her approach. The result was unexpectedly good, and it was successful once.

Li Xuehao looked at her and had to admit that he had a big idea. The illusion was not wrong. The real name of Nishimura actually saw him, but how did she know that he was very curious: "When did you find out?"

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