Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1598: The beginning of trouble

Yamamoto is too excited to say that he is very proud of the popular girl idol fight. The key is to win and get the coveted signature.

Li Xuehao thinks that he will be very sad, and unfortunately, just from his face, he has already seen that he has a relationship with the official and the non-defective. It is not intended to face him, but his surface is very obvious. This is an imminent sign.

"Good, if I am you, I will go to the Furukawa teacher to confess everything." Li Xuehao suggested, but he believes that Yamamoto is too incomprehensible, but he wants to come and understand it for a while, because he has already seen the teacher Gu Chuan. Into the classroom.

Generally speaking, unless you are going to class quickly, Gu Chuan teacher will not come to the classroom so early. Now he is coming, no matter who you want to know.

"True, what do you say?" Yamamoto is too excited, and almost did not hear what someone persuaded.

Li Xuehao looked at the direction of the door. Yamamoto was too aware of it. He turned his head and looked at it. Only the meticulous Gu Chuan teacher was coming. The serious expression was not disturbing because he always looked like this.

Yamamoto Ryota did not know that he had already made a mistake, and he also greeted him actively: "Mr. Furukawa, good morning."

"Yamamoto is too good." Teacher Gu Chuan squinted and could not see the slightest anger from his face. "Please come with me."

"Ah..." Yamamoto Ryeon suddenly changed his face. He finally realized that something was wrong. Teacher Gu Chuan was specifically looking for him.

He was completely unclear about what happened, looking at someone next to him with helplessness.

Li Xuehao shook his head and motioned to go out with Gu Chuan teacher first, because many students have already read it. Going out with Gu Chuan teacher early will prevent other students from guessing what is wrong.

I watched Yamamoto Ryota go out of the classroom with Furukawa’s teacher, and Li Xuehao’s knowledge has followed the two.

In the hallway, the teacher Furukawa slowed down. He estimated that he wanted to communicate with Yamamoto Ryo: "Sakamoto Ryota, a police officer wants to see you, can you tell me what happened?"

"Police, police officer?" Yamamoto said, stuttering, and immediately thought that it might be related to the fight last night. The original ruddy face suddenly became pale.

"Yes, have you done anything bad?" asked Gu Chuan.

"Gu Chuan teacher..." Yamamoto was too crying and sullen. Before that, he was excited to help the idols run away. Now he is not happy anyway.

"The police officer is in my office. You have enough time to tell me what happened." Gu Chuan said patiently.

"Yes, Teacher Furukawa." Yamamoto was too low to say, and he said that he had run the trailer for the idol last night. Of course, he was not so excited when he was just boasting in front of someone.

Gu Chuan was listening from beginning to end, didn't interrupt, and didn't even change his expression. When Yamamoto said it was finished, he nodded. "I have already learned about things. This is not yours." Wrong, to cooperate with the police officer, as long as the facts are said, it will be fine."

"Thank you, Teacher Gu Chuan." I was comforted. Yamamoto was too less nervous. When I heard the police looking for myself, I almost couldn’t move.

"Is there two students in the second grade?" After a few steps, Gu Chuan suddenly asked.

Yamamoto's expression suddenly became stiff, and he shook his head again and again: "Mr. Furukawa, I can't name them." He could see that he still wanted to keep secrets for Fuji Keiichi and Yokoji Shinichiro.

Teacher Furukawa did not say anything, just patted his shoulder and continued on.

Li Xuehao, who has been paying attention to the two people’s every move in the classroom, feels childish and ridiculous for Yamamoto’s “righteousness”. The police will come to the door. It must be because of the clues, even if he does not say it, I believe that Fukuoka Keiichi and Yokoji Shinichiro Can't run too.

God has been following Yamamoto Ryota and Furukawa, "looking" them into the office.

In the room, a policewoman dressed in police uniform was waiting for them. When they saw the two coming in, she stood up from the chair of the meeting.

And "see" to the acquaintance in the office, Li Xuehao is a little bit sorrowful, actually the real name of the West Village, this is too clever.

However, she usually deals with very serious cases. Isn’t such a trivial matter should she be under her jurisdiction?

Li Xuehao did not believe that there was such a clever thing, and almost immediately guessed the truth. It is estimated that she knew that the person involved was a student of Sakurino High School, so she volunteered to come.

"I am in trouble for you, Teacher Furukawa." The real name of Nishimura is very respectful to the teacher of Furukawa. Seeing him coming in, he bowed a little.

"You're welcome, Nishimura police officer, he is the student you are looking for." Furukawa teacher waved his hand and introduced Yamamoto.

The real name of Nishimura looks like Yamamoto Ryo, but it is not very serious, and there are even some kind of beauty: "Are you called Yamamoto Ryo?"

"Yes." When faced with a female police officer wearing a police uniform, Yamamoto was too nervous.

“One year c class?” asked Nishimura’s real name.


Nishimura’s real name continued to ask: “Is it a class with Shinjiro?”

"Yes..." Yamamoto was too eager to answer. Suddenly, he looked at the female police officer incredulously. Did she actually know the truth?

The teacher of Furukawa is also a little nervous. This is very different for him who always has a serious expression: "Miss police officer, is Zhenzhong 2 also related to this matter?"

Nishimura’s real name saw him misunderstand, and quickly said: “Oh, no, I just met with Zhenzhonghao, so I asked, Hao Er, he is my friend...”

When she heard her say, Gu Chuan was relieved, and Yamamoto was too relieved, and even his expression was a little relaxed: "Miss police officer, do you know the truth? I am the best friend with him."

"It’s a friend of Hao Er, and of course my friend. Because I know that I am a student of Sakurano High School, I personally came to handle this matter.” Nishimura’s real name is more gentle, and there is no such thing as a police official. By the way, is Zhenzhong Hao 2 in the classroom now?"

"Yes, he is." Yamamoto said without hesitation.

Nishimura’s real name smiled slightly: “When this is over, I want to ask you to do me a favor, Yamamoto’s classmate.”

"No problem, Miss police officer, no matter what can help me." Yamamoto is too busy to agree, the original uneasiness has completely disappeared, and since the police officer is a true friend, it means she will take care of herself.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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