Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1595: Charlotte

The windbreaker man who became a fool, Li Xuehao controlled him to leave the kindergarten, and as for where he would go, he would be resigned.

Two people and one tiger returned to the original room, Suzuki Ariza has been fascinated by the white tiger, she probably never got along so close to a beast with such a beast, and the tiger is not terrible, as long as it does not open blood The mouth is big, it is a furry white big cat.

"Alisha, you can rest, there should be no more people coming." After just the thrill of excitement, Suzuki Ariza may have been frustrated because of the spirit, and now Li Xuehao advised her to rest.

"True, then what about you?" Suzuki Arisa did feel tired, but she was not alone.

"I play the game." Li Xuehao smiled and pulled out the phone.

"Well, if you are tired, you will wake me up, you can sleep in my bed..." Suzuki Ariza looked very shy, and the voice became lower and lower.

"Sleep." Li Xuehao smiled uncontrollably.

Suzuki Arisa lay in her bed, and the white tiger seemed to know how to care for the person. She twisted around her, and her tail circled her and surrounded her. The warmth and softness made her feel more at ease, closed her eyes and fell asleep after a while.

Li Xuehao played games and occasionally took a look at the direction of Suzuki Arisa. It can be seen that Baihu knows how to get along with people at least at 4:30. This may be related to its frequent contact with people. After four and a half years, it has been sealed for so many years. He has never touched the outside world. He is more acquainted with people. stage.

White Tiger also closed his eyes and seemed to enter sleep as well as Suzuki Arisa.

There was already a sound of insects around, and Li Xuehao knew that this was because the evil spirits were eliminated, and the evil red box was destroyed together. The environment of this community is no longer as gloomy as before, and the insects dare to come out. It is.

From tomorrow, the community will become active, no longer before the silence.


After a quiet and peaceful night, Li Xuehao woke up when the sky was bright. Last night, he sat on the floor and slept, but did not feel anything uncomfortable.

Standing up from the ground, in the middle of the room, Suzuki Yalisha was still asleep, but the white tiger heard the movement, his ears moved, his eyes opened, and when he looked at him, his eyes showed a pleasing color.

Li Xuehao knew that it was convinced by him. He also considered how to place it last night. If he is willing to be a small pet, he does not mind leaving it. Of course, if it wants to go back to the mountains to go to the happy, he will let it go, this is its freedom.

Perhaps because of the slight movement of the white tiger, she woke up the sleeping Suzuki Ariza, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey, Arisa, good morning." Li Xuehao found that she had woke up and said hello easily.

"True?" Suzuki Ariza didn't react at first. When she saw the light in the room because the outside light was already bright, her eyes widened and she sat up from the embrace of the white tiger: "Hey- Is it so late?"

"It's still early, Ariza, go back to change clothes and have breakfast, and I won't be late for school." Li Xuehao thought she was worried about being late.

"No, I don't mean this... Why didn't you wake me up last night?" Suzuki Ariza was a little embarrassed. "In fact, you didn't sleep?"

"I have slept, just woke up." Li Xuehao saw her unbelief and pointed to her face. "Look, I am full of spirit."

Suzuki Arisa carefully looked at his face, no dark circles, and did not feel like she had not slept. She wanted to ask how he slept, but hesitated, but did not ask.

"Let's go back now?" Suzuki Arisa pointed to the white tiger who was still lying on the ground. "What about the white tiger?" Such a huge tiger, with them, will definitely scare others.

"I just want to ask it." Li Xuehao looked at the white tiger who stood up because he heard about it. The huge body directly occupied a quarter of the room and looked full of deterrence. "You want to leave or stay with you." I?"

The white tiger looked at him with a good look. He shook his head first and then nodded again.

"What does it mean?" Suzuki Arisa is not known.

Li Xuehao didn't understand it very well. Baihu saw that the two did not understand what it meant. He simply whispered, "Hey--" and then the body gradually narrowed down, and soon it narrowed down to the white kitten that I saw last night. Size, ran to his feet, kneel down, look at him with a good look.

"It wants to stay." Li Xuehao immediately understood its meaning. Just after it first shook his head and nodded, it was estimated that he did not want to leave, but wanted to stay.

"Great!" Suzuki Arisa cheered, and the white tiger turned into a kitten, so that she could take it out. She picked up a white kitten and her face was almost buried in her furry body. With.

Li Xuehao saw that she couldn't wait to take it home, and said, "I want it?"

White Tiger heard this sentence, thinking that he wanted to give it away, and quickly struggled in the arms of Suzuki Alisha, "喵喵" called to pounce on him.

Suzuki Arisa saw it here, but she couldn’t help but feel a little lost. She shook her head: "It likes you more, really, but can I often go to your house to see it?"

"Of course." Li Xuehao nodded, and the white tiger, who knew he would not give it away, was finally quiet.

Suzuki Ariza held it in one hand and stroked its head with one hand: "It seems that the white tiger is not very good. In fact, do you want to give it a name?"

"What should I call?" Li Xuehao asked, if he followed his name, he would see what time it is, and then the name will be there. However, there are already two pets in the family who use time as their name. If you think about it, it is better to listen to Suzuki Arisa's suggestion.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" Suzuki Ariza touched the white tiger in her arms. Before she took the name, she had to figure out the gender so that she could decide what name to take.

Li Xuehao shook his head, and the white tiger was not a human. How could **** be directly seen: "You can ask it personally." Anyway, it can understand people's words, and it is not too much trouble to communicate.

Suzuki Arisa’s eyes lit up and tapped the white tiger’s head with his fingers: “Are you a boy?”

The white tiger obviously understood what the boy meant and shook his head.

"That is the girl." Suzuki Ariza immediately reacted, and her expression was more excited. At least the girl pulled her away from the white tiger. She thought about it and tried to say: "Just call her Charlotte." kind?"

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