"True..." I saw a cute white kitten turned into a huge cannibal, and Suzuki Ariza was stunned by fear, which subverted her imagination and cognition, clenching her The human hand, even the sweat came out.

"Alisha, don't worry, it's just a white kitten." Li Xuehao gently squeezed the back of her hand and looked with interest and a tiger with a tail of five meters long. The white fur of the whole body was won. Albinism? Of course, this is just an idea of ​​playing tricks. Half demon can't get any sickness, maybe it is born like this.

"Hey--" The white giant tiger can understand the words, hear him say it is a kitten, open his mouth and snorted, the blood bowl is full of sharp teeth, especially the upper and lower two canines Some people have long palms, and the pale white color is full of scalp and numbness.

Suzuki Ariza closed her eyes tightly, what a white kitten, this is obviously a tiger, but it is the king of beasts. She used to go to the zoo to see it, but it is only a few meters away from face to face. The tiger in the zoo is closed, and the white tiger in front of it has no bondage, even more than the tiger in the zoo.

"Go, kill them!" The windbreaker's eyes are full of cruel colors. Soon, his white tiger will tear the young girls into pieces.

The white tiger couldn't resist his command, and walked slowly. Every step seemed to carry a certain rhythm, so that Suzuki Ariza, who had just opened her eyes, was scared to close again. The mouth kept saying: "This is just a dream. This is just a dream..."

Li Xuehao couldn’t help but smile. It seems that she still knows how to hypnotize herself. In the face of the increasingly white tiger, his expression is slightly more serious. The white tiger in front of him obviously does not want to kill people, otherwise he will not resist the command of the windbreaker, and he can hardly feel any bloodyness from it. This may be the first time it kills.

However, although it is not bloody, it has a strong grievance and death, which means it kills a lot of ghosts, it is likely that the white tiger is the "tool" used by the windbreaker to control or capture the ghost.

Otherwise, the strength of the grievance that has just been eliminated is enough to kill the windbreaker men dozens of times, but because there is a white tiger, he is not afraid of the grievances in his hands.

"Come on, the white kitten, let me see your strength." Li Xuehao hooked his finger to see if it did not kill people, at least he will be lighter.

"Hey--" White Tiger once again listened to him calling his own kitten, his eyes sharpened, and suddenly jumped up, full of more than ten meters high, and threw down with the thunder.

The slamming of the wind and thunder can directly squash people by its weight, not to mention that it has sharp claws and fangs. Li Xuehao has shaped himself and released the Suzuki Yalisha, who is still hypnotizing himself. To the white tiger that descended from the sky.

The white tiger is obviously a glimpse, probably did not expect this human being to dare to attack it.

It explored the front paws and slammed it down.

Li Xuehao escaped its claws in the air and quickly slammed his abdomen to his abdomen.

The White Tiger did not think that the weak human beings would have such a flexible speed. When they were caught off guard, they were suddenly flew out, but the skin was thick and thick. Although they felt pain, they fell to the ground and watched with vigilance. The teenager who fell on the ground opposite.

The human being in front of us is obviously not as fragile as the appearance. From the point of view of the contact, this is a serious opponent.

On the side, I was preparing to look at the white tiger torn the young girl's windbreaker. I saw this scene and I was so surprised that the boy could escape the attack of the white tiger and kick it away. Is this dreaming? If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

Suzuki Arisa opened her eyes as soon as she was released. Someone saw the scene of the white tiger kicking. She was also relieved when she was shocked. The white tiger did not seem to be so difficult to deal with.

"Hey--" The white tiger roared, opened his mouth and had a strange mouth, and seemed to be sucking the air around him.

Li Xuehao's eyes are condensed. He knows that the white tiger is not sucking the air around, but is mobilizing the vitality of the nearby world. It is believed that the physical attack has no effect. It began to use the "magic" attack.

With the absorption of the white tiger, I saw it in the mouth of the blood basin, a group of white light **** gathered more and more until it became a basketball size.

"Hey--" Seeing his mouth is no longer able to withstand the ball of light, it spurted out, the goal is exactly what it thinks needs serious opponents.

The speed of the light ball is very fast and blinks.

For ordinary people, the attack may end, but Li Xuehao easily escaped.

The ball of light fell on the weedy ground. "Booming", the weeds blew out a pit of several meters in diameter, the gravel and mud splashed, and the grass fluttered.

However, Li Xuehao had already arranged a formation around the kindergarten. The sounds and scenes here could not be transmitted, so no one would hear and see it.

As for what will happen after being discovered tomorrow, it will not be able to manage that much.

Suzuki Arisa has been numb, and everything that happened this evening has completely changed her perception of the world. The kitten can become a tiger, and then the tiger will attack "magic", and the rich imagination can only end here. It is.

The white tiger saw a missed blow, and opened the blood basin to start condensing the heavens and the earth. This time it was condensed outside the mouth, obviously larger than before, and the diameter of the condensed light ball was half a person high.

Li Xuehao can't look at the power of it again. It is estimated that if it falls on the ground, it may blow up half of the kindergarten.

"Hey--" White Tiger spurted the ball of light in one breath, and Li Xuehao glanced at him, quickly rushing out his right hand and holding the ball of light.

The white tiger's eyes are stiff, and the expression of stunned can be easily seen even from the face of his tiger. It is obviously not thought that its strongest attack will be blocked.

"Impossible!" The windbreaker man almost stunned his chin and fell down. He tried the white tiger's strongest attack, and the half-slung cliff was collapsed from time to time in his mind. If it weren’t for scruples, he would have brought the white tiger’s light to the front of the crowd, and he would not deliberately be so low-key.

For the shock of the white tiger and the windbreaker man, Li Xuehao just glanced at him faintly, then extended his left hand and placed it on the other side of the ball of light. His hands jerked hard and “squeaked” and the huge light ball suddenly vanished.


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