Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1586: Sleep problem

"Uncle, before the tragedy happened, has there been any weird things?" The green light was on and the driver returned to the road. Li Xuehao asked.

"Well?" Uncle driver, I didn't think he would ask this question. I thought about it carefully. "I want to say weird things... In the morning, there was a game in the kindergarten where children played in the sand to dig up a weird The box, but that's just an empty box. When it's open, there's nothing but a little black smoke..."

“Well?” Li Xuehao’s eyes were condensed. He had just asked for a luckful question. Who knows that there are unexpected gains. He is almost certain that the quirky "empty box" is related to the occurrence of tragedy. As for black smoke, it is basically certain that it is suffocating.

According to his speculation, the children of kindergartens dug up a thing like "sports", accidentally released the things inside, and the things "suddenly kill", because the children started, the behavior is consistent with the seated boy. So, people have the illusion of "sitting a boy."

"Uncle, do you believe that there is a child?" I roughly figured out some things, and Li Xuehao suddenly asked the front.

"The seat of the boy is a blessing, although there will be occasional mischief, but it will kill the child, it must not be a child!" The driver said with certainty.

Li Xuehao also nodded. Of course, it was impossible to put a boy, but a fierce grievance, but why did he only start with the child, which he had not thought of.

"Uncle, three more children were killed three years ago, do you know?" Li Xuehao continued to ask, want to hear his views.

"I have heard..." The driver's tone was a little heavy. "But I was scared at the time, so... I don't know what happened. In short, whether it is a person or a ghost, it will definitely be The punishment of the gods!"

"Uncle, you are right." Li Xuehao agrees that the grievances that ruin the children will of course be punished. This is beyond doubt.


In the chat with the driver, I finally came to the designated place.

Li Xuehao paid the money and got off the bus with Suzuki Alisha.

The driver’s uncle also deliberately put his head out of the window and shouted: “Now the young people like to pursue excitement. I guess you are going to the kindergarten to take risks. I hope that you can pay attention to safety. If there is anything wrong, remember to call the police at the first time. ""

"Uncle, you are a good person, we will pay attention to safety." Li Xuehao shook his hand.

"Be sure to pay attention to safety!" The driver snorted again and then started to leave the car.

Looking at the taxi far away, Li Xuehao turned and went to the legendary seat nurse kindergarten with Suzuki Yarisa.

The sky has long since completely darkened. The time is already more than eight o'clock. It is a residential area, about a few hundred meters away from the kindergarten.

At this time, other communities are still very lively, but in this community, everything is quiet, and even the sound of the TV is not. At this time, many families are still watching TV, and will put the TV sound very loud. So even passersby can hear it.

However, this neighborhood is different. Not only does it have no TV sound, but even the street lights on both sides are occasionally flashing. It seems that the wires are not in contact.

This makes the atmosphere of the community look gloomy. In the darkness that seems to be invisible, there is always a pair of eyes watching you behind the scenes.

"Really classmates." Suzuki Ariza tightened her clothes. She looked a little uneasy and put her body a little closer.

"Alisha, there is me, don't worry." Li Xuehao knows that being a girl, she will feel uneasy when she encounters this gloomy atmosphere. He puts his hand on her shoulder and walks with a hint of aura.

"Well!" Suzuki Ariza's face was red, and her body suddenly warmed up. The original uneasiness disappeared. Instead, she was shy and relieved. It seemed that all the sin and darkness around him had been expelled.

The two continued to move forward until they stopped in front of a seemingly dilapidated kindergarten in front of the kindergarten. At the door of the kindergarten, there was the word "Senxi Kindergarten".

There is no sign "No Entry" at the entrance, and the iron gate of the kindergarten is still open, like a person who is always ready to take risks.

Suzuki Arisa has taken the flashlight out. Even in the night, even if there is a flashlight, it is just a ray of light. It can’t be far away, and it doesn’t shine much.

"Alisha, let's go in." Li Xuehao patted her shoulder and walked toward the kindergarten.

Suzuki Ariza followed closely behind him, seemingly afraid of being thrown by him.

When I walked into the kindergarten, I found that the space inside was not big. I looked at it roughly. There were about four or five classrooms, a kitchen, a warehouse, and a few empty rooms that didn't know what to do.

"Shenzhen classmate, do we live here tonight?" Entering the kindergarten, Suzuki Arisa was even more timid, holding a flashlight in one hand and holding his clothes hem in one hand, not only worried in the tone, but also regretted if At this point someone will say a word back, she will probably be very happy.

"Well, there is no problem when I am there." Li Xuehao looked around. In fact, the gods had already been distributed, but no abnormalities were found. Everything seemed calm.

To say that there is a little bit different, that is, there is still a little bit of **** suffocation in a classroom, which is estimated to be a tragedy classroom.

Bloody suffocation is already very weak, apparently because time has passed for a long time. However, there is no suffocation in the entire kindergarten, which shows that the grievances are not here.

Is it really because time has passed, has it left?

Li Xuehao took this question with his heart and chose an empty room as a resting place tonight.

"Alisha, we are resting here tonight." He cleaned it in this empty room. Suzuki Ariza put down his backpack and took out a bunch of things rolled up. After opening it, it was a small bed, quilt. Pillows are available.

She was really prepared, but after laying the bed, she discovered that someone was empty and didn't bring anything, let alone a bed.

But she brought a bed, how can I sleep tonight?

"Really classmates, you, you, no... no bed?" Suzuki Alisha asked with a red face, and almost could not imagine it.

"Alisha, I don't need a bed. If I want to sleep, I can do it anywhere." Li Xuehao said with a smile, she didn't know what she was thinking. As he said, if you want to sleep, it is not a problem anywhere.


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