Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1582: Father and son Yin Yang

"Miss police officer, please!" Danye Koji said that the two security guards took the real name of Nishimura and walked into the hall. The people who were working in the hall, like not seeing a few people, still focused on operating the computer.

Nishimura’s real name did not expect that the staff wearing the white coat could help, they were all Danye’s people and could not help her outsider.

After passing through the hall, I entered another hall. The space here is relatively small, there is no staff, and the lighting of the space is dim, or the special blue and green are intertwined.

On both sides of the hall, there are various round sealed sinks. The sinks are organs of different shapes. Under the blue and green lights, they look strange and gloomy.

Seeing this, Nishimura’s real name instinctively wants to vomit. She doesn’t know if these are human bodies, but there is a terrible guess that I can’t help but think of the most horrible places.

"Miss police officer, these are not human, they are all kinds of animals, mostly monkeys and orangutans." Danye Hao Er saw her face ugly, guessing what she was thinking, introduced it with a smile.

The real name of Nishimura resisted the desire to vomit, and he slammed into a sink, as if he wanted to confirm what he said, but when she saw the last sink, she changed her face and couldn't help but retched.

Because the sink is soaked in the palm of a person, it is absolutely human, not a monkey or an orangutan.

"Oh, I almost forgot, although the human body is relatively small, but there will still be." Danye Hao two face unchanged, tone said easily, apparently human life in his eyes, and animals, just experimental "white mouse ".

"You, you actually do human experiments." After retching, Nishimura's real name is disgusting, more of an anger, these people are simply not human, take the living to do experiments.

“Do you know?” Tanno Koji continued to say with ease. “These people who are now sacrificed are for the benefit of more human beings, so their sacrifice is valuable.”

"So the missing employees of your company are not missing. They are caught here." Nishimura looked at him angrily.

"I have to say, you guessed it." Danye Koji did not deny it, directly admitted. "I guess you go to my office, is it the information of the missing employees? It seems that our company is suspected, then do things later. Be more careful."

"One day, one day, you will definitely be punished as you should!" said Nishimura.

"That's the future, Miss police officer, and the situation you said may not appear at all." Danno Koji smiled a little. "There are more surprising things. Miss police officer, maybe this will subvert you." To know the world, death is not necessarily death, maybe it may be rebirth."

Nishimura’s real name was cold and he couldn’t understand what he said, and he said that he didn’t bother to know.

Danye Koji no longer spoke, and a group of people crossed the gloomy hall and entered a brightly lit corridor, and three people came on the road.

It is a middle-aged man and two young people. The middle-aged man walks in the middle, about forty years old. He is very thin, wearing a black robe, his face is gloomy, his eyes are sinister, and he looks at the looks. It is the type of villain.

As for the two young people who are with him on the left and right, from the almost identical appearance, it can be determined that they are twins. The two are similar to the middle-aged people. It is estimated that they have a blood relationship with him.

"Mr. Akiyama." Seeing the three people on the way, Danno was suddenly respectful and bowed to the middle-aged man in the middle.

"Dan Ye, you send it again...ha, is it still a big beauty?" Seeing the real name of Nishimura, which was held by two security guards, the middle-aged man had a tone of voice, and then the sinister eyes slammed up, filled with some Kind of desire.

"Yes, it is still a police officer." Danye Koji said reverently.

"Women police officer? Hahaha, I have not tried the taste of a female police officer, Dan Ye, I am very satisfied with the gift you sent." The middle-aged man laughed happily, and the sinister eyes were brighter and brighter. Sheng, he stared at the face of Nishimura’s real name. Afterwards, he couldn’t help but be amazed. “It’s still a virgin, oh...”

For him to see that the female police officer is a virgin, Danye Koji is not surprised at all. He is very clear that Mr. Akiyama is not an ordinary person. If he does not have his help, his laboratory cannot be established.

Nishimura's real name bites his teeth. If it is not controlled, she has already rushed to knock down the guy who looks like a good guy.

"Miss police officer, Mr. Akiyama is not an ordinary person. He is a god. If you can serve him well, you may not need to be an experimental subject." Dan Yeh-ho has not concealed the middle-aged man.

The real name of Nishimura is cold and screaming, and the beginning of the side goes. He is disdainful to him, God? There is no **** in this world!

The middle-aged man laughed and looked very happy, but he said modestly on his mouth: "Dan Ye, you are too praised. For you, I may be God. However, I am not a real **** yet. Maybe It will take some time to reach the level of God, hahaha..."

Modest, but proud, claiming to reach God's level? Li Xuehao, who is invisible on the side, can't bear to look at him. It is just a yin and yang teacher. His strength is not so good. Suzuki Fiana or Sawarai Green can deal with him casually.

The other party is one of the three yin and yang masters he had perceived before. As for the other two, the pair of twins around him. From the face of it, Li Xuehao already knows that they are a father-son relationship with the middle-aged, so they are probably from an early age. Being taught the knowledge of the Yin and Yang divisions, if the two add up, the strength is not under the middle-aged person who is a father. This is the basis for the three of them to create an "enchantment."

However, this "enchantment" can only prevent some ghosts that have just formed, and it is very fragile, but here, it can really play a huge role, at least protecting the secret staff of Danye Company here.

"Mr. Qiu Shan, then the police officer is handed over to you." Danno Koji is no longer nonsense, he is ready to leave.

"Yeah." The middle-aged man nodded and stared at the real name of Nishimura. The two twins around him could perceive his thoughts and stepped forward to prepare to receive the beautiful police.

"Don't touch me!" Nishimura angered a real name and finally felt the fear. Although she had been calm before, it was all pretending.

The two twins were indifferent at all, reaching out and grabbing her, and the two security guards also let go.

"呲" whispered, the hands of the twins when they wanted to touch the real name of Nishimura, it was like a red iron soldering iron, and the two screamed back.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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