Almost the person who came in behind him wore a black ol suit, the tall figure was extremely slender, and the high heels that hated the sky high, almost almost reached the height of one meter eight.

The long black hair of the black plate, with a delicate makeup, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, if not for people who are very familiar with her, may not recognize it.

Seeing her sneaking in the elevator without sitting and walking down the corridor, plus the special nature of her profession, Li Xuehao can almost guess the general purpose of her coming here.

Maybe a company or someone in this office building needs her to investigate, so I specially make up the office girl to be undercover.

After being surprised by the real name of Nishimura here, Li Xuehao was shocked and soon settled down. She investigated her and explored herself.

"Hey..." The sound of Nishimura's real high-heeled shoes on the steps was very crisp and loud. Perhaps he realized that this may expose himself. She simply took off her high heels and squatted on her hands. The sound is also much more convenient.

Li Xuehao was with her, and she didn't know anything about it.

The real name of Nishimura is very good. He climbed fifteen layers in one breath, only slightly gasping. When she got here, she didn't go up, but pushed the door of the corridor door a little bit of a gap. I first observed it and decided that no one would open the door and walk in.

Li Xuehao has always been with her, of course, not to protect her, but it is too clever, his destination is also this layer, because it is the headquarters of Dan Wildlife Technology Company.

Can it be said that the company or individual that Nishimura really wants to investigate is Danye or someone in the company?

Entering the hallway, Nishimura re-applied high heels and took out a nameplate on his chest. Li Xuehao clearly saw that she had photos of her and a position in the Danye company.

She is obviously very prepared, so that even if she meets the staff of Danye, she can mix it.

Sure enough, in the long corridor, two uniformed security guards came face to face.

"Hello." Nishimura’s real name smiled and greeted the two, waiting for the other party to react and had already walked past them.

The two security guards were somewhat flattered. Although they only looked at it, the lady who greeted them was so beautiful. It was so beautiful that they couldn’t help but look back together.

But the pretty lady went farther and farther, and they were too embarrassed to catch up.

"Do you know her?" Security a asked the security guard b.

"I don't know... it's beautiful!" Security b said with emotion, the face of the color to teach the soul.

"Unfortunately I am married, if not, I must pursue her." Security a vowed.

"Even if you are not married, you can't catch such a beautiful big beauty." Security b said with a disdain.

"Cut, who can't catch up, in college, I have caught up with the popular idols..." Security A began to talk about his past history.

The two said as they walked, and soon they went far.

When their figure disappeared at the corner of the corridor, the corner on the other side, the real name of Nishimura flashed out.

Taking a look at the direction of the two, she shrank back.

Li Xuehao continued to follow her, mainly to see that she seems to have a good understanding of Danye, and has always followed the precise route, not as chaotic as the headless flies.

In this way, there is a ready-made "guide", he is of course happy to follow her, and faintly he has a hunch, the direction of the two to investigate seems to be the same.

Because it is already after work, there are not many people in Danye, and most of them are security guards. Nishimura’s real name light has eight encounters, not counting the six she avoided, adding up to a dozen security guards.

In a company, there are so many security guards, and they are all off work. The security guard is still on duty. This is very doubtful.

In this case, the real name of Nishimura was quiet. She came to the front of an office. The door was written with the words "Deputy President, Ishihara." She turned the door handle and could open it. She looked around and then quickly Push in the door.

When Li Xuehao entered, she also followed and went in.

After entering the office, Nishimura’s real name locked the door and quickly ran to the desk.

She opened the drawer of the desk and began to look it up. She looked very carefully and tried not to make a sound, but it seemed that she didn't have what she was looking for. She quickly closed the drawer and opened the computer on the desk.

To do all this, her movements are very skilled, as if she had practiced countless times, and the unclear person thought she was the master of this office.

But after the computer was turned on, she was a bit dumbfounded, because she needed to enter a password to enter the system, and she obviously had no password.

"Unfortunately, the guy who is not named is not..." Nishimura’s real name was stunned at the computer for a few seconds. He could only turn it off. Without a password, she couldn’t help it.

Li Xuehao is right next to her, listening to her words, it seems that her twin brother Xicun is not a computer master, he can crack the computer password.

After looking for a while, I finally found nothing. The real name of Nishimura is ready to leave: "It seems that I have to go to the president's office."

Muttered to herself, she went out from the office of the deputy president.

Not far away, there was a middle-aged man wearing a suit and a good body. The real name of Nishimura was shocked, but it seemed calm on the surface.

The middle-aged man also saw her. When she saw her look, her eyes could not be brightened: "You are..."

"Hello, Mr. Ishihara, I am a newcomer to Maomu Jiamei." Nishimura’s real name slammed forward and bowed, showing the level of respect for a company’s senior staff.

"It’s Miss Mogi." The middle-aged man is short and fat, probably only about one meter six. In front of the real name of Nishimura, which is nearly one meter tall in high heels, he is like a dwarf. "Exactly, I have some things to help, Maomu. Miss, please come over and help me."

"Okay, Mr. Ishihara." Nishimura’s real name said respectfully, and the brow was frowned. In the face of such a sudden accident, she was only able to adapt.

Li Xuehao, who is invisible on the side, also knows that she is in trouble, but she should have a way to cope. From the name she can call out the middle-aged man, she obviously studied the list of senior personnel of Danye Company. I made an accident and probably walked before I came.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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