Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1562: Bold and very timid Seto Yoko

"In fact, please be sure to stay, let me test your strength limit, this is very important! Please be assured, I will not advise you to practice strength, I believe you do not need." Ando Taige can not see Looking at the test subject to leave, he was almost as demanding as a bear. Of course, in order to avoid being blocked again, he also said something reassuring.

At least the island was not urging someone to leave, and Li Xuehao didn’t mean to leave now, because the cow that had just blown out “If I want to be a world champion, I don’t need to go to practice power. "Although showing the perfect control of the 110kg barbell, it is not enough to complete the cow he blows out, so there must be a perfect ending."

However, he will not really show his full strength, and it is estimated that he will be scared to death and several people.

"The specific test will not be used. I want to know, how many kilograms is the biggest barbell here?" Li Xuehao didn't want to be so troublesome to accept a test like a white mouse. He is going to have a final test.

"378kg." Ando Taige said almost without hesitation, he pointed to a barbell placed in the corner of the weightlifting room, "My weight is 120kg, and the world record of 120kg is 378kg. I have all taken this as a goal, but my biggest squat is only 320kg."

"Is this the case?" Li Xuehao walked over to the 378kg barbell and looked roughly. The barbell was a little longer than the barbell he had just pushed, and the barbell on it was much heavier.

"Yes, you..." Ando Taige is saying that it is not for you. After all, it is 378kg. However, if you haven't finished it, you will see the teenager bend over and raise it - or one hand!

Ando Taige’s mouth was suddenly enough to hold an ostrich egg, which was 378kg, and he couldn’t do it, let alone use it.

Okubo Bell is also the same expression. As a lover of Ando Taige, she certainly knows that there is more than one barbell, but the boy still grabs it with one hand, one hand...

The shrimp coach and the great mountain brave were shocked to say nothing, because the scene in front of them completely subverted their cognition, this, is this... really a human? I am afraid that only God can do it.

When the four people were shocked, Li Xuehao put down the barbell and left the island with the expensive and melon. As for his extraordinary performance, although the one-handed grasp of more than 700 kilograms is exaggerated and exaggerated, but only four outsiders saw it, and there was no image left, even if it was estimated that no one believed.


When the three returned home, they were a little later than usual, but Chiba Sayuri had just finished dinner.

A table of people sat together, Chiba Sayuri, Melon Mai, Mudao Yugui, Shuiqiao Ryoko, Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi, Mizuno Ningning and Li Xuehao himself, a total of seven people.

The dishes on the table are very rich, and the colorful looks like an appetite.

Chiba Sayuri's cooking skills have long been the standard of super chefs. From the very beginning, even the salt and other seasonings will not be put, and now the special chef is only a few months.

At 4:30 and 6:30, under the table, Chiba Sayuri also prepared a delicious dinner for each of them.

At 6:30, I only eat, but at 4:30, I occasionally look up and look at the few people in the room with envious eyes. It seems that it also hopes to sit on it one day.

After dinner, a few girls from Chiba Sayuri seem to be discussing the same thing. The five big ones are ready to go for a walk, leaving someone alone to watch the house.

Li Xuehao did not have any opinions on this, and he knew where they went. If he did not guess wrong, he should go to the Erto Orphanage. On this point, he had "reported" him at 4:30.

During this time, especially in the days when he had been on leave until Kyoto was not at home, several people in Chiba Sayuri went to the Erten Orphanage after dinner. From the information of 4:30 “feedback”, they gave it to the second. The vine orphanage brought joy.

Li Xuehao was very pleased with this. At least when he did not go to the Erten Orphanage, there were Chiba Sayuri who could replace him.

At 4:30 and 6:30, they sent out to follow the side of Chiba Sayuri. Li Xuehao went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed into a comfortable dress. He went back to the living room to watch TV.

Just a few minutes, the doorbell rang.

Who will come to the door at this time? He used his knowledge to perceive the people outside, and ran to open the door.

Open the door and see a tall, slender athletic girl standing outside with a smile. "Master, good evening!"

"Well, good evening, Yoko." Li Xuehao looked at the Seto Yoko outside the door. She seemed to have just taken a shower, wearing shorts and a slightly loose short-sleeved t-shirt with a pair of slender thighs. The rounded arms and long black hair were not ponytailed because of the showering, and they were scattered like a waterfall.

The brown skin looks very healthy, but not rough, with a lot of delicate and smooth girls who are deliberately tanning, but also full of elasticity, which is the result of years of exercise.

"Master, don't you ask me to go in?" Seto Yoko smiled and had some naughty taste.

"Come in." Li Xuehao licked her head and let her in, but there was some confusion in her heart. Today's Seto Yoko seems to be very bold.

"Hey." Seto Yoko came in and went straight to the living room, and when she saw that there was no one in the living room, she was not surprised at all. It seemed to have been known for a long time.

Li Xuehao couldn't help but realize: "Do you know that Sayuri is not at home?" No wonder that suddenly the courage became so big, they dared to enter the room.

"Hey, I have seen the Sayuri seniors out of the house." Seto Yoko said with a smile, looking at the neatly arranged living room.

"Sit down." Li Xuehao sat down at the same time, also signaled her to sit down.

Seto Yoko is also welcome, sitting directly next to him, very close, even can be said to be put together.

Li Xuehao knew that she was because they had only two of them, so she was so "distracted."

"What is Master looking at?" After sitting down, Seto Yoko stared at the TV while his body was close.

This girl, because Chiba Sayuri was not there, she was not ashamed, and Li Xuehao simply took her into her arms.

"Yeah~" Seto Yoko is very shy and does not resist at all. He is heading on his chest and does not speak.

"Small classmate, do you know that you are coming over?" Li Xuehao glared at her thin waist, and the flat belly had no trace of flesh, soft and smooth.

"I don't know." Seto Yoko held one of his arms and shook his head.

"Then I guess she will wait for the doorbell to wait." Li Xuehao affirmed that the all-round "protection" of Suzuki Yosuke to Sakamoto Yoko, if she knew she disappeared, would definitely come for the first time. By the doorbell, after all, it’s too late, there is nowhere else to go to Seto Yoko.

"Not so fast, Marina is taking a shower." Seto Yoko smiled and looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" Li Xuehao saw her staring at his face motionlessly, thinking that there was something on his face, and inexplicably touched it. Of course, nothing was touched.

"Haha..." Seto Yoko laughed and seemed to be deliberately teasing him.

Just did not laugh a few times, suddenly came the doorbell outside, scared her laughter abruptly.

"It’s Marina..." Seto Yoko suddenly jumped up and looked anxious. "What should I do? What should I do? Marina is here..."

I was still so convinced that Xiaobin Marina would not come. Now I heard the doorbell ringing and I was so scared that Li Xuehao, who had already seen it with God, could not help but be a little funny: "Do not worry, it is not Xiaobin."

"Who is that?" Seto Yoko still looks nervous.

"I will know when I open the door, but I can guarantee that it is not Xiaobin, so I don't have to be nervous." Li Xuehao calmly said that the people outside the door were not Xiaobin Marina, but he also unexpectedly said that the other party would come so late. visit.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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