Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1554: For the dignity of the coach

Li Xuehao doesn't know how much his sudden disappearance will scare him to "monitor" his little girl, but it must be limited. After all, she is a yin and yang teacher. She is at least not as alarmed as ordinary people in this kind of spiritual event.

A person walked to the door of Heyi's high, and saw a short, thin figure standing by the door. It was a little girl who was 12 or 3 years old. She was only one meter long and tall, soft and weak. delicate and charming.

Wearing a very rustic school uniform, a white large sailor suit, a blue straight skirt below the knee, and a black bag behind him, the whole person is synonymous with "rust".

But the looks are very delicate and lovely, which is probably the only place in her body that will attract people's attention.

Li Xuehao knew her and saved her only a long time ago. She is the sister of Yamauchi Satomi, the beauty of the mountain, the girl who survived because of the father’s soul.

But now she doesn't need the power of her father's soul, because her original broken soul has been repaired by him, and now she is a healthy person.

As for the soul of her father, she still stayed in her body, probably reluctant to leave her daughter and go to "become a Buddha."

Seeing her appear here, Li Xuehao can guess her intentions. She should wait for her sister, Yamauchi Sato, to give up the class, but now it’s a little early, the club’s activities have just begun, and at least it’s more than two hours later.

When Li Xuehao walked over, he did not deliberately lower his footsteps. He was waiting for him to listen to the movement in the mountain at the door. He looked up and saw that when he saw him, his eyes were slightly stunned, and there was an uncontrollable surprise.

"Predecessors!" She came forward, her voice soft and soft, and it seemed that the whole world was shining in front of her eyes.

"Is waiting for my sister?" Li Xuehao said softly, she is also a poor person. She didn't know what happened three years ago, causing her to die almost. If there is no great fatherly love, it is impossible to stand still. it's here.

"Yeah." Yamauchi Umi has a lot of attention. "Why did the predecessors come?" She asked very naturally, just like the tone that the two had known for a long time, there was no such thing as a fuss, and the sound was pure and not stained with dust.

Li Xuehao listened very comfortably and said half-jokingly: "Speaking of this, it is related to your sister."

The mountain was so beautiful that he shook his head and curiously said: "Youmei doesn't know."

"Because I am the coach of the Heyi High Women's Football Team, your sister happens to be one of the players." Li Xuehao said with a smile.

"It turned out to be like this." Yamauchi Yumi also laughed, and the big eyes showed a happy color, even though she didn't know what to laugh at. "Can I go in with my seniors?" She pointed to the school.

"Of course." Li Xuehao nodded, guessing that she wanted to go in with him to see her sister.

Li Xuehao walked in front, and Yumiyama in the mountain followed in a step away from him. She seemed to have a restraint on strange places and walked very carefully.

The two came to the playground. Because of the many people, Yamauchi Ume was more cautious. It was a little closer to him. It was a step away. Now it has become a half step. One hand is lifted up and I want to pull him. The clothes are embarrassed.

"The front is here." Li Xuehao felt her nervousness, stopped a little, and squinted on her head.

In the mountain, Youmei relaxed and his hand pulled his clothes. Last night, the seniors put their hands so gently on her head, very warm.

The huge playground, the football field occupied the largest piece of space, Li Xuehao took Yamauchi Saami to the side of the field.

In the football field, the women's team players may have just finished the warm-up exercise and are conducting round-trip training.

The island is occupied by the captain. Because the coach is not there, she temporarily acts as the supervisor.

However, as someone came to the scene, the players in the football field also saw it, and they turned their eyes.

The island is no exception, but when I see someone who is not alone, I am followed by a little girl, especially when the little girl is the sister of Yamauchi Sato, her face suddenly sinks.

She still remembers that when someone saw Yamato's sister in the same place, she couldn't bear to look away, this bastard!

There was no mood to supervise the players. She hurriedly announced the dissolution and walked over with long legs.

Followed by her and women's football players, this is naturally indispensable to Yamauchi Saami, when she saw her sister and a dangerous person to the side of the field, her face is also very ugly. If it weren't for the command of the captain of the island, she would have been the first to rush.

Looking at a group of women's players coming over, especially in the forefront and the second front of the vice-captain's attitude, Li Xuehao immediately understood the reason why they came to the teacher to ask for sin, because the beauty in the mountains around him.

"True coach!" The island moved from the expensive to the near, and looked cold. "You are late again!"

"I'm sorry, because something has been delayed." Li Xuehao knows that the island will be officially run on the football field, but today's tone is particularly serious. He glanced at the women's team members who followed, laughing and saying, "Because your captain, you have worked hard, take a break."

"We will rest on our own." The island was very unsatisfied with the practice of "bridging" the women's football players, and his eyes turned to him in the mountain around him.

"Predecessor, hello." Yamauchi Yumi was very clever and bowed, and said hello to the women's team members behind her.

The women's team members already know that she is the sister of Yamauchi Satomi. In the past few days, she has occasionally met at the entrance of the school. Vice-President Yamauchi Sato has introduced it.

"Youmei, come to pick up your sister to give class?" After all, it is a little girl, and I heard that the body is still very bad, so even if it is a woman's island, the island is expensive, it is not too cold.

"Yes, seniors." It may be that the momentum of the island is too strong, and the beauty of the mountains is very restrained.

I also knew that I was scared by her, and I didn’t talk any more, but I glanced at someone next to me.

Li Xuehao is a bit embarrassed, but in this case, he can't explain it.

Yamauchi Saami came forward at this moment. She looked at her sister and looked serious: "Youmei, I didn't say, let you wait for me outside?"

"Sister..." Yamauchi Yumi appeared to be at a loss, because he did not listen to his sister and entered the school.

"Okay, we still have to train. You should go to the door and wait for me. I will go to you after the end." Yamauchi Sumi is not interrupted until she finishes, she must not let her sister and a certain pair She is trying to stay with the guys who are not in the right track.

"...Oh." In the face of her sister's orders, Yamauchi Umi no longer dared to defend, and pitifully responded, like a puppy that was about to be abandoned.

Li Xuehao couldn't help but frown. Yamauchi Sato was a bit harsh on her sister. She had taught her sister. Of course, his outsider was not good at interfering, but the situation at the moment was different. Yamau Yume was brought in by him. He nodded his face, so he did not hesitate to "rush" out? Then the face of his coach is still missing?

"Don't leave, Youmei." Seeing the beauty of the mountain, Youmei really turned to go out, Li Xuehao put his hand on her shoulder.

This sentence and this action not only let Yamau Sakura glare, but also provoked the cold eyes of the island.

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