Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1541: Gradually close to the truth

Regarding Aomori Kindergarten, the prank ghost also provided the address. When Li Xuehao and Nishimura real name, Acheng Limei found it, it was not Aomori Kindergarten, but a Yokohama City Aomori Elementary School.

It seems that more than 20 years is enough to turn kindergarten into a small school.

However, today is a weekend, students are not in class, teachers are not there, even if there are school staff in the school, they do not necessarily know Nakajima Yasushi who taught here in a small school or a kindergarten more than 20 years ago.

But the three decided to take a chance, because this is no way.

When I walked into the school, I came from an old man. The old man was about sixty or seventy years old. The height of one meter and six is ​​not so small. Wearing an ordinary home uniform, it seems to be the teacher of the school.

"Excuse me, are you?" The old man saw three strange young men and women coming in, and some doubts stood up. He had not seen these three people before.

"Hello, we are looking for someone." Nishimura took the first step and took the initiative to show his intentions.

"Looking for someone?" The old man looked at him. "Who are you looking for?" Here is a small school, and it is a weekend, and no one is in school.

"I am a policeman." Xicun's real name hesitated, and took out his own documents, which should be a lot smoother.

The old man was shocked after seeing it, thinking that something was going on in his school, and his face suddenly changed: "Mr. Officer, what is the case?"

"No, it is not like this. We are just looking for someone." The real name of Nishimura did not expect that the reaction of the elderly would be so big, and quickly explained.

The old man was relieved, but his expression was much more serious than before. After all, he involved the police: "Who are you looking for?"

"It is Nakajima Yahiko...may also be called Ms. Yamazaki Masako." Nishimura’s real name said both names.

"Nakajima... Yamasaki?" The old man’s face was stunned. Obviously he was thinking about this person with two names, but it may take too long, he couldn’t remember it.

"When she was in office, it was still a kindergarten." Nishimura added a sentence.

"Kindergarten? It was a long time ago." The old man showed the color of his memories. "Speaking, I was the head of Aomori Kindergarten."

"That's great. Are you impressed with Nakajima Masako or Miss Yamazaki Masako?" Nishimura's real name was a joy, and he didn't expect a casual encounter. It was the head of the kindergarten.

"There is no impression. At the age, my memory has long since declined. However, I have a photo album of the kindergarten teachers I taught at the time. You may find it there," the old man said.

"That's great! Thank you, Mr. Director." Although there is a hunch that I can get some clues here, I didn't expect it to be so easy. Nishimura's real name was overjoyed.

"Now I am not the head of the school. This small school is what I watched." The old man was both emotional and gratified. "Please come with me."

The three followed him out of school, the old man’s home was nearby, very tight, and it was only a few tens of meters away. It is a typical tatami house that looks like a few years old.

During the period, the old man introduced himself. His name is Okura, and he is now retired. However, he likes to go back to the school where he was the head of the school.

“Mr. Okura live alone?” He followed the old man into his house and found that he was alone at home, and it was very simple, but it was neat and clean.

"My son's family is in Tokyo, and occasionally I will come back to visit me." The old man in Okura said with some sorrow, "Let's wait a moment, I will find out the photo album."

"Thank you." West Village real name thank you again.

Not long after, the old man came out with a large old-fashioned photo album in his hand, and the words "Aomori Kindergarten" on the cover of the album.

"There are photos of all the teachers who taught at the time. Please feel free to watch. I am going to make tea." After the old man put down the album, he went to the kitchen to make tea.

Nishimura's real name is also not polite, open the album directly, rummaging page by page.

Although I have never seen Nakajima Yaeko, but each photo has a name below it, so don't look at the people in the photo, just look at the name below.

When turning to a page in the middle, Nishimura’s real name suddenly stopped, and even the breathing was a little short: “This is it.” She pointed her finger at the name under one of the photos, which read “Yamazaki Yahiko” .

is her!

The three looked at the photos. The woman in the photo was about thirty years old. The facial features were very dignified. It looked like a woman who was very gentle and virtuous. It is no wonder that the ghost of mischief will be remembered.

“Have you found it?” The old man in Okura walked over with a tray with three cups of hot tea and a dish of snacks.

"Yes, Mr. Okura, I am so grateful, we found the person we are looking for." The real name of Nishimura is a little excited. "Excuse me, do you have the specific information or contact information of the teacher Yamazaki Masako?" She pointed to the photo of Yamazaki Masako.

"Yamasaki..." The old man in Okura looked down and looked at his face. His face suddenly revealed the color of his enlightenment. "Is she? I remember... There was a teacher who had an accident at home and then resigned. This is Yamazaki. teacher."

"Yes, Mr. Okura, do you have her contact information?" Nishimura asked again.

The old man of Okura smiled and smiled: "I am sorry, it has been more than 20 years. Even if I left her contact information before, I have never known where I left it, and the contact information more than 20 years ago is now. I am afraid I can't use it."

The old man said it makes sense. The real name of Nishimura frowned. Now the problem has returned to the front, but I got a photo, at least it has been harvested. In fact, she still has a way to use her convenience as a policeman to look up from the file of the Yokohama Police Station. It is just that there is a suspicion of being a fake public, and she will not do so.

"Miss West Village, we went back to the place before." Li Xuehao on the side said suddenly, with the photo of Nakajima Yaeko, knowing her looks, it is relatively easy for him to find someone, at least not at a loss. .

"Where did you go back to that place?" West Village had a real name and didn't understand his intention to do so.

"Well, maybe you can find this Ms. Yamazaki Masako." Li Xuehao pointed to the person in the photo and said to the old man in the warehouse, "Mr. Okura, can you borrow your photo?"

"Of course, I hope to help you." The old man in Okura is obviously a warm-hearted person, and he did not ask why he was looking for a kindergarten teacher more than 20 years ago. He is very open.

"Okay, let's go now." Nishimura didn't want to delay the real name for a moment. She was anxious to find the Miss Yamazaki Masako. It is best to ask what happened in the beginning. Why didn't she see Mr. An Yuanyou?

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