Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1526: Visiting guests

Li Xuehao went to the courtyard. He had already seen Ertoyuan I and Er Tengsi. They were about 20 meters away from him. They were walking around and looking around, trying to find "truth" from the passing house. The wall of the word.

"Miss Erto, Xiaosi!" Seeing that they didn't understand it, they didn't look at it. Li Xuehao, who walked out of the courtyard, only took the initiative to call their names.

When I heard the familiar voice, Ertoyuan I and Itoji were first glimpsed, and then I was surprised to see it.

"Ah, it's a big brother!"

"True Zhongjun!"

Both the big one and the young were very excited. As a child, Erto was eager to run over.

Er Tengyuan was somewhat reserved, but despite this, she accelerated her pace.

"Miss Erto, Xiaosi, how come you?" Li Xuehao looked at the two red faces and was curious about their visits today.

"Because the Dean's sister wants to know where the big brother's home is, so the Secretary will bring the Dean's sister to come." Ertosi's children did not have any taboos and rushed to say.

The face of Ertoyuan I immediately became flushed, and the secret in my heart was directly exposed.

"Miss Erto, in fact, you can call me first before you come. I will pick you up." Li Xuehao said in a loving way to the top of the 藤二藤司.

"Yeah." Ertoyuan responded with a low voice and did not dare to look at him.

"6:30." Two vines found the 6:30 in the courtyard. The latter heard her call it. "Wang Wang" called and ran over. She turned around under her feet and ran into the room. in.

Li Xuehao looked at him and officially said to one or two people in Ertoyuan: "Miss Erto, Xiaosi, welcome you to come today."

"Excuse me, really Zhongjun." Ertoyuan was a little embarrassed to bow.

"Please come in." Li Xuehao led the two men in and took them directly to the living room. "Sonyli, who are you looking at?"

In this sentence, several people in the Chiba Sayuri, who are chatting, are attracted.

"It's Er Teng Dian!" When I saw who it was, melon was the most excited. She was the cartoon powder of Ertoyuan I. She stood up from the seat with excitement and hurried over.

"You, you are good..." Faced with so many people in the living room, Er Tengyuan looked very cautious, she might not have thought that it would be so lively.

Some of the two vines were "stunned" and pulled the clothes of Ertoyuan, which was awkward.

However, the two did not have to be cautious for a long time. Gua Mai, one of them, took them to the sofa and sat down. They introduced them to the long-awaited black-haired wife and the bright moon knot flower. The rest of the people did not need to introduce it because they all knew each other. Even the mermaid Miyun Ningning, who also went to the orphanage to eat barbecue.

"Two Rattan House?" The long-term black tone and the bright moon knot are all a glimpse. It seems that the name is familiar.

"Yes, the two vines are the writers of "The Three Wishes of Angels."" Gua Ma Mai proudly introduced the identity of Er Tengyuan, and he was honored in the tone, as if she could represent the same as Ertoyuan. .

The long black hair and the bright moon knots are all shocking. The cartoonists are far away from their lives. I didn’t expect to appear in front of them now. This novel experience is still the first time.

After the shock, today’s long-wife black tone, which insisted on being against someone, said with some profound meaning: “In fact, it seems that you know a lot of cute girls, even the beautiful girl cartoonists know.”

"Cough!" So obvious "provocation", let Li Xuehao doubt, she is not the occasional to say something bold, but in fact, people are not bad health teacher long wife black tone.

Chiba Sayuri had already seen Er Tengyuan one because she had already seen it, but she did not feel anything, but the moonlight was the first time I saw the second rattan, and the long wife’s black voice made her look at someone. There is a resentment in his eyes.

Someone Li Xuehao turned unnaturally to the beginning, because the sorrowful eyes of the bright moon are like looking at the heart.

Next, Gua Ma Mai introduced the identity of the long-wife black tone, but I don't know if I forgot or deliberately, I ignored the bright moon knot, and did not introduce her to Ertoyuan.

The moonlight knot flower can't say anything about this, but she knows that Gua Ma has always disliked her, because both of them are the identity of a cousin, which is why they have always been opposite.

Seeing that Er Tengyuan has been integrated into the chat "big army", and Er Tengsi was also shouted by Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi to play together at 4:30, Li Xuehao did not want to stay and become the goal of the girls' "wrestling", quietly returning In the kitchen.

On the edge of the oven, Yuki Yuki is still insisting on "standing the post". The temptation of food is obviously very big for her, and the atmosphere in the living room is not so attractive to her.

"Hao Er brother, can't you?" Seeing him coming back, Yuki Yuki licked his lips and asked with expectation.

"You have to wait another twenty minutes or so." Li Xuehao looked at the time and wanted to be completely cooked. It was not so fast.

Yuji Saji is very disappointed, but he did not leave, but took out his mobile phone and prepared to "stand up" while playing mobile phones, so that the estimated time passed quickly.

Li Xuehao also did nothing to play the game on the mobile phone, while occasionally listening to the content of the girls talking.


After twenty minutes, the time is up, and Li Xuehao does not need to take the initiative to think of it. Because Yuji Yuko, who has already set up the alarm clock, can’t wait to say: “Hao brother, hurry up, hurry up, chocolate biscuits are already good.”

“Yeah.” Li Xuehao put away his mobile phone, put on his gloves, opened the oven, and put the baked chocolate biscuits out.

In an instant, the smell is fragrant, and then the whole kitchen and living room are filled.

"The smell of good fragrance!"

"It's chocolate biscuits!"

In the living room, melons and other people couldn’t attend to the chat. In addition to some inexplicable Ertoyuan I and Nitoji and long-haired wives, other people who had tasted chocolate biscuits rushed into the kitchen together. Lianshui Ningning is no exception, but she is more with the wind, and smelled delicious, so she ran into the kitchen.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, we have guests here." Li Xuehao stopped the melon raw linen that he wanted to grab directly, and said loudly.

"Yes, yes, I am a guest, so my brother, I should eat it first." Yuki Yuki raised his hand highly and thought that the words of Hao Er’s brother were really right. What good things should be? Give it to the guests first.

"I said that the guest is not you." Li Xuehao did not look at her with a good look. When she came over with dissatisfaction, she thought that she had been on the edge of the oven for thirty or forty minutes. There was no credit and no hard work. "Look at the hard work you have just kept, so you can eat the first one."

"Yeah, thank you Hao Er brother!" Yuji Yuji suddenly cheered up.

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