Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1517: High school student

"Is it all because of this...the ghost?" The plainclothes police officer responded quickly, guessing the truth almost immediately, and looked at the boy's direction with horror.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. As a policeman, his instincts were very sensitive. Speaking of it, the car accident happened to the people he knew. The mother and daughter were the first time he met with Chiba Sayuri, Miyajima Yuki and Gua Ma Mai to the indoor swimming pool paradise. The girl hangs on the edge of the airslide. It is very dangerous. He caught her underneath. I remember her name is "Hezi". I can't think of it happening again in Kyoto more than 400 kilometers away.

"Uncle, let's play the game together." The little boy listened for so long, and seemed to be impatient. He wanted to play the game and took a step closer with a weird smile.

The plaintiff police officer stepped back and took a step back. He looked at the crowd around him and his eyes became firm again. After all, he could deal with a ghost. He couldn’t think of any way. He only put his hopes on the spot. Calm teenager: "You, do you have any idea?"

"Well, I will let him go to become a Buddha." Li Xuehao did not know why the plainclothes police officer thought he had a way, and nodded his head.

"That's it." The plainclothes police officer heard that he really did. He was not surprised. In fact, he did not know why he was so confident in the boy, but he intuitively let him believe what he said.

"Uncle, why don't you play with me? Why don't you play with me?" The little boy saw that the two were still talking, that is, they didn't play games with him, and finally lost patience, and the tender face became a little bit smashed.

"Ah--" He suddenly screamed, his body began to rise, and his image changed. The original height was only one meter high. It suddenly became a white scorpion that was nearly two meters long and had no flesh and blood around the body. The bare skeleton But the top of the head is full of black long hair, no wind, automatic, strange and horrified image is scalp and numb.

"Ah--" In the face of this horrible scene, Jin Ziyuan screamed for the third time.

The plainclothes police officer was also shocked and habitually smashed the gun, but when he held the handle, he stagnated. The ghost was not a modern weapon to deal with, and there were many people around him who didn't want to cause panic.

Li Xuehao frowned. He had to say that the image of the grievances was really not a bit of innovation. He had encountered the ghosts of the ghosts of the bones several times. The little boy in front of him also bound the spirit.


Li Xuehao took a step forward. He didn't make any special moves. After all, there are many people around watching it, but the secret aura has already surrounded the ghosts of the white bones.

"Yes--for~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ White on the bones, but it can not move, can only be in the same place, swallowed by the golden flame. Until the body is turned into a sparkling light of the stars, drifting toward the sky like a raindrop, and eventually disappears without a trace.

Jin Ziyuan and the plainclothes police officers saw the tail from the beginning. When the ghost of horror disappeared for the light spot, the two talents sighed with relief.

Although I don't know how a teenager did it, they knew that he did it.

Jin Ziyuan thinks of one more thing. Is the thing that Grandpa gave him before, is it really a baby?

"Thank you for thanking you today." Not to mention the suspicion in Jin Ziyuan’s heart, the plainclothes police officer came over and reached out and held the boy’s hand. If he had not seen it personally, he would never believe that there was a ghost in the world. Existence, this subverts his previous cognition.

"You're welcome, police officer, this road will be safe in the future, I believe that there will be no more car accidents." After Li Xuehao and his hand, he pulled back his hand, he really is not used to being held by a man for so long.

Without the ghost, I believe that the "crossroads of death" will not exist. The plainclothes police officer said with some regrets: "It is a pity that this matter cannot be said, otherwise it will cause panic. It can only be changed slowly."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. He saw the sense of justice in the plainclothes police officer, so he helped him to open a temporary "eye of the eye" so that he could see the ghost.

"Youth, your name." The plainclothes police officer finally remembered to ask his name, and at the same time made a self-introduction, "I am the chief of the Kyoto police headquarters forced to search a department, Nakamura."

"Nakamura police officer, he is called Zhenzhong Hao Er, is my friend..." Li Xuehao has not spoken yet, Jin Ziyuan has already said first, the tone seems to be proud, but he only hesitated when he talked about his friends.

Since she made the introduction, Li Xuehao would not have to repeat it again.

"Zhen Zhonghao, I will remember." Nakamura let him shake his hand again, this magical boy, he will really remember.

"Right, Nakamura police officer." Li Xuehao pointed out that several firefighters who had not made a decision around the white car said, "You can tell them that it is irrelevant to save people's movements. The man does not. I will be hurt twice, and I have secretly protected him."

"Okay, I know." Nakamura gave a look at the other side. There was a ghost event just now. He was very convinced of what he said, although he did not know how he secretly protected it.

"So, we are leaving." Li Xuehao is ready to leave.

"You, I wish you a happy date." Nakamura asked him and Jin Ziyuan, and suddenly he said awkwardly, and he did not know how he thought the two were lovers.

"We..." Li Xuehao is trying to deny that Jin Ziyuan has a red face and said first, "Thank you, Nakamura police officer, I wish you a quick upgrade to be a policeman."

“Thank you.” Nakamura gave thanks and turned to the firefighters.

Li Xuehao is also not good at calling him, denying his relationship with Jin Ziyuan, and turning away.

Jin Ziyuan followed suit in a step-by-step manner. After the ghost incident, she had a strong curiosity about his identity: "In the end, who are you?"

"A high school student." Li Xuehao said faintly.

"Oh, I am not sincere." It seems that he is very dissatisfied with his answer. Jin Ziyuan snorted, can high school students deal with the ghost?

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