Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1512: Regret, the dream that cannot be realized

In the words of Tanaka Shoji, let Miyajima Hideo laugh, and some mysteriously ask: "Show two, who do you like him?"

“Well?” Hearing him, Tian Zhongzhao immediately realized that this might be the child of someone he knew. He looked at the boy’s face carefully and finally reunited with a face in memory, trying to ask Tao, "Is it the son of Zhong Nengping?"

"Bingo!" Yukio Mishima took a heavy hand on the palm. "Yes, he is the son of Geng Ping."

Li Xuehao also knows from the sentence of Tanaka Shoji that the other party knows his father, and the relationship should be quite familiar, otherwise he is not expected to recognize him.

"Hao Er, then officially introduce, Zhao Er and I are high school classmates, and your father is also, but this guy came to Beijing University, and my father and I went to Dongda." relationship.

"Zhao Ershu." Li Xuehao also changed his name. Although he is only a father's high school classmate, but the courtesy is not lacking.

Tanaka Shoji is somewhat pleased: "Haha, the son of the guy who has been plunged into the eye has been so big. At the beginning, he was the youngest of the three of us."

"Yes, that guy is in the United States now, when will he wait for him to return to China, we should have a good time to gather."

"That's also true, I remember there are also guys. At the beginning, we were the "four carriages" of the city's Donggao. Unfortunately, we didn't play football anymore. Only you guys still insist on football and now do football. The coach, also realized the dream." Tanaka Shoji recalled, but also feeling deeply.

"This is not a dream. My dream is to take the national championship and be a player." Miyajima said with some regrets.

"This dream can't be realized, but you can also train you to help you realize this dream." Tanaka Shoji smiled and glanced at the opposite boy. "Unfortunately, I don't have a daughter, such a handsome son-in-law, it's really cheap." , Xiong San."

Yukio Nakajima was very dissatisfied: "Hey, Zhao Er, my family's expensive is also very beautiful." He doesn't think his daughter is worthy of anyone.

Tanaka Shoji looked at the Shimajima clothes that were adding ingredients to the hot pot. He nodded. "Of course, I will know that I will be very cute when I see the color clothes. Fortunately, she is not like you." The last sentence is Have a fun.

"You guy! It’s not appropriate to say this in front of the child." Yukio Mishima is angry, he still knows his own looks, but old friends are also joking, so he will not be in the heart, look at the turn When I picked up the bag in the hand of someone, I asked some curiously, "Hao, is this a gift for your visit?"

"Yes, the uncle, the little gift, is not a tribute." Li Xuehao said while he quickly offered the bag.

"I see what it is." Mishima Yusuke can't wait to open the bag face to face. This kind of behavior is actually very rude, but facing a younger generation, it is not rude, but close, when I see the box. It is something like a male root, and the eyes are bright, "It’s Matsutake!"

"Yes, it's still super high-quality!" Tanaka Shoji is also surprised, every pine mushroom is thick and long, and the cap is solid.

"This is the gift that Hao Er gave me. I want to collect it." Miyajima's three-eyed bead turned, put the pine mushroom back into the box and put it on his feet, for fear of being robbed by Tanaka Shoji. Walk like.

Tanaka Shoji did have some disappointment. The good thing like Matsutake was rarely eaten. He said with a slight complaint: "Yongsan, is there something good to share? We are friends for decades."

“Yes, so all these beefs are for you.” Miyajima Sany refers to the plate of beef on the table.

"You guy!" Tian Zhongzhao gave him a look and immediately exposed his mind. "The pine mushroom has a positive effect on men. You want to keep a person to eat."

"Oh..." Yukio Shimashima said with a smile.

She is blushing. She certainly knows the jokes in Tanaka's second words. As the only woman here, this topic really makes her a little embarrassed, so she shifted the topic. "Hoji, today is not a weekend, you have not On holiday, are you coming to Kyoto?"

With such a question, Miyajima Masato and Tanaka Shoji are also curious.

"I am the trustee of the people, come to ... do something." Li Xuehao said ambiguously.

The three people in the island and I don’t seem to want to mention it. I didn’t ask in detail. Miyajima Sanhaha smiled and said: “Since I’ve come to Kyoto, it’s fun, I’ve told you to visit you last time. Jingda’s, there is no time..."

"No, Xiong Sanshu, I have already visited Jingda." Li Xuehao knows that Yukio Mishima is expected to mention the old things and take him to visit Kyoto University, but this kind of thing, no need to bother him, there is Zejing Green This Kyoto University student is enough to be a tour guide.

"Xiong Sanshu, color clothing aunt, Zhao Ershu, I have to go see a friend, so I lost my companion." Faced with three adults, but also all elders who must maintain respect, Li Xuehao is really not used to find an excuse Ready to leave.

"Hao, sit down and eat with us, wait until you have finished eating the beef hot pot." Miyajima Yuki said with a big sigh, see friends or something, you can drag it.

Li Xuehao said euphemistically: "In fact, I have already eaten it. It was a friend who invited me to eat it. I was too full to eat anything." He said, he patted his stomach to show that he really couldn't eat anything.

Listening to him, Miyajima no longer insists: "Well, if you encounter something, remember to call me."

"Okay, Xiong Sanshu, then I am rude." Li Xuehao and the three people gave a ceremony and went out to rent a house in Shimao Mishima.

Going down from the third floor, when I came to the second floor, the girl at the entrance below, a girl with a slightly rich figure, saw Li Xuehao's footsteps slightly, and had to sigh the world.

The other party also saw him. After a glimpse, some incredulously said: "Zhen Zhongjun, I didn't expect to see you here so well."

"It's really clever, Miss Jin." Li Xuehao greeted him. The other was the granddaughter of the uncle Kim, who lived in the same ward with Miyajima, who gave him the buried soil, and then he Giving Kim a grand promise, the result was that Kim’s grandfather had used this promise in a blink of an eye, which was used to find his granddaughter to go to the hospital to see him.

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