Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1510: Love the house and the enthusiasm

The so-called "man's kindness", Li Xuehao soon saw it.

I saw Tianhai Guangming carefully taking out a pack of things in a transparent plastic bag from a sealed foam box.

When he opened the plastic bag, his movements were very soft, for fear of accidentally breaking the contents inside. He took a few mushroom-like bacteria out of it and took the bamboo skewers.

These bacteria are very special, the stipe is thick and long, and the cap is not open like a mushroom. The pointed one is like a rocket head. At first glance, it looks like a man's reproductive part.

Seeing this, he finally knows what the "man's grace" said by Tianhai Guangming. This is Matsutake, of course he knows. Moreover, it is also clear why Tianhai Guangming called it "the grace of a man" because the Japanese think that Matsutake is very similar to a man, so it has an effect of aphrodisiac.

Is it just a teenager of his age who needs this kind of thing? Li Xuehao has some diarrhea, and even if he has been for a few hundred years, he does not need such a thing.

However, Tianhai and Zhizhi Baonaimei saw Tianhai Guangming take out the pine mushroom, and listened to him saying that this is "a man's good thing". The two faces are reddish, and more are like a rotted woman. With.

Tian Haiyan is attached to the ear of Zhizhi Bao Naimei and whispered: "How about the ability of Bao Naimei, Zhen Zhongjun? Is it lasting?"

Although the sound is light, Li Xuehao himself is keen on the six senses, and he hears it clearly. He suddenly has a black line, if there is such a special effect in reality.

Zhi Zhi Bao Nai Mei first had a stiff body, and then slanted a squint of someone, attached to the ear of Tian Haiyan and said: "Of course, Zhen Zhongjun is the strongest man I have ever seen."

Li Xuehao couldn't help but laugh, but he also had to admit that Zhizhi Baonaimei's wit, the two did not "practice" that kind of thing, she estimated that she did not want to lose face in front of girlfriends, deliberately said ambiguous words, only said the strongest man, but Did not say which aspect.

However, because it was asked about it, Tian Haiyan immediately misunderstood, and his eyes glanced slightly and looked at him as "the strongest man". He also attached to Zhizhi Baonai’s ear and said: "I know why you I will choose the real Zhongjun. I heard that there is a study in the United States. When a man is about 18 years old, it is the most powerful time. After this age, it will become weaker and weaker. I really envy you, Anglo-American, Our family is bright..."

"Cough!" Because the distance is close, and her voice has not been concealed, it was heard by Tianhai Guangming, who is roasting the pine mushroom. In order to prevent her from continuing to explode her own scandal, Tianhai Guangming had to stop her.

Tian Haiyan gave him a slight look, but he did not continue to talk about it, helping him string the pine mushrooms.

“Is the British and American sisters ready to stay in Kyoto for a few days?” Tianhai Guangming seems to want to let his wife and Zhizhi Baonai have a chance to chat alone. He took the initiative to talk.

"It depends on how many days the real Zhongjun wants to stay. I listen to him." Zhizhi Bao Naimei has a neat and supple expression, and the role of "wife" is fully realized.

Seeing that Tianhai Guangming is envious and obedient, as a female Valkyrie in Japan, it is still so beautiful. No man will be unscrupulous. Unfortunately, he is now in the arms of a high school student. It is too... too envious. !

Li Xuehao is speechless, or he does not intervene, let Zhizhi Baonai play alone and see what she can say.

"Anglo-American, you are too unconceived. As a modern woman, we can't just listen to men. We are not a vassal of men." Tianhai, who is using bamboo sticks and stringed with Matsutake, has a hateful attitude toward Zhizhi Bao Naimei. It does not mean steel.

Because of her words, Tianhai Guangming looked at her sideways.

"Why, do you have different opinions?" Tianhai glanced at him and his momentum was very strong.

"No, I have no opinion." Tianhai Guangming quickly shook his head and denied that his position at home was obviously very low, and he did not dare to rebel against his wife.

"Oh." Tian Haiyi smugly snorted, like a female warrior who returned by triumph.

"Mr. Zhenzhong, your Matsutake is baked!" Tianhai Guangming was busy shifting his attention, putting the grilled Matsutake string on the plate and sending it to the opposite boy.

“Thank you.” Li Xuehao said thank you. Picking up the grilled pine mushrooms, Tianhai Guangming’s method of roasting is also very unique. He grilled the pine mushrooms to the burnt black and kept the freshness, unlike the other chefs. To be cooked.

As the top ingredient, the Matsutake itself does not need to be too complicated to cook. The musk after roasting is very rich. When you bite it, the fresh juice inside will burst out. It is better than eating the **** chicken liver. It is.

"Zhen Zhongjun, you have to taste a lot. I have a lot to do here." Tianhai met him to eat satisfactorily, shaking his hands and shaking the pine mushrooms in his hands, some said profoundly.

Li Xuehao can hear the hints in her words. As a man's good thing, Matsutake can eat more points in bed, which is probably what she means.

I have to say that Tian Haiyan is the most daring and open-minded woman he has ever seen. Even the happiness of the boudoir between husband and wife can be hung in the mouth with impunity. From time to time, he lays a yellow cavity and faces him. The stranger who met for the first time definitely has the potential of a corrupt woman.

"Thank you for your hospitality, but I can't eat that much, or leave it to Mr. Tianhai." Li Xuehao was modest. This is a kind of hobby, eating so many good things, he is not Zhizhi Bao Naimei is two A good friend of a person can only taste it.

"Mr. Zhenzhong is too polite, you are the man of Yingmei Lijie, our most distinguished guest, we deserve the best food." Tianhai Guangming said, and he squeezed his eyes invisibly, seemingly It is said that this is a good thing, who knows who to eat.

Li Xuehao is speechless and the two husbands and wives are not reliable. It is too enthusiastic for him to meet this topic for the first time.

However, it can be seen from this that their relationship with Zhi Zhi Bao Nai Mei is really good, so good that they can make jokes at will, and love the house and Wu.

A lunch was eaten in this slightly embarrassing atmosphere. After the meal, the Tianhai couple also prepared a dessert, which is almost unimaginable in the skewer shop. It is clear that the service is attentive. It is no wonder that so many guests come to the store. Eat skewers, and even long queues outside the store.

In order to avoid affecting their business, Li Xuehao and Zhizhi Baonai thanked them and made a speech. The Tianhai couple had time to visit the family and let them out of the skewers.

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