Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1508: Chicken shop

"Miss Zhizhi, can we not discuss this kind of problem?" The daring and explicit bones of Zhizhi Baonai, Li Xuehao could not bear, he felt that he still had to find an excuse to leave as soon as possible.

"Of course, as long as it is true, you said that as a wife, I will obey my husband." Zhizhi Bao Naimei smiled softly, and it was really a bit of a wife's manner.

"Now we are already outside, we don't have to continue to pretend to be a husband and wife, Miss Zhi Zhi." Li Xuehao reminded her.

"I don't think the real Zhongjun will forget the last test between I and Sayuri in Dongda. I agreed at the beginning. If I win, it is your acolyte." Zhizhi Baonaimei smiled and reminded him.

"That's just a joke." Li Xuehao frowned. Of course, remembering the "skill ratio" of the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University, Chiba Sayuri was lost to the Zhizhi Bao Nami as a foreign aid.

"I don't think it's a joke." Zhi Zhi Bao Nai Mei Dan Feng eye gently picks the pick, not waiting for him to argue, suddenly the front of the turn, "It's almost lunch time, really Zhongjun accompany me to eat, after eating, if something happens You can leave first."

Li Xuehao originally wanted to refuse, but she was worried that she would continue to struggle, or promised: "Well, where to eat?"

“Here is the temple town of Kyoto. Do you need to go somewhere else? The front is the junction of Teramachi and Jinxiao Road. It is the famous Jin market. It is said that there are many shops selling Kyoto stains, skewers and seafood snacks. Let's go there and eat."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded.

Not far away, the two came to the Jinjin market that Zhizhi Baonai said. The narrow roads are indeed packed with shops of various kinds of snacks, but more seems to be a shop selling Kyoto stains. There are countless dishes and a variety of pickles.

"Hey, hey, Anglo-American, here, here." Just walking, at the door of a small shop in front, a woman in her 30s who looked pretty good suddenly waved at Ujiba.

"Hey." Ueki Chiba also waved at the woman and walked forward.

Li Xuehao followed her, but there was some suspicion in her heart. So coincidentally, Zhibao Mi Namei actually met her friend?

When I walked to the store, I found out that it was a grilled skewer. But this grilled skewer had some meaning. There was a big picture on the door with a chicken on it and a lot of small characters to mark the chicken. The various parts of the book were even carefully translated in English.

"Zhen Zhongjun, eat here at lunch." Zhizhi Bao Naimei said to him.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao looked at the store. The skewer shop was very small. He could only sit in a dozen positions, and this time he was basically full. This shows that the food in this store should be very good.

"Anglo-American, is this...Hyunhiko?" The woman in her thirties looked at him with some surprise. She was obviously a very good friend with Ueki Chiba, knowing that she had a son, but she should have never seen it. Face, so I will admit it.

"He is not Haruhiko, hey, he is my man." Zhizhi Bao Naimei said with a smile, suddenly grabbed someone's arm around him, a sweet expression.

Li Xuehao's body is stiff, and there is a feeling of being fooled.

The woman who yelled at her eyes was even more stunned, and she looked incredulous: "In the United States, are you kidding?"

"I am serious!" Ueki Chiba is very serious, not at all joking.

The woman who yelled at her face looked like a ghost, but seemed to accept her saying: "Well, you are serious, but I know your true age. This gentleman can be your son."

"Hey!" Uchichi has to look at her somewhat uncomfortably, and then introduces it to someone. "She is the friend I want to meet in Kyoto this time, Tianhai."

"Hello." Li Xuehao greeted politely. He told Shi Zhibao that he was her man. He couldn't reveal it. He had already been a "husband" in the ancient bookstore. It didn't matter if he pretended to pretend. The rice will leave.

"Hello." Tian Haijun took the initiative to reach out and shook him, but his face still had some weird expressions, probably still unbelievable, his good friend actually found such a young teenage lover.

"His name is Zhong Zhonghao, and he is still a high school student." Zhizhi Bao Naimei introduced it and emphasized the identity of "high school students."

Tian Haiyan's mouth is even bigger enough to swallow a goose egg, but after the shock, she suddenly sympathized with the high school student: "Zhen Zhongjun, with a mother-level woman, you must be very hard."

"Hey, what is the woman at the aunt level?" Zhizhi Bao Nai Mei's fierce Dan Feng eye stabbed straight, but it was not really angry. Just use "Aunt" to describe her, it is too much.

"Oh..." Tianhai vomited his tongue and quickly moved away from the topic. "Hurry in, don't go in, there is no seat."

Zhi Zhi Bao Nai Mei did not care about her again, the three people walked into the store together.

The design of the skewer shop is similar to that of the Izakaya, but because of the small space, there is no separate seat, more than a dozen seats, and the "l" type is placed on the platform in front of the oven.

After the long platform, the chef is busy with skewers. The chef is a man in his early thirties. He is handsome, dressed in white, with a scroll on his forehead and a red word on it. Chicken, it looks a bit ridiculous.

In addition to the chef, there is also a clerk who is busy serving the guests.

In the almost full shop, only the two seats opposite the chef are empty, which seems to be unbelievable. After all, the chef's opposite seat is definitely not a bad place. You can enjoy the chef's craft, vision and taste while enjoying the skewers. Double enjoy.

However, it was so strange that no one actually sat.

But soon, Li Xuehao knew the reason, because these two seats were specially left, and they were left to Zhizhi Baonai and Tianhai.

Tian Haijun gave the seat to him, and she returned to the background and grilled the skewer with the chef.

"Hey, this is the owner of this store." Zhizhi Bao Naimei introduced, and said hello to the chef, "Guangming, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"Yes, Yingmei Lijie." The chef was busy with focus, looked up and continued to work on his hands. Look at the age of his appearance, even bigger than Zhi Zhi Bao Nai Mei, but to call her "sister", obviously also very familiar with Zhizhi Bao Nai Mei, know her true age.

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