Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1506: Unexpected truth

"Soil spider... was you killed?" For the suspicion of a man, Li Xuehao did not answer, but stared at him meaningfully. From the time he saw the other party, he already had doubts.

The earth spider big bear was abolished by him. It is not as good as the average person. It has no use except for the method of controlling the gods. But since the man has got the control of the gods, it is superfluous to keep the spider, and maybe even expose yourself, so killing is undoubtedly the best way to deal with it.

Just asked, just to test him.

Sure enough, when he asked this sentence, the man’s face changed, but then calmed down: “Hey, the earth spider rescued me from there, how could I kill him?”

"Oh, then where is the other person?" Li Xuehao smiled faintly. This kind of lie can only deceive a three-year-old child. This man is indifferent to face, and it is impossible to report to Germany.

"He is temporarily hiding in a place that you can't find, and it is impossible to imagine. Maybe a few days later, he will give you a big surprise."

Li Xuehao did not believe this word, so he decided not to talk nonsense again. He once again caught the glass bottle that he threw himself, and looked at the worm that was still writhing and said: "I want these The gods are also estimated to be hungry, 'May 6 Devil', as their master, you should feed them." He said, he gently unscrewed the lid.

"What are you going to do!" The man's face changed dramatically and seemed to be very frightening, but in fact, there was a surprise in the depths of his eyes. These worms have already been associated with him, and as long as they are released, he can control, and then he can retaliate back.

For his two tricks, Li Xuehao was clear, and after opening the lid, he said faintly: "I know that you can control these gods, but unfortunately, I have cut off the connection between you, now For them, you are the most delicious meal." As he spoke, he shook the bottle slightly.

The insects inside suddenly swarmed out and slammed straight toward the opposite man.

"No-" The man shouted in horror. He also discovered that these insects were beyond control, and the uncontrollable gods were his greatest natural enemies.

He turned and tried to escape, but the speed of the insects was very fast, and when he touched his body, he quickly drilled into his skin, and then greedily sucked his body as a yin and yang division.

"Ah--" The man screamed and began to scratch the insect that was attached to the body, but the deeper and deeper the worm, soon fell into his body.

The man was desperately miserable, twitching like a cooked shrimp.

For his pain, Li Xuehao naturally does not have any sympathy. The three yin and yang masters who had been used by him to kill the gods must have experienced the pain of his moment. Who are they complaining about?

Zhi Zhi Bao Nai Mei turned around and didn't seem to want to see this scene. After all, no matter what the female Valkyrie is, it is always a woman. This kind of picture can't bear to see it. Of course, her sympathy will not be indiscriminate, and even more so for this man.

Instead, he stood by the store manager and saw that his son was tortured like this. His face was not bitter and numb. It seemed to be numb. It seemed to be scared, but when he looked closely, his eyes were very calm. Even watching the tortured sly man, there is a kind of revenge-like pleasure in his eyes.

"Voice..." Soon after, the man suddenly vomited, and a turbid liquid spewed out of his mouth and landed on the ground, forming a nautical liquid.

What is even more disgusting is that the liquid is not a real liquid, but is composed of dense, parasitic insects.

Seeing this, Li Xuehao knows that the servant's body power should be absorbed, otherwise these worms will not take the initiative to come out of him. For the body without the servant, they will not have any nostalgia.

At the moment, there were only a dozen or so worms. At the moment, there were at least hundreds of worms. At the thought of the characteristics of the worms that Zejing Green introduced to him, they would absorb the dynamism and break the body, as long as there is enough The servant's abilities can be absorbed, and it is possible to split up countless "death worms" until the "death worm" army absorbs all the servants in a yin and yang division.

This kind of bug is really the nemesis of the Yin and Yang division!

The sly man who had been exposed to the incarnation by the worms had already passed out, and Li Xuehao took the dark red necklace from him into the ring, so that at least he could save his life and not let He was killed by his own **** dog ghost.

A hundred of the gods of the cockroaches came out of the man's body. Next, the next target was aimed at the store manager at the wall.

Seeing the dense insects crawling toward themselves, the store manager finally began to fear, shrinking his body, and seemed to want to get into the wall.

Li Xuehao's brows were lightly wrinkled, and a faint blue thunder flashed through his hands. He saw all the parasitic insects on the ground that were affected by the thunder, all turned into ashes.

This magical scene made the store manager breathe a sigh of relief because he was saved. And next to the Zhizhi Bao Nami is a bright eye, it seems to find something more interesting.

"The store manager, I am very curious, seeing that your child is in pain, you don't seem to mind at all?" Li Xuehao looked at the manager and asked curiously, just wondering why there was such a cold-blooded father.

"My child?" The manager understood what he meant, didn't know what to think, his face became stunned, and the man who fainted on the ground, "He is just a hybrid of a man and a woman."

After a pause, his face gradually cooled down: "Yes, nominally he is my child, but there is no blood relationship with me, his mother is my wife, his father, my friend, is it not? Very sad?" When it comes to the back, the expression is a little crazy.

"So you killed your wife?" Li Xuehao's heart, the manager but killed, will not be his wife, this is just a sudden intuition.

The manager bowed a little and then calmly admitted: "Yes, I killed her and cultivated their children into a madman. Is it interesting?"

interesting? Both Li Xuehao and Zhizhi Bao Naimei are frowning, and this means of revenge is cruel and crazy. However, his wife wears a green hat for himself, the person wearing a green hat is still a friend of his own, and even the children have it, normal people are hard not to be crazy... and so on!

What Li Xuehao suddenly thought of, the previous ten major countries told him that the "Day 6 Devil" is the child of his old friend, and when it comes to this matter, the tone is not only hidden, but also very embarrassing... Is it true? Said, seduce the manager's wife is the ten major countries? Hey man is his son?

If so, it would be too unexpected.

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