"Please come in." The manager opened the small door and walked in first.

Li Xuehao and Zhizhi Bao Nami looked at each other and followed the room quietly.

The door behind him was closed, and the two felt only in front of them. The bright room that was originally seen outside disappeared. Instead, it was a dark grave. There were graves everywhere and dead trees next to it. The crow that was parked on the dead tree screamed in "ah", which is the most standard horror scene in the movie, and it can't help but numb the scalp.

What is even more terrifying is that the tombs are split one by one, and from them, the rotting zombies that are covered with white locusts are swept away, waving their bones and claws, and slowly walking over step by step.

If you change to an ordinary person, you may be directly fainted.

Li Xuehao and Zhizhi Bao Naimei certainly won't. Both of them know that this is a fake. Li Xuehao knows that this is just a small illusion, not worth mentioning.

Although Zhizhi Bao Nmei is not very familiar with the means of Yin and Yang, but also knows that this is stepping into a trap that is pre-arranged by a certain Yin and Yang division. But she is very confident about her strength, and this little scene still scares her.

The two of them were calm and free, not as screaming as ordinary people, but let the store manager and the sly man hiding in the side be a little surprised, this should not be the case.

The manager was very old and had a lot of insight. He immediately realized that there was something wrong with him. He wanted to shout the sly man who couldn’t stand it, but the latter had already rushed to Zhizhi Baonai.

Zhi Zhi Bao Nai Mei couldn't see anyone approaching, but she didn't need to look at it, and she noticed the fine microwave movement from a certain direction. She lifted her foot directly and slammed her foot.

"Oh!" Although it controls most of the power, this foot is not light. The man is directly smashed, hitting the wall and making a loud noise, and then falling to the bed at the foot of the wall.

Fortunately, there is a bed as a mat, otherwise it is estimated that the injury will be heavier. Despite this, he had already vomited a few mouthfuls of blood before he got up. Because of the injury, the illusion could no longer be controlled, and the horrible grave scene instantly recovered.

Ueki Chiba also saw the situation in the room, especially the unkempt man who struggled to sit up from the bed, she knew that this guy just wanted to sneak up on her, smiled coldly, and looked at her face has been replaced by shock The manager said: "The store manager, what do you say in China's Ming Dynasty ukiyo-e, where there seems to be no?"

"Who are you?" The store manager calmed down, and the scene was really unexpected, but he was not scared to panic.

"You guess." Zhizhi Bao Naimei smiled and seemed to have made a joke, but the sharp eyes did not weaken at all.

The sly man on the bed stunned his head and awake from the state of dizziness. He wiped the blood from his mouth and stared at Zhizhi Baonai. His eyes were full of greed and madness: "You are not a yin and yang!" ”

Zhizhi Bao Namei smiled lightly. Of course, she was not a Yin and Yang teacher. She looked at the other side with sternness and said: "You are a Yin and Yang division." The two seem to be playing a riddle. One said that the other party is not, the other said that the other party is.

"Yes, I am a Yin Yang master, or a big Yin Yang master!" The man came down from the bed and seemed to have completely recovered from the attack. He stared at her cruelly and confidently, "Listen to my words, otherwise I will kill you."

"You want to kill me?" Zhizhi Baonaimei smiled slyly. This arrogant madness was not the first time she met. When she participated in the All-Japan Karate Players Conference, many men looked down on her, and in the end she won the first place. , defeated all the men who participated.

"I know that your martial arts is very strong, but in front of the Yin and Yang division, all martial arts are rubbish. I just just careless." The man is very confident in himself, yes, he will not be martial, but he The Yin and Yang division, he does not need to directly contact the opponent, he only has to order his god.

"Come on." Ueki Chiba's prints in the handle and the carry-on bag were handed over to someone around me. The pilgrim man hooked his fingers. She had very little experience fighting with the Yin and Yang divisions, and they all learned a lot. It is rare that she can let go of her fight, which makes her very interested.

Li Xuehao is a little speechless. Looking at the high-spirited attitude of Zhizhi Bao Nai Mei, it is obviously intended to thoroughly "act", which seems to be her hobby as a Valkyrie. So he was not in a hurry to shoot, and secretly arranged a line of law, separating the room from the outside world, so even if there is a world war, the outside people will not notice the points.

"Although it may hurt you, it doesn't matter if you don't ruin your body very seriously, hehe..." The man stared greedily at the arrogant body of Zhizhi Baonai, and looked at it for a moment, laughing happily. stand up.

Zhizhi Bao Naimei's brow wrinkled, her gaze faintly with murder, this man has already caused her anger, I hope he will not regret it.

"Come out, my baby." The man took a dark black necklace from his neck. He didn't know if the original material was dark black, or he hadn't washed it for many years, leading to such a color.

As his voice fell, a black gas emerged from the necklace and gradually condensed into a physical form.

It was an animal with dark hair and a big dog. The big dog was about one meter tall and two tall, and it was about two meters long. It looked like a Doberman, but it was covered with black long hair. The long hair is soft and hanging down, like a hair, very strange.

Two long fangs on each side of the corner of the mouth, flashing cold cold, dragging three dark tails behind them, making the image more powerful and weird.

This is a dog ghost! And still a completely shaped dog ghost!

Li Xuehao’s eyes were slightly stunned. Although he had already felt a strong suffocation from this sly man, he never thought that it would be a completely formed dog ghost. Probably he would be considered a big yin and yang master. Nothing.

There is a point that Li Xuehao can't figure out. The other party has been imprisoned in the evil spirits. It is reasonable to say that things like the safari can't be preserved. How does he have a dog ghost? Only a few days after he escaped, it was impossible to cultivate a dog ghost in such a short period of time, unless he hid his service equipment early in the prison before being imprisoned, so he can escape directly Take it out and use it.

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