After saying goodbye to the ten major countries and Mr. Sima, Li Xuehao went out alone to the Inari Shrine. With the helper in his hand, he now only needs to find the person who is sensitive to the insects. As for the big spider, I believe that if you find that person, you should be able to ask the whereabouts of the spider.

Although there are some unfamiliar places in Kyoto, he is not going to travel to any famous spots. He does not need a tour guide. As long as he senses the existence of that person, just like the GPS navigation, according to the address on the “navigation”, he will finally find it. Yes.

It is known from the induction that the person has been staying in one place and has never left.

After more than half an hour, Li Xuehao walked into a shopping street, the shopping street was very lively, and there was a translucent ceiling on the top of the head. This reminded him of the famous Kyoto street, Teramachi-dori, which was previously introduced by Sakai Green.

According to Sakai Green, Teramachi is the favorite shopping street for students in Kyoto. Because there are many fashion stores, fast food restaurants, and department stores, it is a place where many high school students and college students often go. At the same time, there are many shops selling specialty products, such as food, food, and other specialties that can be bought here.

When I came to Kyoto last time, Sakai Green was ready to take him to the shopping mall, but because of the time constraints, I did not come.

This time, instead of having a chance to go shopping, it is a pity that Sakai Green is in class, otherwise she can come to her and find someone to go shopping.

Out of the temple town with a translucent canopy, the shops on both sides are more complicated, traditional fruit shops, bookstores, antique shops and tea houses, and even many Japanese-style small hotels.

Not long after, Li Xuehao stopped in front of a bookstore, and the people he sensed were inside.

This is an ancient bookstore. It is not a bookstore in the general sense. It is a bookstore that specializes in buying and selling ancient books and prints. There are four Chinese characters in the book, "March Book Hall" on the door, and "Old Books, Ukiyo-e," The words "buy at a high price". Ancient books are ancient books, while ukiyo-e refers to prints.

Prints are pictures that are engraved or printed on boards such as knives or chemicals on wood, stone, and hemp.

Through the transparent glass wall, you can see three rows of long bookshelves inside, and the walls are covered with beautiful prints.

There are also a lot of guests inside, mostly looking at the prints on the bookshelf, as well as painting on the wall.

Li Xuehao pushed open the glass door and went in. He glanced slightly. The person who sensed did not appear in the store, but after the small door at the end of the store, it should be a private space belonging to the store manager's rest. .

Of course, he wouldn’t just go in directly. Anyway, he’s already in the place, and he’s stuck outside, and that person can’t run. What he is interested in is the store manager.

The store manager is a sixty-seven-year-old man, a short body, perhaps not even one meter five, wearing a traditional kimono, looks kind and good-looking, facing the inquiries of a guest, he patiently answered.

However, this is not a charity old man, he killed people! Li Xuehao discovered a faint **** smell from him, and he almost couldn’t detect it. Maybe it was because he had been a long time since he killed people. It may have been more than 20 years, so **** and almost faintly To.

Moreover, he also has a faint yin and yang servant force, but he is only pitiful, and there is no suffocation on his body, which means that he does not have his own god.

This is just an old man who has a little more means than ordinary people. He will be able to deal with him easily, perhaps when he is not prepared.

"Guest, do you have any needs?" After answering a guest's question, the manager seemed to have noticed the youngest guest in the store.

Li Xuehao did not find out about this point. The surrounding guests were either elderly people or adults in their 20s and 30s. There were absolutely no young people like him.

"I just take a look." Li Xuehao casually perfunctory, pretending to look at the prints on the wall, but after a glance, his heart was weird.

Because the Japanese prints on the wall are very special, they are basically a man and a woman, and they don't wear clothes or clothes, but they expose the most private parts.

These are all - the Spring Palace painting!

Li Xuehao feels that he has said something that should not be said. In the face of this painting of the Spring Palace, he actually said that he would look at it casually?

The manager’s eyes were also weird, with a sly and skeptical tone: “It’s rare for guests to be interested in ukiyo-e at this age.”

Li Xuehao didn't feel embarrassed because of the eccentricity and sarcasm in his words. He just felt that he hadn't understood the stupid words before, and he had already noticed the strange eyes of many people around him. A teenager came to this. The place is indeed a bit wrong.

But for these, he did not care, but the look of nature said: "The manager, do you have the ukiyo-e painting of the Ming Dynasty in China?"

"China's ukiyo-e?" The store manager gave a slight glimpse. I probably didn't expect the boy to calm down, but then his expression was even more stunned. "Yes, guest, do you need it?"

"Yes." Li Xuehao nodded, just casually asked, actually there is. Of course, the prints that were handed down during the Ming Dynasty were impossible, and they could only be modern printed products.

The store manager returned to the counter and took out a print that was about one foot wide and two feet long. Then he walked over: "Guest, this is the ukiyo-e painting of the Ming Dynasty in China, and it is the work of the great painter Tang Bohu."

He can still name Tang Bohu's name. Although it is somewhat weird in Japanese-style Chinese, Li Xuehao still understands.

Tang Bohu’s paintings are of course famous. He also wants to see what kind of paintings are.

Only when the manager showed him, his brow could not help but jump.

Tang Bohu's work is alive and well, and there is no doubt about this, but the painting of a man and a woman is doing that kind of thing, and the place where the two meet is very clear, more beautiful than the prints on the wall he just saw.

He suddenly understood, why the store manager looked even more awkward when he heard the prints of the Ming Dynasty.

"This ukiyo-e painting is what we want, please pack it up. Husband, why don't you wait for me, are you advanced one by one?" A nice female voice suddenly sounded next to it, then a snow-white slender hand held it. His arm put his body over, a very intimate posture.

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