"Sorry, my friend is too rude! I am really sorry!" Seeing that Kuan Wu was caught in a "dangerous situation", the ringing around him quickly stepped forward, his face full of apologies, he could not see In the "Chaozhixiang" B&B, it was aggressive to the boss Yan Ximei. While talking, he looked up at the shrine on the top of the mountain and seemed to be jealous of something.

"Hey!" Suzuki Fiyana snorted, because of the entanglement of the quit, and a very sincere apology, she did not say anything more, just looked at the enlightenment coldly, and then turned around, " Koji, Minako... Let's go." Speaking, first passed through the torii.

Li Xuehao, Suzuki Minako and Zejing Green three followed behind and entered the shrine.

When the four people walked away, they couldn’t see the figure again. The color of the ring was a taboo for a few people entering the shrine. “It’s really dangerous. Here is... her site, they really are her guests. Fortunately, there is no conflict, otherwise we will have trouble."

"She... is it really so horrible?" There is no feeling of lingering in Kuan Fu. After all, he is an outsider. He has no intuitive feeling about the horror of a "her". He just heard of her name, so some curious.

"Master solemnly warned me that there is no important thing, don't get close to it."

"Do you even say that the masters?" Kuan Wu finally got some understanding. He knew that the master of the singer was a very master of practice. Even he said that it seems really dangerous here.

"Yes." The heart of the ring was nodded.

Kuan Fu looked up at the shrine on the top of the mountain and sighed a little: "Unfortunately my brother is not here, if he is here...just fine." As for what is good, he did not say it.

The color of the confession was understood, and with some compliments, "It has been seven or eight years since Mr. Kuan’s brothers followed Mr. Da’s practice. Now it may have become a big Yin Yang master.”

Kuan Wu shook his head, wondering if his brother had become a big Yin Yang master, or a modest act, looked at the direction in which just a few people disappeared, and suddenly thought: "Just following the three ladies who went in." ......"

"It's just an ordinary person." Jun Jie took his words and said.

"Ordinary people?" Kuan Wu muttered to himself and looked at the shrine above. He didn't know what he was thinking.

The color of the ring was also slightly contemplative, but I soon remembered that there was something more important: "Let's understand the younger brother, let's go back, and I will ask you to help me later."

"No problem." Kuan Wu took back the look of the shrine, did not ask him what he was going to do, and directly agreed to it.


At the other end, Li Xuehao has already walked through the long ladder and finally came to the hand of the shrine.

Here is the entrance to the shrine, where the hands and mouth are cleaned.

The hand-water house is a topless, wallless building supported by four pillars with a pool in the middle and the word "net" on the side of the pool.

The four did not come to the shrine to pay homage, hesitated whether to follow the rules and clean their hands, but waited for them to act, a voice suddenly came out from inside: "Who are you?" Very young girl voice, explain The person who speaks should be young.

Li Xuehao actually knows that someone has come out, but he pretends not to know, and more faintly notices the arrival of a person with a familiar atmosphere.

Suzuki Fiyana heard the sound and looked at it together.

It was a girl dressed in a witch costume, who was coming out of the shrine. It was about 18 or 9 years old. The facial features were still exquisite, but with a face on it, it felt like someone else owed her something and never returned. same.

In the moment when she saw the girl, Li Xuehao finally knew why her breath would bring him a familiar feeling, because not long ago, the two also "handed over."

It was in the Sugimoto building in Yokohama. At that time, the other side controlled the evil spirits, and then turned into the black smoke figure. She was not someone else. It was the person who was called "Miss Miyue" by Sugimoto and she couldn’t think of her. right here.

But if you think about it, it’s not right. It’s a long way from Yokohama. With her strength... Lian Zejing is not as good as green, let alone a far-distance control of evil spirits... So, to that extent Unless she has any powerful props or implements.

"Hey, I have seen..." The girl also recognized someone at a glance. After all, he was the only male of the four, but when she opened her eyes and wanted to say it, she realized that she could not speak at all. Cover your mouth.

"What have you seen?" Suzuki Fiiana looked at her, the other side's shock did not escape her eyes, she knew one of them.

"Who are you?" The girl reacted very quickly, and the secret that she didn't want to be known, of course, would not be said again, so she said nothing. In fact, what I think in my heart, only she knows.

Seeing the girl alert, Suzuki Fiona was still curious as to who she had just seen, but she did not ask: "We want to visit the abbot of the shrine." After all, the treasure is under the shrine, so the only way to think of it. It is to ask the abbot to let them stay, and then to explore the treasure according to the actual situation.

"You please come back." The girl shook her head. "Mr. May is not in the shrine."

"Mr. May?" Suzuki Fiana stunned and realized that this May is estimated to be the abbot of the shrine. "I don't know where the abbot went, we can wait here."

"No, Master will come back very late in May." The girl said mercilessly, she didn't want to leave the guy, the three men and the four unknowns, especially a guy who looked like a teenager. The world trapped her, she didn't want to come again. Fortunately, the guy can't recognize himself, otherwise he will be in trouble.

"So can we stay here for one night? Soon it will be dark, and now it may be dangerous to go downhill." Suzuki Fiona still did not give up, looking for an excuse.

The girl still insisted on shaking her head: "Now the time is still very early. If you go down the mountain, you can still go back to the hotel in time. Please go back." If you talk, don't give a few people the opportunity to talk, turn and leave.

Leaving Suzuki Fiiana several people face each other, people have made it clear that they don't want them to stay, there is no way, here is not their place, so if you want to stay, you must think of other ways.

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