Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1274: Be a responsible man

"Do you know?" A Cheng Limei's words made Li Xuehao unable to deny, but he was still curious, how did she know.

"I have commissioned a private detective to check you. You have never had a brother since you were a child." Acheng Limei said that the voice was very high, not knowing whether it was the anger of being deceived, or because of the cruelty of knowing the truth.

"Exactly, you are right, I am the only son in the family, and I have never had a brother." Although he felt that he was looking for a private detective, he was too lazy to hide. In fact, it was just like this, saving her from asking him again and again. The contact information of the unworthy brother. At the same time, he also knows why he found his home. The private detective must have told her this information.

"So, Mr. One?" Acheng Limei is most concerned about this. Since she got the information from the private detective, she has confirmed it several times and even threatened that if the other party is investigating false information, she will not pay for the next. reward.

Private detectives naturally came up with evidence that convinced her, so until now, she still can't believe that Mr. Yi may not exist at all. But if it doesn't exist, why would she meet him in the casino, and the things she experienced personally are really true.

"It's me." Li Xuehao said very quietly.

"Is it you? Impossible!" Acheng Limei immediately denied. "Your age is too different. Is it your father?"

"Hey..." Li Xuehao was crying and laughing. The brain of Acheng Limei was so big, and he was associated with his father. "In fact, things like age can be faked, Acheng predecessors."

"I don't believe, even if you make fakes, you can't make your age look so mature. It must be your loved ones, not your father. You have a uncle... No, you don't have a uncle, then Mr. Yu. Who is it?” Acheng Limei said to herself, it seems to be crazy.

"I have already said, that is me." Li Xuehao said with some helplessness. "If you don't believe it, you can ask me questions. What did I say in the casino and taught you what?"

Listening to him mentioning the casino, Acheng Limei has some collapse. Someone she told me before is that she met Mr. Yi in another place, not in the casino. Since he knows it is in the casino, is it true? ?

"I still don't believe it!" She shook her head hard. "Maybe the ‘淳一先生’ has already told you that he had met me in the casino, so, is there any other way to prove it?”

"Any other method?" Li Xuehao looked at her and suddenly showed a playful smile. "Are you sure you want me to prove it?"

"Yes, let me show it!" Acheng Limei said loudly.

"In this case, let you see my other magic, don't blink." Li Xuehao smiled, his hands on his cheeks, and slammed a few times.

I saw the original immature face, because of the few tricks that immediately became mature, it was like a person suddenly grew a few years old, and the temperament of the body became mature with the change of the whole face. If you change your high school uniform, it will be another person.

"Mr. Yu Yi?" Seeing this change with his own eyes, Acheng Limei has been sluggish. She never thought that people could change this way. Even the make-up did not do it. It just took a few faces.

"Now do you believe it?" Li Xuehao even changed his voice, and it was the voice of the "Mr. Yiyi" that was originally formed in the casino.

"You..." Acheng Limei glared at her own head, still couldn't believe the facts she saw, why is this so, can humans do this incredible thing?

"Since I already know that it is me, Acheng predecessor, what else do you have? If it is okay, I have to go in." Li Xuehao pointed to the door.

"No, you can't leave!" Acheng Limei immediately stopped him. She thought it was a shame to show her sorrow and love for "Mr. Yiyi" before him. "Why deceive me!"

"If I say it early, would you believe it?" Li Xuehao asked.

A Cheng Limei snorted. In fact, she can't believe it until now. If she didn't see it with her own eyes, she heard it in person... In fact, she doesn't believe it now.

The content of the investigation by the private detective, coupled with the magical "face-changing magic" of someone in front of her, she can only accept this "cruel" reality.

However, she was still reluctant to take a deep breath and looked at the "Mr. Yi Yi" in front of her eyes and said: "Since you know that you are Mr. Yu, it will be easier."

"A Cheng predecessor, I am really in the middle of the second." Li Xuehao pointed to his face, smashed a few times, and changed back to the original immature. The main reason is that he noticed that Mrs. Jingu is coming over. She seems to have just got off work. She has already replaced the staff clothes of the convenience store and only wears ordinary home clothes.

"I don't care, you must be responsible to me anyway!" Acheng Limei said with a loud voice, just as Mrs. Yugu was coming over, apparently heard the words she said, full of shock.

Li Xuehao can't laugh and cry: "A Cheng predecessors can't talk nonsense."

"Hey, I am here today to tell you, even if you scare me any more, I am not afraid, I will follow you." Acheng Limei went out, anyway, she was seen the most shameful, and still What are you afraid of?

Li Xuehao looked at her helplessly: "What use is with you, I am not..."

"You are!" Acheng Limei interrupted before he finished speaking. "Now I will go back and calm down, come back to see you tomorrow, goodbye!"

After she finished speaking, she walked very simply. When she bumped into Mrs. Jingu, she did not look at it, but she walked faster.

Until Acheng Limei went far away, Li Xuehao still didn't know what it meant by the words she had just said. Could it be that he would become a "truthful one" and give it to her?

"Zhen Zhongjun." Hiroshi Miyuki came to the front and stood at the door of her home courtyard. She did not walk in, but looked at his expression of words.

"Madam, have you heard that?" Li Xuehao said a little embarrassed, explaining, "Not what you think..."

Miyuki Painted his head and shook his head, interrupting his words: "Zhen Zhongjun, as a boy, must take responsibility, especially the gentle heart of the girl."

"It's really not what you think..." Li Xuehao smiled.

"Thank you for saving Qianxia yesterday, but don't be an irresponsible man." As he spoke, Miyuki Painted into the courtyard and did not listen to his explanation.

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