Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1254: Who is he?

Out of the warehouse, Fujiki opened the phone a thousand miles because the phone that was previously kidnapped was closed.

As soon as she opened, her mobile phone shook. Although Li Xuehao didn't see who was calling, she could guess that her mobile phone had been dialed. After being kidnapped, the real name of Nishimura followed her. Both her family and the police hope to know her news and coordinates through her mobile phone.

Fujiki connected the phone and said a few words. After the opposite person learned that she was safe, let her stay in the place and said that she would pick her up soon.

Li Xuehao naturally has to leave first, because no matter whether she is a family member or a policeman, he does not want to deal with it, and he does not want to stay and be asked to ask questions.

"Your name..." Seeing that he had to leave first, Fujiki was so anxious that she didn't know his name and class.

"Goodbye, Miss Fujiki." Li Xuehao didn't go back to her and waved her hand and gradually went away.

Fujiki has a desire to catch up, but promised that the people on the phone should wait in the same place, and they can only disappear and see the other person's figure disappear. But soon, she became firm again. Since she was in the same school, she would always find it if she wanted to find it.

After waiting for a few minutes, the person who picked her up will arrive.

"Miss Fujiki, are you okay?" There was only one person to pick her up, or there was only one person for the time being, and the people of the big army were still behind.

"I'm fine, Nishimura police officer." Fujiki Senki knows to pick up her female policeman. She is called Nishimura's real name. It is the person sent by the police to protect her.

Nishimura’s real name looked up and down again and again, and after confirming that there was no abnormality, he asked with a sigh of relief: “Miss Fujiki, what happened in the end? Is it a mischief?” I just saw the kidnapping of Fujiki’s thousands of miles. If it is not a prank, but really a fierce gangster, I am afraid that Miss Fujiki will not be safely released.

"No, I was saved." Fujiki said, his eyes were a little ecstasy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Is it saved?" Xicun’s real name looked around and looked around. There were no extra people. "What about the people who saved you?"

Fujiki shook his head and did not speak.

"Miss Fujiki, who saved you?" I thought she didn't hear what she said, and Nishimura asked again.

"I won't say it." Fujiki shook his head again, and this time he gave a clear answer.

Nishimura’s real name was stunned, but Miss Fujiki did not want to say that she had no choice but to ask and ask: “What about those gangsters?”

“It’s inside.” Fujiki has pointed to a warehouse where the two doors are not locked.

Nishimura’s real name suddenly looked like: “Miss Fujiki, you are here first, I will go in and have a look.” She said, she took out her pistol and carefully prepared to go in.

I don’t know what memories have been evoked, and said: "I have to go in together, Nishimura police officers, rest assured, they have been stunned."

Even though she said so, Nishimura’s real name is still somewhat unreliable, and she doesn’t even worry that she will go in with her. But when she looks at the firm expression of Miss Fujiki, she can only let her, but the hand holding the gun is even tighter. If something is wrong, she will definitely be the first to protect Miss Fujiki.

She took the lead and walked into the warehouse carefully. The situation inside made her surprised. Although Miss Fujiki had already said that the gangsters inside were all stunned, the picture lying on the ground was still a bit shocking.

Nishimura’s real name put up his pistol and explored the snoring and carotid arteries of a gangster to make sure they just passed out.

"Miss Fujiki, can tell me, who saved you?" The real name of Nishimura is very curious. She is not sure that several people have saved the vines, but they have seen the stunned gangsters, except for two of them. In addition to the scars, the remaining four people are all hit by a blow, which shows that the individual who saves the individual is very strong, so who is it?

Fujiki shook his head and suddenly insisted that he would not say it.

Nishimura’s real name is a little angry. In addition to her curiosity, she is also responsible for the police: “Mr. Fujiki, this is very important. Maybe the other party is also unintentional to you...”

"No." Waiting for her to finish, Fujiki has interrupted her words immediately, and she seems very confident about this.

"Why don't you think?" Nishimura stared at her tightly.

"Because he is..." Fujiki had just wanted to talk about it, but he immediately became alert and quickly closed his mouth.

What is he? This sentence does not ask for the name of Nishimura, because Miss Fujiki obviously does not want to say it.

Perhaps realizing that he almost said something that should not be said, Fujiki continued to remedy: "In short, I can guarantee that he will not be malicious to me."

"He?" Nishimura’s real name noticed the vocabulary. So, there is only one person in the other party? Then we must pay more attention to it. A person has such a strong individual strength. Once a crime is committed, it is very troublesome. "Wait for a confession, are you ready to answer?"

For this, Fujiki hesitated for a thousand miles, but soon decided: "Can I say that I did not see his appearance?"

"Miss Fujiki..." Nishimura’s real name is irritated with sorrow. If the other party is a famous lady, she definitely does not mind using some "special" means.

It seems that she is afraid to ask her again. Fujiki said: "I am already very tired. Nishimura police officer, can I go back to rest first?"

"Of course, Miss Fujiki!" said Nishimura's real name with his teeth, so it is said that this famous lady is the most troublesome. She can't use the persecution to make the other party submit, because once it is done, the consequences will be very serious.

When the two men came out of the warehouse, the follow-up police car had arrived, and a total of four vehicles came.

More than a dozen policemen came out of the four police cars. The real name of Nishimura reported the general situation of the case. The police rushed into the warehouse and took away the six gangsters in a coma. One of the vines was sent home by one of the police cars.

As for the real name of Nishimura, she did not follow the police car. She asked to stay at the crime scene to see if she could find any missing clues.

Throughout the process, Li Xuehao looked at his eyes. In fact, he did not go far. Just on the phone, he heard the voice of Nishimura’s real name. I met her at school before, because there is a good fortune, he is not convenient to give her the evidence that Mrs. Miyako paid for it. Now she is alone, that can be given to her.

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