Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1234: Notes and treasure map

After breakfast, before Singing back to Tokyo, Suzuki Fiyana was going out to go out with someone and explore the scenery of Hakkeijima.

The little fat man Wang Chengfeng volunteered to follow up and made up his mind to stick to Suzuki sisters.

Wang Yufeng did not dissuade him. He only showed a sad expression of helplessness to Li Xuehao. For his cousin, he could not restrain himself.

Li Xuehao expressed his welcome. He was just like finding a chance to start with the little fat man. Since the other party took the initiative to send it to the door, it would be better.

And Suzuki Fiiana made a look, she nodded quietly.

A group of three people went out of the hotel, Suzuki sisters left and right with Li Xuehao's side, Wang Chengfeng was a little behind, looking at someone with a sly look, hate can't replace it, he didn't have to find a word: "Miss Suzuki I really didn't think that the hotel we stayed in was actually owned by your Suzuki consortium."

Suzuki Finan sighed with a faint remark: "Mr. Wang is also very great, and he is already a president at a young age."

When I heard the praise, Wang Chengfeng said with great enthusiasm: "Miss Suzuki praised me too much. In fact, I was just lucky. A small company was actually developed by me and became a multinational group..." Boasting his own history of struggle and success, although he is very modest in his mouth, he is making a name for himself.

After listening to his bragging, Li Xuehao was already impatient. He suddenly pointed to a small park road: "Let's go there, the scenery there seems to be better."

"Okay." Suzuki Fiana did not know what he wanted to do, but believed that he would not be aimless and said.

Wang Chengfeng naturally had no opinion, and the four went to the other side.

Into the small park, perhaps it is a bit early, no one has passed by, this is undoubtedly a good place to start.

"It’s here." Li Xuehao decided to come down and said something meaningful.

"What?" Wang Chengfeng did not understand.

Suzuki Fiyana and Suzuki Minako did not speak, they waited to see someone's next performance.

"The scenery is beautiful, isn't it?" Li Xuehao looked around and suddenly said in Chinese.

Wang Chengfeng did not notice the strange inside, and subconsciously said: "Yes, the scenery here is really good... Hey, can you speak Chinese?" Halfway through, I finally came back.

“Is it strange?” Li Xuehao asked with a smile.

After all, Wang Chengfeng was the president of a company. He was not an idiot who first entered the society. He was a little vigilant: "So you all overheard my conversation with my cousin?"

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded and admitted.

Wang Chengfeng looked at the Suzuki sisters next to him and saw them look blank. They guessed that they couldn't understand. Although they were relaxed, they were still vigilant: "What do you want?"

"Nothing, just want to ask you a few questions." Li Xuehao said with a relaxed face.

Wang Chengfeng turned his mind in his heart. He didn't expect the Japanese teenager to speak Chinese, and he was so fluent. Since he could understand, he might have said something to his sister before talking to Suzuki. This made him feel a little shameful and angry.

"Sorry, I think of some important things, I have to say goodbye." I haven't thought of any good ideas in my heart, so he is ready to leave.

"Mr. Wang, you haven't answered my question yet." Li Xuehao naturally won't let him go.

"Let's talk about it next time." Wang Chengfeng just wanted to leave here as soon as possible, next to Suzuki sisters looking at him, making him feel like a monkey being watched.

"That's not very good." Li Xuehao smiled faintly. His words seemed to have the same magical power. Wang Chengfeng was just preparing to take the pace, but suddenly found himself standing on the land, and could not move.

"I...what's wrong?" Wang Chengfeng tried hard to get out of the way, but he was sucked like a magnet and couldn't move at all.

"It’s not too late to answer my question." Li Xuehao’s faint golden light flashed past, and Wang’s gaze suddenly stayed in place, stagnating in place, motionless like a statue.

"Yes." After doing all this, Li Xuehao indicated to Suzuki Fiana that she could ask questions.

“Is it finished?” Suzuki Fiona was a little surprised, and she did not see someone doing anything. The matter was successfully completed. Seeing the sullen eyes of the little fat man, she did not have any doubts.

"Yes, now, if you ask him anything, he will not hesitate to tell us." Li Xuehao nodded.

Suzuki Fiyana is going to try it first, staring at the sluggish Wang Chengfeng and asking: "What is your name?"

"Wang Chengfeng." Little fat man did not hesitate, although his face was dull like an idiot, but the answer was very happy.

“What is the purpose of coming here?” Suzuki Fianna continued to ask.

"Looking for the secret treasure of the ancestors." Wang Chengfeng replied mechanically.

"Secret treasure?" Hearing this, Suzuki Fijan suddenly got excited. "Tell me where the secret treasure is."

"In a treasure map." Wang Chengfeng replied.

"Tibetan map?" Suzuki Fiyana thought of something, said to someone next to him, "Ho, take out the treasure map."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao put the treasure map inside his storage ring and can take it out at any time. The treasure map has been glued together with transparent tape, so it is not broken.

"Is this treasure map?" Suzuki Fiyana took the map and sent it to Wang Chengfeng.

"I don't know." Wang Chengfeng shook his head.

"You don't know?" Suzuki Fiona had some doubts.

Wang Chengfeng said: "I have not seen the treasure map, only know that the treasure map is in a few secret boxes."

Suzuki Fiyana finally understood what he said and did not know what it meant. He heard that he was hiding in several secret boxes. She said: "This is the treasure map found from the box. Is there any secret inside?" ”

"The secret of Baotu, recorded in the notes of the ancestors, must be answered with the notes of the ancestors," Wang said.

“Where is the note?” Suzuki Fiiana’s face was a joy, and finally there was a secret to answer the treasure map.

"Notes are the top secret of Wang's family. I have secretly sneaked a copy, just in my pocket." Wang Chengfeng poured the beans and said it.

"Get it out." Suzuki Fiona couldn't wait to say that if the men and women were different, the other party was so annoying, she had to reach out and grab his pocket.

Wang Chengfeng did not hesitate to take the transcribed notes and hand it to her.

Suzuki Fiyana grabbed the transcribed note and wanted to open it immediately, but the location is wrong now, so I only have to endure it for a while.

"Ho, you can, we go back to the hotel."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded and reached for a shot on Wang Chengfeng's head. He said, "You go back now, remember, nothing happened, and the notes fell into the sea..."

"Yes, I am going back now, nothing happened, the notes fell into the sea..." Wang Chengfeng looked dull and muttered and left.

This kind of manipulation-like approach makes the Suzuki sisters look wide open and feels amazing.

"Hao, can you teach me this?" Suzuki Fiyana is very interested. If she learns this, she can do a lot of things.

"I don't want to teach you, because of your current strength, you can't learn." Li Xuehao is not shirking, but Suzuki Fiona has no such strength.

"That's a pity!" Suzuki Fiona lost some of her, but holding the notes and treasure map on her hand, she re-energized. "Okay, let's go back to the hotel and you will know the 'treasure map' right away." It’s a secret.”

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