Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1218: Please and temptation

After class in the afternoon, Li Xuehao went to the 5th floor alone to go to the spiritual level activity room. Yamamoto Ryota took a leave today and he was going to marry his pure predecessor.

Because it came earlier, there was no one in the activity room, only the deputy minister, Jiuchuan Qianhe.

As in peacetime, she sat at the long table and read a book. She was very focused. Even when someone came in, she didn't take a look.

Li Xuehao was boring to look for books in front of the bookshelf. It didn't take long for the footsteps to sound outside. It is estimated that some members have arrived.

The door of the activity room was pushed open. Somewhat unexpectedly, Suzuki Minako, who was the minister, arrived first.

When I saw someone present, Suzuki Mina did not say a word and walked directly toward him.

Li Xuehao didn't have a guilty conscience. Although she said in front of Fu Yuanzhimei and Yamamoto's voice yesterday that he let him go home with her, he did not agree.

"Which book I want to see, I can help you find it." Suzuki Minako walked to the front, squinted, and the tone of her voice was a bit stiff. She was probably dissatisfied with her pigeons yesterday.

"Thank you, I found it." Li Xuehao took out a book and didn't want to "trouble" her.

"Hey!" Suzuki Minako snorted and glanced at the position of Jiuchuan Qianhe, then lowered her voice and said, "Why didn't you wait for me yesterday? Are you afraid that Fuyuan Zhimei and Yamamoto are angry?"

"I had important things to do yesterday." Li Xuehao shook his head.

"Oh? So today?" Suzuki Mina stared at him.

"I'm afraid I can't do it today..." Li Xuehao was a little embarrassed. In the morning, he promised Seto Yoko, and the two had to go back together.

"Is it with Fu Yuanzhimei and Yamamoto's voice?" Suzuki Minako asked coldly.


"Not them?" Suzuki Minako frowned slightly, and then her eyes sharpened. "Is there another woman?"

"Cough, is..." Just to explain, Suzuki Minako interrupted rudely. "I don't want to know who it is, as long as it is not a blessing."

"..." Li Xuehao has nothing to say, listening to her tone, and Fu Yuanzhimei seems to have inextricable "hate."

"Right, I want to ask you one thing." Suzuki Mina suddenly changed another tone, and it sounded a bit of anger.

"Please say."

"Help me investigate my sister Ariza, I suspect she is in contact with people." Suzuki Mina also took a book from the shelf, but she did not take it, but held it tightly.

"Just this?" Li Xuehao asked.

Suzuki Minako nodded, and her tone was a bit stunned: "If Arisa really interacts with people, find out who the man is coming, then slap him and warn him to stay away from my sister!"

This is a typical bark, Li Xuehao said nothing to her, but when Suzuki Yarisa had a boyfriend, this is not heard. Of course, it is not necessarily true to have a boyfriend, maybe Suzuki Mina is too sensitive.


At the end of the club activities, Li Xuehao returned to the classroom and took the bag down the stairs.

Seto Yoko waited for him on the road outside the school building, but she was not alone, and Xiaobin Marina was also there. The two stood together, one excited and one expressionless.

"Master, I am here." Seeing him coming out, Seto Yoko excitedly raised his hand.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao walked over, although Xiaobin Marina was also there, and a pair did not welcome his attitude, but he directly ignored it.

As a cousin, Xiaobin Marina is a few centimeters shorter than the height of a meter of seven meters, and the body is also much slimmer. Fortunately, it is not the lack of nutrition, the appearance is still exquisite, leaving just In the middle and long hair reaching the shoulder, the bangs are tied to the top of the head with a headband, revealing a smooth forehead.

The pink glasses with triangles make her look smart and capable. When I faced someone with a gentle smile, I didn’t care about the usual squad leader’s image. It looked very cold.

"Well, you can go back." Seeing the people waiting to appear, Xiaobin Marina said a faint sentence, holding the hand of the cousin Seto Yoko, and went outside.

"Master..." Seto Yoko whispered, with grievances and helplessness.

It doesn't matter if Li Xuehao doesn't care. It's not surprising that Xiaobin Marinai will follow Seto Yoko. Her most precaution is her own, so she is willing to stay and wait for him to be an annoying person.

The three men walked forward and backward, and when they were approaching the school gate, Li Xuehao’s eyes suddenly stopped and stopped on the left side of the school gate, a man and a woman.

The man is thin and tall, his skin is very white, and his looks are extremely handsome. It is the kind of girl who will scream on the road.

The girls are also not bad, the black hair of the waist, the exquisite face, and the body with a gentle temperament.

The boy Li Xuehao didn't know, but the girl, the oldest sister of the Suzuki family, Suzuki Yalisha. Seeing her, combined with the entrustment of Suzuki Minako, the identity of the boy can be roughly guessed. He is probably the boyfriend that Suzuki Yarisa is dating.

Seeing that the two stood at the school gate and talked intimately, it seems that it is really a relationship of lovers.

Since he met the Lord, Li Xuehao did not want to waste the opportunity, and he said with the Seto Yoko, and they went to Suzuki Yalisha.

Behind him, Seto Yoko was somewhat lost, and Xiaobin Marina was watching coldly.

"Suzuki classmates." Li Xuehao stepped forward and took the initiative to say hello to Suzuki Alisha.

"It's a real classmate, hello." Suzuki Ariza saw him and responded politely. Among the three sisters, she was the shortest, but the most polite one.

As for the handsome boy who was disturbed, it was very uncomfortable to frown, but because of the presence of Suzuki Ariza, he could not lose his temper, but only occasionally looked at someone's eyes with a hint of gloom.

"Suzuki classmates are waiting for someone?" Li Xuehao deliberately asked, completely overlooking the handsome boys next to him.

The latter was angry, but before he spoke, Suzuki Yarisa replied: "Yes, I am waiting for my sister, really classmate, do you see your sister?"

"Suzuki minister should be coming down soon." Li Xuehao said, glanced at the handsome boy next to him, the other party seems to be more and more angry, just forbearing, he decided to stimulate again, try whether the two are really lovers Relationship, "Right, Suzuki classmates, we are all graduated from St. Mary's Light and High School. You don't mind if I call your name directly, Ariza?"

"Ah--" Suzuki Ariza did not expect that he would ask such a "direct" request, and his face could not help but be red.

The handsome boy couldn't help himself, glaring at him: "I don't care who you are, hurry to leave me, farther away from Suzuki classmates!"

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