Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1214: Casual dinner

"Qing Jiu Ge, I am sorry, since it is a secret, I still don't want to know." Although Ming Yueqing looked a mysterious look for a long time, Li Xuehao was not fooled. After saying this, he turned to the floor.

Ming Yueqing stayed on the spot for a long time, and it is estimated that he did not expect that the secret he had to say was not attractive at all.

Returning to the room where the moon was knotted, I found that the door was hidden. Li Xuehao did not knock on the door and went straight in.

In the room, the bright moon knot flower is standing in front of the closet, only the underwear is left off, and the plump and slender body is exposed.

Seeing this, Li Xuehao immediately stopped, and he did not know that the moonlight was actually changing clothes.

"You, you, you... what are you going to do?" The moonlighting flower that heard the sound looked at him with a look of disappointment, while grabbing a piece of clothing in the closet and blocking it in front of his chest.

"...I'm sorry, Jiehua sister." Li Xuehao, who had come back from the sky, quickly turned around and left the room.

"Yeah--" a late half-sound scream came out of the room, followed by a voice of Sosso.

Li Xuehao stood outside the door, did not enter, did not escape, feeling the heartbeat is accelerating, the scene just seen is still in the brain.

About ten minutes or so, the moonlight came out, and he leaned against the wall of the door. Her face was calm, as if nothing had happened: "Hao, you haven't eaten dinner yet, what do you want to eat? ”

"That... you can do it at will." Li Xuehao saw that she had not pursued the matter just now, and she was relieved. However, listening to her tone, it seems that she intends to cook for him to eat, which makes him a little surprised. She used to do cooking before she had lived in his house in the past month.

"Yeah." Mingyue knotted nodded facelessly, first went downstairs.

Li Xuehao followed behind, changing the clothes of the moon, wearing a short skirt and a T-shirt, which is both refreshing and has a small temptation of a young girl. From behind, the slender legs are white and crystal clear, firm skin It gives a more elastic visual effect.

In the living room, Mingyue Qingqing is still trying to clean up. When they see the two down, he just wants to open his mouth.

The moonlight knot has already been said first: "Brother, we will not help you, you will work hard alone, Mom and Dad will come back for a while."

Ming Yueqing opened his mouth for a long time, and finally he could only helplessly continue cleaning.

Li Xuehao walked into the kitchen with the moonlight. Unlike his home, Mingyue’s kitchen was independent, not open, and not connected to the living room.

After entering the kitchen, the bright moon knot flowers open the refrigerator and take out a large piece of fresh meat from the inside. The red meat barely sees fat and looks healthy.

“Can you cook a steak?” asked the moon in the moon and raised the meat on his hand.

"Yes." Li Xuehao stunned and nodded. The Mingyue family is just an ordinary working class. Although it usually eats meat, it is certainly not so extravagant. It is estimated that he has this "guest", so he only eats fried steak.

Get his response, the moon will begin to process the steak. The whole piece of steak is about a pound of multiple look. She divides it directly into two pieces with a knife. One piece is large and one piece is small. The big one is estimated to be more than 400 grams, and the small one is only 200 grams.

She seems to be treating the beef this way for the first time. It seems a bit rusty. After splitting into two pieces, she is salted with salt, pepper and egg white. Then open the refrigerator, take out the green broccoli, cut and spare.

Li Xuehao stood on the side and watched her handle the ingredients. When she was bored, she asked for a topic: "Where did the wonderful son Auntie and Dabu Shu go?"

"They went to visit a seriously ill senior and said that they would come back later." Mingyue Hanhua replied while focusing on the work at hand.

Li Xuehao said "Oh" and continued to ask: "Qing Jiu brother broke the TV, is there really no problem?"

"It will definitely be embarrassed, even if you use the money he works to buy a new one, it will be miserable." Speaking of this, the moon is a little angry, and some hate iron.

"... Qingjiu knows that you are sick?" Li Xuehao remembered that if she knew that her sister was ill and let her stay in the room alone, it was a bit too much.

"My brother didn't know, I didn't say it." Mingyue Hanhua shook his head.

Li Xuehao reminded: "If you have any problems with your body in the future, remember to tell your family... Of course, tell me."

"Know it." The sound of the moon's knot suddenly fell, perhaps because of his last words, his face was still red.

Li Xuehao did not notice this and watched her continue her work.

After the beef is marinated, it is time to start frying.

The moon's knot is poured into the pot, and after the oil is hot, the big cow is discharged into the pot. More than 400 grams of beef is very thick and large, and it has to be fried for a long time.

She is obviously not a master in this area. It is difficult to grasp the heat, but she will fry while frying, so that at least it will not be burnt. Wait until the two sides of the steak are dark brown, and it is almost finished before loading.

Another small steak is much simpler, but I don't know if it is an illusion. Li Xuehao always thinks that she should be much more careless when frying this small steak. It is so careful and careful not to fry the big steak. Is it because of small? The block is so fried, so there is no need to focus so much?

After the two steaks are fried, the bright moon knots use some chopped broccoli to make the plate, which looks much more beautiful than the monotonous steak. Her hand is estimated to be learned from TV, and the signs of imitation are very strong.

The two men came out of the kitchen with the steaks, and the living room was almost properly packed. The moon was eager to wipe the floor.

Perhaps smelling the flavour of the meat, he stood up from the floor and saw the meat in the two people's trays. It was a bit stunned: "The knot is the flower that the mother wants to entertain the guests."

"Ho is a guest." The moonlight flower gave him a slight white look.

Mingyue Qingjiu was stunned for a while, seriously speaking, someone is indeed a guest, and is still very popular with the parents.

"So what about me?" He was not reconciled. Beef is also his favorite meat, and he usually can't eat large pieces of beef.

"It's gone." The moonlight shrugs and shrugs.

"Qing Jiu Ge, my..." Li Xuehao was somewhat overwhelmed, thinking about whether he would divide the big piece of beef on his plate into half.

The moonlight knot has already preached: "Hao, don't worry about him, let's eat it first."

"Junghua, I am a brother..." Ming Yueqing has long been a bitter smile.

Li Xuehao also loves to help, and then half of him is a sentimental, so it seems that he has no blessings. However, I was thinking about it. When did he have to send some meat to eat, and the moon seems to be very lacking in meat?

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