Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1068: Satisfied Fukuyama English pear, the same person!

Class A squad leader Suzuki Yalisha, class b squad Fukuyama Hideaki, the latter likes the former. If this news is disclosed, it is estimated that it will shock the entire Sakurano High School, and even the hot spot directly exceeds the "two women and one wife" of Fu Yuanzhimei and Yamamoto. ".

"Is it really strange that the classmates in the real school?" Seeing that someone did not respond, it seemed that she was shocked by her words. Fukuyama Hideaki took the initiative to ask, but his face was not so red.

"...I don't like a person." Li Xuehao was asked in a strange way. He couldn't understand the relationship between a woman who likes another woman's same sex, but there is absolutely no interference. This is after all The freedom of others.

“Really, really?” Fukuyama Hideaki was a little excited. Probably because of his sense of identity that his “love” was recognized, he said with excitement, “As with your sister, the classmates are really gentle. ""

It seems that the island has told her a lot of good words from her, otherwise, like this kind of privacy, Fukuyama Hideaki will not talk to him who has only seen him several times.

"I don't know when the manager will come out?" Li Xuehao didn't want to talk about this topic, he turned his attention.

Fukuyama Hideaki immediately seemed embarrassed: "I am sorry, really classmates, may have to wait a little longer." Ask someone to help but still have to wait here, really do not want to go.

Because she didn't want to go, she was embarrassed to say anything more.

The two waited for a while, and when the fries and fried chicken were about to finish, they finally waited until the manager of the fast food restaurant appeared.

It is a short-haired man in his forties. He is only one meter or more in height and has an estimated weight of 200 pounds. Under the guidance of Fukuyama Hideaki, Li Xuehao found that the other party was giving a young man with respect and respect.

The young man is in his twenties. His height is less than one meter and eight meters. He looks very handsome. He wears a luxurious casual dress. His temperament is very calm and restrained. At the same time, he reveals a thick book. People can't help but feel good.

Li Xuehao's attention was immediately attracted to the young man. What attracted him was not the calm temperament of the other party, but the embarrassment and ethereality that only he could feel.

That young man is a practitioner! It is not the "half-hanger" of the Yin and Yang division, but the orthodox monk who is the same as him. It is the real "common person in the same way". Similar to Li Yaoer and Wan Cai, his strength is not under the latter.

I did not expect to encounter a "common" in Japan, that is, I don't know if the other person is a Japanese.

It can be seen that the manager of the short fat is extremely respectful to the young man, and he is cautious and even flattering in every move. Between the walks, the short fat store manager was half a step behind, and he also sent young people step by step.

"Please wait, the manager." Seeing that the two are going to walk by, Fukuyama Hideaki suddenly stood up and stopped the manager of the fast food restaurant.

The short-haired store manager was single-mindedly sending a big man out of the house, and was suddenly disturbed. The mood was naturally very uncomfortable, but he was afraid that the big man would be there. He did not dare to let go, and even tried his best to show a kind smile: "It is Fukuyama. Ah, come to work as early as today?"

"The manager, this is my lover, he is called Zhenzhonghao, is the general of our school judo." Fukuyama Yingri introduced someone opposite her, and there was no uneasiness and panic on the face because of lying. Like someone's identity is as she said.

Li Xuehao is a little bit smirking. He knows what the reason for Fukuyama Hideaki is doing this. It is nothing more than taking him to "scare" the manager of the short fat, but this is not discussed beforehand, but at this moment he is not good to tear down her.

"Lover..." The short-haired store manager’s eyes narrowed slightly, and soon he showed a kindness. "Fukuyama, I know what your purpose is. For the problem of the previous two late paychecks, I want Say "Sorry" to you, please rest assured, I still have important things, you can find Yoshida to receive your salary for the first two weeks."

"Thank you, the store manager. Also, I am ready to resign." Fukuyama Hideaki saw the change of the attitude of the manager of the short fat, thinking that it was the effect of the "powerful lover" that he brought, and took the opportunity to end the work.

"No problem... This is my seal, you go to Yoshida." The manager of the dwarf fat smiled, and there was no embarrassing posture.

Next to it, the young man never said a word from beginning to end. Except for the surprise when he first saw Fukuyama Hide Pear, the rest of the time was covered with a "face-faced" face. It seems that nothing can attract him. interest of.

"Thank you!" Fukuyama Hideaki solemnly bowed and took the seal of the manager of the short fat. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Finding a "lover" can solve all the problems.

After getting rid of the "entanglement" of Fukuyama Hide Pear, the manager of Dwarf Fertilizer continued to send the young man out with a feminine attitude. As for Fushan Yingli, he didn't even look at it.

Fukuyama Hideaki happily took the seal to find the woman named Yoshida, the waiter who first called Fukuyama Hideaki "Yoshida predecessor".

Li Xuehao sat in his seat, but a glimpse of the gods was quietly attached to the manager of the dwarf fat, of course not to monitor him, but for the young people who belonged to the same people.

It is definitely more convenient to attach the gods to the young people, but the other party is the same person. After that, it may make the other person aware.

The short-haired store manager sent the young man to the door, and still did not turn, and then continued to send it. After sending it a few hundred meters away, the young man said slightly impatiently: "Yes, Mr. Dad, you go back. "His Japanese is very skillful, with a strong Kansai accent. Obviously this is not something you can do for a few years."

Japanese? Li Xuehao, who was sitting in a fast food restaurant, frowned slightly.

"Then the deaf person will leave." The manager of the dwarf fat did not dare to violate the slightest, and bent down deeply. How respectful it is to be respectful.

"Yeah." The young man nodded and watched him bend down. He didn't know if he noticed something. He looked at him up and down in confusion. He didn't have anything. He thought it was because he was too sensitive. Waved and let the other party leave.

"The next stop, it should be Gunma County." Waiting for the director of the Dwarf Fat to retreat in a respectful manner, the young man muttered to himself, but it was no longer Japanese in Kansai, but pure. Chinese.

In the fast food restaurant, Li Xuehao is planning to take back the knowledge of the manager of the short fat, and suddenly heard the words spoken in the familiar language. The heart is slightly stunned. The other party is not only a fellow, but also a "township."

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