Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1044: Tactics and men who hurt their waist

"Yes, Fukushima Gongga is just our defeat. Last year, 5:2 was washed by our blood in two rounds. This year is no exception!" The call was a rough female voice, and she was also a member of the Heyi High Women's Team. The most violent one, with thick legs and thick arms, is more exaggerated than the female workers of Fukushima Gongga. Her name Li Xuehao also remembers that it is called Yu Duo.

"If you still want to wash them, then listen to me this time." Li Xuehao looked back at Matsuoka Maomei and Yu Duo, and the two islands were questioned by his "brain party". Once decided, the head coach is not there, he can temporarily exercise the power of the head coach. Of course, he does not deny that his arrangement is really perfunctory, but he has his own plan.

"Why?" Matsuoka Maomei and Yu Duo’s eyes have to say that the island was stopped by the expensive hand and stared at him.

"I have a way to ensure that your physical strength in the second half will not be weakened, even more than the first half. When the other side's physical strength is weak, you can madly attack, and you can wash them by physical strength." A few books, but Li Xuehao only knows a little about tactics. It really lets him arrange specific tactics. He must be arrested. But as a practitioner who is far superior to ordinary people, he does not need to know so many skills. It is enough to drop ten meetings.

"Is there such a way?" The island looked at him suspiciously, and even thought of a terrible ban, "Doping?"

The women's players next to the "Doping!!" screamed, but it was already far enough away from the Fukushima workers, or they might have been heard. This kind of stimulant is definitely a taboo for athletes. It will destroy the whole life once, and everyone will talk about it.

"Of course not." Li Xuehao is a little crying and laughing. "It's just a little trick to stimulate the body's potential. I can guarantee that I don't need to eat anything and have no side effects."

“Really?” The island was told by him, and his look was a lot easier. “So you let us hold it all the way in the first half, don’t let the other side score, wait until the second half to fight back?”

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. "I want you to have more physical strength than the first half. Wouldn't you not win a group of opponents who might lose even strength?"

"If it is really like you said, we can wash the Fukushima high school again!" The island was proudly said by a noble face, and Fukushima was not in the mood.

"I can guarantee." Li Xuehao said affirmatively, giving her full confidence.

"Okay, then according to the plan you arranged, we will try our best to keep the first half, and try our best to let the other party not even enter the restricted area!"

Matsuoka Maomei next to "Captain--" is a little anxious. She does not have the confidence that the island is so expensive to someone, and naturally fears something unexpected.

Yuki Yuki knows what she wants to say and shook her head: "Songoka, the head coach is absent, the real coach is our head coach, he arranges how to kick, how do we kick."

"Well..." In the face of the captain's final tone, Matsuoka Mami can only help but agree, but there is no opinion on the thick and thick feathers. It seems that it is more acknowledging the tactics of defending the second half in the first half.


More than a dozen people returned to their side of the field. The island was warmed up by the women's team members, because they had to race soon, and she stood on one side and began to do the stretching exercises of muscles and joints.

Li Xuehao is a coach. He doesn't need to be on the court, so he looks at them warm-up exercises with great interest. A group of young girls doing various warm-up exercises are more attractive, especially the islands that stand out from the crowd, tall and long legs, looks It’s cute, even though she is a little more feminine than her usual, but she’s a bit more cool.

"I don't know where Xiong Sanshu was injured?" Li Xuehao went to the island to see him, while admiring her rich and seductive posture, while whispering.

Between the islands, it seems that he did not notice his "intentional misconduct" eyes, or noticed that she did not mind at all, and the strange expression appeared on her face, with a shy expression, and looked at him with a blank face. At first glance, I finally said it: "Waist."

"Waist?" Li Xuehao, how can it hurt the waist? "Is it serious?" How to say that Shimashima Yuki is also his father's good friend, and even the future father-in-law, if he can help, he will not be embarrassed.

"There is a mother who is taking care of him. I can be discharged from the hospital in a few days." It seems that Miyajima does not want to mention his father's injury, but I can see that her expression is not very worried, obviously because the injured person is really It was only a minor injury.

"Is there a lot of aunts in color clothes?" Li Xuehao was a little surprised, and the island has not returned to Kyoto. Has she been here for many days? It stands to reason that as a teacher at Kyoto University, it should be less free, but it may take a bit of time to take care of Miyajima.

what! ! ! Li Xuehao suddenly had a heartbeat. He had a relatively "dark" speculation, which was thought of by the island's colorful clothes. Combined with the quirky expression on the face of the island, he was ashamed and embarrassed. What he thought was, is it not? Was I accidentally wounded my waist while I was in the same time as I was in the island?

If this is the case, then the island will be excusable from the eccentric expression.

It’s not that Li Xuehao’s thoughts are wretched, but that he has already had a kiss with Chiba Sayuri’s skin. He knows how wonderful the relationship between men and women is. When I am in Yokohama, I am sure that I am very miserable, my wife is very rare. When Kyoto came, it was human nature to hurry and be intimate with her, but the intimacy was too much too intense, and people were old, and the result was hurting the waist.

When I thought about it, Li Xuehao’s expression became strange, and the island was seen as a bit flustered. He turned his head and didn’t dare to look at him: “Because my father was injured, my mother stayed for a while.”

"This way..." Li Xuehao was quiet on the surface, looking at the island is expensive, she is doing the squatting action, the hips wrapped in the tight shorts just squat a perfect tempting arc, seeing His heart moved. "Your sister, you haven't been to me for the last two nights. Is there anything?"

"Hey, here is the football field, please call me the captain of the island or ... by your captain." The island was chilled by the cold, deliberately said mercilessly, but the cheeks flew two blush.

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