"Gas? Is it downgas? A Chinese suddenly came out of Cody's mouth.

The person in front of him was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, Cody was calling him a fart.

"Huh~ boy, so rude, then I'll teach you well."

"It seems that you can't catch your breath, you always hehe, I don't know, I think you have lung disease."

Qi no longer talked nonsense, and his face became expressionless, and with his cloudy eyes, an awkward sense of aging made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

I saw that he put his left hand behind his back, raised his right hand, and raised it quite lightly to Cody.

A bolt of lightning flung out of his hand and directly hit Cody, who didn't have time to dodge, and was directly shot away and hit the solid wall behind him.

Cody grinned and got up from the ground, the power of this thunder and lightning is really extraordinary, looking understated, but the moment it hit Cody's body, what Cody felt was definitely not inferior to the power of thunder and lightning in Thor's normal state.

If this blow is really as easy as he performed, then Cody feels that there will be a hard battle tonight, don't forget, he has 9 other rings, the same powerful ring, the power of the guardian dragon is not strong, then can it still be called the guardian dragon?

Cody stood up straight, and electricity surged around his body, and the power of gold began to permeate his whole body again from his belt, this time after a long absence, making Cody feel the pain from his body again, as if his whole body was bitten by ants.

After two breaths, the strengthening muscles of Cody's whole body completely turned black, the Lindor character representing "thunder" appeared on the hand armor, and the sublimated all-round foot armor appeared on both legs.

For the first time, he transformed into the Empty Self Amazing Almighty Form.

"Huh~ What kind of dress-up game is this?" With a disdainful glance, this time his right hand stayed in front of him for a while longer, and then an even more terrifying thunderbolt attacked Cody's body.

The strength of the force directly detonated the Shumagea fragments and weapons scattered on the ground around him, turning them into violent explosions.

Qi did not rush forward, but looked at the location of Cody with great interest, he wanted to take the opportunity to confuse the mind of the armored man on the other side when the lightning caused a huge explosion, but he found nothing, but he was sure that the person was not dead.

During the burning, a whirlpool suddenly appeared, and the surrounding flames were absorbed by this whirlpool, and gradually the temperature subsided.

"Are you still in charge of cleaning? This is Tony Stark's industry, what do you feel sorry for. In

the smoke, Cody revealed his unscathed figure, worthy of being amazed and all-powerful, and most of the power of the lightning bolt just now was absorbed by the belt.

I don't know if I can ask Thor to help, if I can let him unlock the conditions for redeeming the Void Self Ultimate Form.

"Thunder and lightning just now, how about two more blows for me?" Cody didn't heed his words, but asked with open hands in a gesture of welcome.

Qi listened to Cody's words, his face twitched slightly, others may not know, but he himself knows that these ten rings are very good, that is, there is a limit, each ring, after launching a super powerful attack, can only be used again in two hours.

For example, the destructive matrix ray before, after that time, he had to wait two hours before he could launch such a terrifying force again. He also fired a thunderbolt like that just now, at most a dozen times.

Now the cutting ring can't be used, the soul ring doesn't work, and the lightning ring has also become a charger after the guy on the opposite side transforms, which is equivalent to three rings losing their effect at once. I already knew that it was better to let that woman come directly, maybe I could hide it.

Qi thought so, suddenly kicked under his feet, and flew out from the breach at great speed with the help of the cyclone ring.

"Want to escape? It is worthy of being infuriated, and he actually instigated ~ Golim so much. "

Cody summoned Golim to catch up with the qi, but Golim appeared from the space and circled around Cody, not letting Cody hold the wormfoot.

"Golim, now is not the time to play, when the matter is over, shall we go for a ride?"

Ever since Golim attached Tony's suit once, learned human language, and spoke more and more fluently, he became particularly keen to express himself, revealing some true feelings that belonged to living beings.

Communicating with Zea, you can occasionally feel that the other party is AI, but communicating with Golim, there will be no sense of isolation that the other party is not a creature.

Cody hadn't summoned him for a long time, perhaps a little lonely.

After circling around Cody, Golim turned and flew into the corner.

"Where to?"

Cody reluctantly walked over, and then saw where Golim was, grinding and rubbing out a winged pony, covered in some black and mushy, probably affected by the explosion just now.

"You wouldn't sneak out before the space door closed, would you?"

The little pegasus pretended to rub Cody's leg obediently, then waved his wings, and a space door that was just right for the pony to pass through appeared next to him.

Cody was a little speechless.

Why did he forget it, Pegasus looks like a horse, but it is essentially a magical creature, Cody feeds it with the magic of Asgard and Karma Taj all day, and sometimes it may expose it to a little of the chaotic magic of the Dark God Book, these simple magic it has long been proficient in.

"Okay, you're very good, go back now, I still have business, okay?" Cody crouched down and touched its head.

The pony tilted his head to indicate no.

"You're so young, what can you do for me?" Seeing that the little guy was not convinced, Cody smiled a little angrily.

I saw the pony snort at him, and then ran to the clearing, and then the Golem in the sky began to separate.

"Wait, you're so young, even if you transform, I can't ride it!"

It turned out that it was still Cody who was naïve.

I saw that the wings behind the little pegasus emitted white light, with a sparse shining, these lights shrouded the already split Golem, the black and gold body of the Golem, gradually turned into crystal and gold, at the same time that Golem and the pony fused, the pony's body gradually became larger and became a majestic armored divine horse.

"You win!"

Cody admired the armor of the so-called, real horse a little, and then jumped on the horse unceremoniously, and after staying in Asgard for so long, he had already learned to ride a horse.

Pegasus wings, directly turned into a streamer, flying towards the direction of qi escape, Cody sat on horseback, did not feel a little wind, the surrounding things like meteors flew backwards, only with the ability of empty self, can you see clearly.

Qi thought that he had thrown off the armored man, and the speed was slightly slower.

This time it was still a little impulsive, and the manufacturing plant was much more difficult than I thought.

In the past, he broke into the core factories of those companies, and it was very smooth, even if there was an ordinary army-sized security, he could easily solve it.

And this time, after hearing so many tempting things from the woman, why didn't I think of it, inquire about what is wrong with this factory?

That kind of wall actually needs to use so much energy to cut open, and those weapons, fortunately with the cover of black light, can be avoided.

This time I went back, I had to find a way to make Tony Stark die faster.

Suddenly, Qi's body came to a rapid rotation, dodged a few arrows, and was startled in his heart, and then he heard the familiar voice behind him,

"You are not very good ~ Why do you fly so slowly."

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