Imagining how he would adapt to the huge Celestial God body, or worry that he would not be able to change back to his original form, these things did not happen, which made Cody really relieved.

However, Cody was relieved, and the upper echelons of the countries monitoring the body of the Celestial God suddenly clenched their hearts.

From the mist covering the body of the Celestial God, to the fog dispersing and finding that the body disappeared, the whole process took less than two minutes.

Even if the nearest garrison team immediately leaves for there, it will take at least more than 5 minutes.

When the first wave arrived, they saw only one sea level that had dropped tens of meters.

This huge stone statue, since he was discovered, the picture of his exposed part on the sea has been spread all over the Internet, but everyone has searched through all the mythological books, and has not found a legend similar to him, only the so-called titan giants and the like.

But later the national academies of sciences released research results that the composition of this colossus is only the most common stone, and according to the carbon fourteen measurement, its age is only 10,000 years. So the Colossus, like those ancient miracle buildings, became legendary, and soon people lost interest and continued to follow those superheroes.

Of course, this research result is just a smoke bomb released by private consultation among countries, and modern precision instruments cannot cut it at all, even if it is only a trace of stone chips. And most importantly, more than 20 years ago, a huge black hole appeared in the sky, and a figure as huge as this stone statue appeared in it, capturing a human woman.

This is a secret that only a very small number of the upper echelons of the country have, and its recorder is an agent from S.H.I.E.L.D.

There were not a few witnesses at the scene that year, but they had been erased by the vast S.H.I.E.L.D., and only one man got out of the sight of S.H.I.E.L.D. and has not been found.


"Boom! Knock knock! Knock knock! Boom..." After

a regular knock on the door, a man walked into the dark room, pressed the button on the wall familiarly, and then pushed open the door and erected a one-person-tall shoe cabinet, and walked into the exposed passage.

When the man entered, everything returned to its original state.

The ultraviolet light in the passage guided the man to the depths of the passage, and before reaching the innermost silver-coated iron door, the man knocked out a regular "knock" sound again.


The iron door opens automatically.

"Did you see the news? The Colossus is gone! Before

the man entered the door, he spoke first.

"So, are you ready?"

The answer of the man inside the door sounded wrong at first, but the man who entered the door replied

, "I think, yes!"

"Well, then this sword should also return to its original owner!"

After speaking, he walked to the depths of the room, in a plain box, took out a simple and exquisite sword box, and placed it on the table,

"You can open it!" Hope it can recognize you! Before

the man came to the sword box, he put his finger on the sword box, exhaled deeply, and then slowly opened the sword box.

The lights in the room were a little dim, and the sword exposed inside was still wrapped with white cloth, but the slightly exposed black sword still reflected a cold light.

The man stretched out his finger, trembling slightly and touching the part exposed to the black sword, and in an instant, the black sword rippled on the body, as if there was something on the sword, attracted by the magnet

, "It seems that you are lucky, no, it should be said, you are unlucky, well, bring it with you now, it's time to take you to meet some friends!"

The man standing on the side said.


The first time Cody returned to the bedroom directly through the mirror world, he received a message handed to him by Alfred

, "Mr. Tony is waiting for you downstairs, and Nick Fury..."

Cody had a bad premonition, and sure enough, the first second he saw Cody's figure

, Tony spoke,

"What about the Colossus?"

"Hey~ Why do you think I did it?"

Cody complained.

Tony didn't answer, just threw Cody a "What do you think?" " eyes.

"Alright, alright! It was indeed done by me, but it was originally my body~ What happened to me taking my body back? Cody

spread his hands, indicating that he had a clear conscience.

"Yes, that's your stuff, but shouldn't you tell us ahead of time so as not to cause unnecessary confusion?"

The eyes cast by Nick Fury revealed a little disapproval.

"Okay~it's my fault~"

The attitude of seeing Cody was not bad, and the two had nothing else to say about this established fact. They came this time, just to confirm this matter. In the hands of Cody, it is better than being taken away by some unknown force.

After saying this, the three drank tea and snacks sent by Alfred and began to talk about Cody's experience of traveling to other universes.

Regarding the ultimate reason involved in traveling to other universes, such as most of the things about Sithorne, Cody still did not tell all of them to the two, whether it was before departure or now, he only talked about some skins, and he preferred to release these things little by little as he got more information, so that everyone could slowly accept it. The reason is that he is now unclear about Sithorne's ultimate purpose.

Therefore, what Tony and Nick Fury learned, that is, these things that Cody experienced on the surface, such as the rebellion and collapse of the three major organizations, the scenery of hell, and other cosmic differences, etc., which is exactly the same as what Flashing said, as for Deadpool, although he is sometimes crazy, but what should not be said, is still very clear.

Cody feels very relaxed with each other like this. At least after these people knew his true identity, they gave him "trust" very easily. This is probably the trust that will be formed after a long time of getting along, right?

Before the two could leave, Alfred's answer sounded at the door, and a new guest arrived.

"Hi Matt! Why is everyone here? "

The group of people who came in was none other than the Defenders Alliance.

After greeting one by one, everyone gave way, and the figures of two people appeared in front of Cody.

One was a vampire hunter who had seen it inside, a blade warrior, and the other,


The first time Cody saw the man, he involuntarily shouted.

The man listened and just smiled

, "Well, it was said that I am very similar to that actor, but I am not an actor, just a history professor at the Natural History Museum in London." Officially, my name is Dane Garrett Whitman, the third generation inheritor of the Black Knight! "

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