"You... Why bring this traitor back? Seeing

the comatose Steve being brought back by Cody, Tony was indeed surprised, and didn't understand too much, what was Cody doing, didn't he go after a mysterious killer?

And Tony is also worried that Steve's arrival will expose the secrets of the world in the mirror.

Whether it's S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, even those government organizations. Now they have all learned the news of the Avengers' return. And the mysterious hiding place of the Avengers is also what they have been pondering and trying to find.

"To tell you the good news, the so-called hydra god has been solved by me."

Cody said with a smile.

"You wouldn't want to say that the Hydra God is actually Steve Rogers, are you?"

"Well, that's right, in fact, the god of hydra should have been an independent creature, but I don't know if it was parasitized on Steve Rotis, or for other reasons, in short, now Steve Rogers is the god of hydra, the hive, and the mysterious killer I have been tracking for the past two days."

"Then why don't you solve him directly?"

"What's the use of solving him? It's better to see if you can pry out the secret about Hydra in his mouth. Cody

also did not think that this hydra god would be so easy to solve, and it didn't take much effort. Even from the rescue value that comes back, it can be seen that this Hydra God is just an ordinary boss, not even a super villain.

It's just that Cody didn't know that when he left with the unconscious Steve, the bugs on the ground, which were not killed or shrouded in electromagnetic nets, slowly gathered, and when these bugs converged, they flew into the sky like a dark cloud and left the place.

If you can look closely at Steve, who is unconscious at this time, you will find that the Steve brought back by Cody does not have the rings of Mandarin on his hand.

Of course, Cody didn't know about the ring, and he thought that Mandarin was hiding in some corner. The demon of the King of Hell has not reported to him for a long time, according to your situation, because Mandarin has not returned to Hell's Kitchen at all during this time. I didn't contact Kim He.

In addition, some time ago, a large number of gang leaders in Hell's Kitchen concentrated the news of their deaths in various forms, and now Hell's Kitchen has shown an unprecedented state of security.

Steve was unconscious and put in a separate prison, where his every move would be monitored 24 hours a day.

The reason for his coma is just the impact of energy, and he will soon wake up on his own.

Cody's prediction was very accurate, and within a few hours, Steve woke up.

Of course, the news that he was brought back by Cody is also known to everyone in the mirror world.

Steve, who came to his senses, did not show any regret or other emotions in the face of everyone's unkind eyes. Instead, look back at everyone with an expression that you are really stupid.

As for the reason, soon after, it was also brought to everyone by Spider-Man outside.

An entire S.H.I.E.L.D. base was completely wiped out from the earth in a few tens of minutes.

Such strange news, at first, instinctively made people wonder if Spider-Man was playing a prank.

It was not until through S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avalantogen virus monitoring that had been turned on, that everyone saw the terrible scene clearly, just ten minutes ago, countless insect seas flooded here, corridors, machinery, concrete, completely indiscriminately submerged, the picture only lasted less than a minute, but everyone understood what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"What's going on here?"

The first person to look for was naturally Steve Rogers.

But in the face of everyone's questioning, Steve just smiled and looked at Cody

, "The prophecy has been fulfilled, and the otherworldly demons have indeed caused disaster."

Steve's words immediately made Cody understand that he had missed that the bugs that attacked S.H.I.E.L.D. were the same bugs that had not been killed when Steve Rogers was solved before.

Everyone knows the existence of this prophecy, but to be honest, who exactly is said in the prophecy, only a few people really know.

Steve also seems to think that Cody's attitude towards this matter is secretive, which is why he proposed those conditions.

"Tell me, why did those bugs attack S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"It's very simple, at the same time that I gain his power, my body is also his sealed place, and now, he who loses control will first devour all the humans who believe in him, and then the world, no one can stop the god of hydra."

"Oh? Is it? It seems that we still have plenty of time to perfect our battle plan, and when we hear that Hydra is pervasive, why don't we all return to their gods' arms first?

After saying that, Cody obviously saw Steve's face stiffen a little.

"At that time, see if his strength is stronger, or the power of the otherworldly demon is stronger! Guys, I don't think we need to waste time with him. Cody

walked out first, followed by the crowd leaving the room where Steve was being held, and Tony walked last, staring at Steve for a few seconds before leaving.

Sure enough, as Steve said, starting from the destruction of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, every once in a while, through various channels, some reports of dignitaries disappearing inexplicably.

Although it was said that the hive would eat these hydra remnants first, the Avengers' actions actually began.

The Avengers went around the world in groups of one or two according to their combat strength, and Charles, who received the news, quickly formed a temporary X-Men, followed the instructions, and went to the target location.

But before leaving, Charles found Magneto, and then clearly told him that everything about Steve, as for what Magneto thinks, whether he is still obsessed, it is not Charles to care anymore.

Because in any case, when this war ends, it is time to settle the general account!

At the same time, the same frequency appeared in more than a dozen places in the world, which represented nature as a hive attack, which was scattered.

And the biggest reaction has always been entrenched in the place where the S.H.I.E.L.D. base is located, and when Cody and Tony arrive here, the only creature here is Spider-Man alone.

Looking around, because the S.H.I.E.L.D. base has a huge underground structure, at this time, it has been hollowed out into a huge crater, and in the pit, it seems that there is still black liquid flowing in it. But in fact, it is not a black liquid, but a sea of insects formed by countless crawling or flying insects.

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