In the face of Wanda's doubts, Cody did not hide it, and told Wanda what Sithorne told him.

Wanda listened and was silent for a long time, in this matter, she completely trusted Cody, if Cody really wanted to kill her, she could do it when her strength was exhausted, and there was no need to bother to help her collect the fragments of the "Book of Darkness".

But just for this matter, it is also unrealistic for Wanda to stand up and say that he is willing to die for Cody. Even when Captain Hydra used Pietro's whereabouts to lure her, she never thought about who she would die for.

After a long time, Wanda looked up and asked,

"When will you leave here?"

"Wait until you solve the Hydra God you just talked about, and then settle the Hell Dimension before leaving."

"Well, I know, before this, I tried to think of a way, Agatha's collection has a lot of strange books, maybe I can find a suitable way!" Also, do you want to tell that Mr. Strange about this?

Cody nodded

, "Of course, tell him, after all, it is the future Supreme Mage, and you can't bypass Karma Taj no matter what."

"This matter, it's better to leave it to me, don't you still have to solve the Hydra God? It's just that I need a way to get in and out of hell freely.

Wanda suggested.

"Okay, leave it to you, as for the way to enter and exit Hell, you can go to the Hell Storm brothers and sisters. Let them take you with them. Hearing

that Wanda was willing to cooperate made Cody really relieved, and I didn't know if Wanda from other worlds would be so easy to talk to.

Saying goodbye to Wanda, Cody leaves the Hell dimension and enters the world in the mirror.

By this time, Tony had all returned and was enjoying dinner.

The targeted operation of several weak points really caused S.H.I.E.L.D. to lose a lot of weapons and spaceships.

And interestingly, when Tony and they were preparing to retreat, fighters and armored troops of the authorities actually arrived on the scene.

But they were just defensive and did not launch a rash attack. And Tony clearly saw that all the equipment that the army was now equipped with had been upgraded to Stark Industries' technology.

Tony's fight with Steve has not been once or twice, and unless Steve deliberately concealed it, the authorities may have known the news of Tony's return.

It's just that I don't know whether their attitude towards Tony is friend or foe.

However, judging from their impatience to work with the three major organizations to carve up Stark Industries, the probability is not friendly.

Tony was very disdainful of this.

"I have taken away so much technical information, and what I use so far is still the weapons and equipment I launched in the past, and I have not carried forward any technology at all. It's really not growing at all.

Although Tony's tone was full of disdain, it was impossible for Tony to be without a trace of attachment to the company that his father founded and carried forward.

Cody asked tentatively,

"Are you still going to get Stark Industries back?"

Tony did not hesitate and nodded directly

, "Of course, I want them, eat them all, spit them out."

"Hey, Tony, we're still eating! Don't say something so disgusting! Black

Widow, who was sitting next to Tony, slapped Tony's shoulder twice in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, hiss ~ sorry ha!"

Tony rubbed his shoulder and quickly apologized.

After a pleasant dinner, the disposable Chinese takeaway box was transmitted into the trash can outside the door by flashing brains. Cody told what he had heard from Wanda.

"So, our enemy has been replaced by that Hydra God again?"

Tony asked.

Cody shrugged

, "Who let us thwart so many of their plans~ Oh, by the way, Tony, those viruses that are weak points in the network firewall should mutate almost, you can try to listen to their interior."

"Yes! How to forget about this! Soon

, above the dining table, a holographic screen unfolded, and as the data flow was parsed by Zeya one by one, several pictures, and noisy voices appeared, and they were classified one by one, sorted out, and became unified.

Most of the pictures are actually useless, after all, the unimportant places, the protection is weaker, naturally, the mutant avalanche virus is also easier to invade.

After removing these, there are only a dozen pictures left on the screen.

Through the angle, it can be seen that most of the viewing angle is from indoor temperature controllers, coffee machines, printers, wall lamps connected to the master control and other daily equipment.

Here is to mention the uniqueness of the avalantomy virus, it stands to reason that these devices usually do not have lens and microphone equipment, but after being infected by the avalantovirus virus, the anaphytovirus can collect the light reflected by the object, the vibration generated when the sound is generated and all the perceptible energy, and finally restored by Zeya's algorithm and turned into a monitoring picture.

Therefore, even the most advanced equipment should not try to detect that there is surveillance here.

Of course, the premise is that it is not discovered by the strong firewall in the data flow. The current Anaphytosis virus is still easy to kill.

In these dozen or so pictures, some are administrative office areas, some are fighter vehicle dispatch rooms, some are warehouses, but unfortunately there are no laboratories, let alone Steve's office. With real-time monitoring, it is impossible to grasp Steve's movements.

"Don't worry, they will continue to mutate and divide themselves. When it is stronger, more areas will be displayed.

Cody could only comfort everyone like this.

It's just that in a place where Cody and everyone didn't see it, at this time, Steve, after the rage, was burying his head in his arms, extremely distressed.

After all, once you return home and find that your home has been stolen, no one will be comfortable.

Although Cody thought that he had restored well before leaving, Steve, who was still wary, found that the location of the bookshelf had traces of being moved.

When he found the hapless secretary, he learned that a Steve had come, and even at first, Steve wondered if Magneto did it, after all, he had many shapeshifter mutants there.

But come to think of it, Magneto has no motive.

That's not all, and then Steve was told that even Wanda had run away, and then contacted the contents of the file that he had hidden here, and for a moment, Steve felt what it was to be powerless.

Even the Hydra God's return ceremony could not allow him to offset this uneasy feeling.

In their new plan, they originally used the god of hydra, plus Wanda's ultimate power.

Such a combination, casually and secretly eliminate the Avengers, is it not easy?

Moreover, they have always felt that they have the righteousness to save the world here.

Now, there is no need to doubt that this person who has been making trouble for them must be the demon from another world, and they have lost since he first appeared on S.H.I.E.L.D. and stole the fragments!

I have never seen such a demon, and other villains invade Earth, either destroying or killing. And this demon, from the very beginning, only targeted the three of them. There was no destruction, no killing, but it was as if the vanished Avengers had specifically found it.

Even now, when he announces that prophecy to the world, no one will believe that there is really a demon invasion.

Even if he is Steve Rogers, the superhero who is still called Captain America in the eyes of the world.

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