



Before entering the dark dimension, Cody swapped the Witch Rider Belt for the Time King Belt.

It's a pity that as a member of the "Knight by Power", Shi Wang now only has a basic form, and he doesn't even have a dial from another knight, it's not that Cody can't afford it, it's that it can't be bought, and I don't know what the opportunity to unlock is.

Otherwise, Cody doesn't need to always struggle with when to change which belt, but fortunately, all current forms support "transient", otherwise such a long transformation special effect, Cody has to delay how much time.

"You have a lot of props!"

Strange looked at Cody's new equipment and sighed, as far as the several forms of Cody he had seen, after each transformation, Strange could feel completely different power fluctuations.

When Cody first appeared, although he claimed to be a member of the otherworldly Karma Taj, it was clear that Kama Taj could not just let go of his heart. It was not until Gu Yi felt the echo of the power of the Book of the Emperor of Vishan that Cody's identity made Kama Taj completely relieved.

"Where is this~"

Cody snorted slightly, and then stood in front of an ancient mirror with Wanda.

With Strange's complicated gestures, a ripple rippled on the ancient mirror, and then the mirror shattered and sunk inward, revealing a pitch-black void, Strange nodded towards Cody

, "What is recorded on that parchment scroll is the magic of opening the passage, be careful, come back early."


Of course, what Strange opened was not a passage directly to the dark dimension, if it was so easy, the dark dimension would have already invaded, and what he opened was only the gap in the defensive formation suspended above the head of the New York Holy Sanctuary.

Standing in the middle of the reality and dark dimensions, Cody unfolded the parchment scroll in his hand and handed it to Wanda

, "It's inconvenient for me to cast magic, you come."

Wanda didn't talk nonsense, just unfolded the scroll and took a look, and then a red light was thrown out casually, and a spatial door immediately appeared in front of the two.

Cody was slightly surprised, it was he who underestimated Wanda, it had only been a few days, Wanda's magic had become more integrated, unless, some time ago in hell, Wanda was hiding.

Cody didn't say anything, just took Wanda's hand and walked into the door of space. Of course, this is not to take advantage of Wanda, but to ensure that after the two enter the dark dimension, they arrive at the same place.

The dark dimension is definitely not pitch black, if you want to describe it, it is colorful black, light and shadow are like neon, flowing in black matter, and the sky is full of nebula matter.

Cody and Wanda stand on a small planet, and everywhere you look, there are small planets only a few hundred meters in diameter, moving irregularly, but miraculously, no matter how close they are, they will not collide with each other.

"You try to find it. You are connected by heart, and it may be easy to feel him. "


Hearing Cody's words, Wanda closed her eyes and began to perceive Pietro's presence.

It wasn't long before Wanda opened her eyes, and tears were already welling up in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Did you not find it? "

When Cody saw Wanda's appearance, he knew the result.

When he was struggling with whether to use the soul gem to help Wanda, a sense of crisis suddenly approached. But before Cody could leave here with Wanda, Wanda's attack was already blasted out.

The red light collided with a skyscraper-like cone, and the originally empty and clean starry sky immediately became turbid.

A giant black hand brushed through the dust, and these clouds immediately gathered and turned into a small planet. Then, like marbles, it was pushed away.

"Look who this is! I wonder if His Excellency the Heavenly God came to me for something? Still is...... Came to me for a vacation with your girlfriend?

"I'm not her girlfriend!"

Wanda spoke.

Is that the point? Wait, it seems to be too!

Cody pouted inwardly and spoke

, "Dormammu, I'm not here to fight with you this time, we're looking for someone, it's the brother next to me, you should know her, right!"

"Of course, besides you, she is the person that the master values the most! The brother you are talking about, is it the one named Pietro?

"Yes, you know him?"

"Of course, the person that the master pays attention to, how can I not pay attention, but, I don't know which Pietro you are talking about?"

Speaking of this, the giant hand waved in the air, and then saw 8 identical Pietros appear in front of the two.

Good guys, are you playing real and fake Monkey King with me?

Cody's eyes glared at the giant hand in the air.

And Wanda next to him was also frozen for a while.

"Dormammu, what does that mean?"

"It's not interesting, just help the master to eliminate dissidents, these 8 Pietro, from the coordinates of the 8 worlds that the master gave you. In these timelines, Pietro is Wanda's only relative, and their departure will make these Wandas collapse, but I'm doing you a favor, how about you? Why not just kill Wanda next to you and let her grow into a Scarlet Witch? Hearing

Dormammu's words, Cody knew that something was going to happen, and sure enough, the chaotic power beside him began to surge.

"Dormammu, F_YOU!"

Cody turned the dial on his waist and went back in time for the first time!

A huge clock phantom appeared from the belt and spread out to the entire dark dimension as far as the eye could see.

When everything was over, the figures of the 8 Pietros in front of him had disappeared, and Wanda only felt that she seemed to be confused for a moment, but did not care.

And the only two that have not been affected are the Dormammu and Cody himself who are projected in the Cody universe!

The giant hand in the air disappeared, and a huge face appeared instead, and at this time, the giant face looked shocked,

"You... How did you do it? "

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