Previously, the former apprentice swordsman of Mandarin said that he was going to take Daredevil and Iron Fist to steal a wave of Mandarin's home, but as a result, no communication was sent back from this trip, and Tony was still worried about whether something had happened to them.

As a result, suddenly, the three of them brought everyone a surprise, a real surprise.

When everyone arrived at the location mentioned by the three, what they saw was the secret items of an entire underground cave.

There were traces of fighting around, presumably left by the three of them when they solved the guards here.

In this underground cave, in addition to the gold and silver jewelry that Mandarin has collected over the years, the most valuable thing is actually the weapons and magical items he has collected from all over the world.

Among them, Cody also saw the most important keel. This keel is naturally the keel of Kunlun, that is, the keel found under Manhattan.

But this keel is already much mutilated and apparently used. This may also be the reason why the mandarin of this world is relatively powerful.

It can be said that this time it is a copy of Mandarin's hometown, and sure enough, as the original apprentice, it is different, and he knows a lot of insiders.

Mandarin in this world, although his own ability is outstanding, his Ten Commandments Gang has long been destroyed, and now there are very few people under him who have the ability, such as apprentices or entourages such as swordsmen. Such an important warehouse can only be guarded by people who send money and mergers.

Ordinary people meet Iron Fist, superheroes like Daredevil will be easily solved, even if there are many people and good equipment.

And according to the swordsman, such a warehouse, Mandarin has several places in the United States.

After collecting everything and bringing it back to the mirror world, the remnants of the keel were stored separately in a laboratory.

Such extraordinary power is actually very important to oneself.

Take the iron fist, the same is the power of Kunlun, if the iron fist can turn all the remaining energy of the keel into its own use, then Cody feels that it seems that it can really look forward to the birth of a Marvel's exclusive one-punch man.

However, it is a pity that even if the iron fist abandons the belief in Kunlun, it is willing to absorb the power of the keel. As a new iron fist, he didn't know how to use it. Every civilization has its own unique secret method, and obviously the current iron fist has not yet touched that level.

So, after thinking about it, Iron Fist decided to return to Kunlun with the keel, hoping to get Kunlun's permission.

The current Avengers squad is actually most eager for combat power.

I think that when they were the most numerous, they all failed miserably against the alliance of the three giants. And now, there are still a lot of people in the team.

Speaking of the Avengers, when he first met Tony in Hell before, Tony said that in an emergency, Twinkle took away Moonlight Knight, Fantastic Four and Namo.

For Namo, in Cody's own world, there are currently some conflicts with Wakanda over the ownership of the submarine vibranium mine.

For the rest, Cody didn't know, only that he was probably the same as the Aquaman of the DC family next door, a powerful ocean ruler.

In Cody's world, although Cody has contacted Mr. Fantastic Reed through Tony, the Fantastic Four has not yet been born.

These are all people with superb combat power, naturally they are indispensable, and the sooner you find them, the better.

Under Cody's reminder, after getting out of hell, the people who have been busy finally remembered their long-lost comrades.

"Leave this to me, as long as they are on Earth, or not too far away, I can find them."

Professor Charles stood up and said.

"But Professor, wasn't the brain wave amplifier of College X destroyed a long time ago?"

Tony asked.

"Yes, but the main function of that instrument is actually to prevent me from getting out of control when I use it too much, I just need to be careful, it should be okay, but this way the speed will be a little slower."

"Don't worry, Professor, I can help you."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Cody interjected.

"How can I help?"

Faced with Professor Charles' doubts, Cody replied,

"Has the professor forgotten my psychic abilities?"

"Of course not, but I can't probe your heart, so how can we connect?"

"No, Professor, I just need to pass on my abilities to you, and I'll be your amplifier."

"Is this okay?"

Charles couldn't believe it. Although he had seen Cody's telepathic abilities, he also felt that Cody's telepathic abilities were fundamentally different from his own.

"Of course you can! We can give it a try now. "

Cody naturally knows that he doesn't have this ability, but who let him have the Mind Gem?

Just do what he says, come to the outside of the building, and under the onlookers of everyone, Cody releases all the restrictions of the world in the mirror and ensures that the telepathy is unimpeded.

Charles sat down in the clearing, while Cody rested his hand on Charles' shiny head.

"Let's go! Professor.

With the activation of Charles's ability, a yellow light passed from Cody's hand to the top of Charles's head.

At this moment, Charles felt as if he had become an all-knowing and all-powerful God, he could read the thoughts and memories of all the creatures around him at will, and enter the human brain, without the slightest sense of stagnation, and even made tens of thousands of people in the entire block stand still for a second at the same time, of course, except for Cody behind him.

"Professor, we still have business~

" Cody reminded, Charles instantly returned to his senses

, "I'm sorry~"

Charles smiled embarrassedly, and began to gradually calm down, looking for the most familiar flicker for him.

"Huh? Odd!

"What's wrong? Professor?

After only ten seconds, Charles suddenly made a puzzled voice, and Cody asked in a questioning voice.

"I'm pretty sure I found Twinkle, but also the Fantastic Four, Moonlight Knight and Namo. But why can't I see them, and moreover, I feel two flickering presences at the same time? "

Huh? Where are they? While

using the Mind Gem for Charles, Cody can only "hear" at most, and cannot see the scene in three dimensions like Charles.

So for what Charles said, Cody was confused.

Then Charles suddenly stood up, turned around and began to walk forward, all the way through a certain mirror, to the real space, and then the flying machine under his feet lit up, flying towards the distance with Cody.

Seeing this, everyone also drove the spaceship and chased after it.

The more he flew, the more familiar he felt for the scene in front of him, until the familiar scene appeared in front of him.

Isn't this Sithorne's turf? How could they be here?

Without waiting for Cody to ask, Charles actually crossed here and continued to fly towards the top of the mountain, which was already a cold area with perennial snow.

Charles landed at the top, then began to fumble in the air until he stopped at one point, then turned and asked Cody,

"Do you have a way, break here?"

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