Agatha didn't want to talk more nonsense with Mandarin, and the magic in her hand kept throwing towards Mandarin's body.

Mandarin himself is a master of physical skills, plus the bonus of the Ten Precepts, dodging, it can be said that he is at ease, regardless of the destruction of the building behind him.

Mandarin was a little annoyed by such an unreasonable attack, so his attack became fierce.

For a time, the attacks of various elements such as thunder, flame, ice pick, and wind swarmed towards Agatha.

The magic "reading note" in such a battlefield, still somewhat slow, Agatha resisted a wave of attacks, but the next second, but was pinched by a huge force to clamp her neck, I don't know when, Mandarin has come to her life, on the other hand, an ice pick has been against Agatha's neck.

"Now, people like me are qualified to know, right?"

Agatha was still not convinced, and planned to gather magic, but Mandarin pressed the piercing ice pick a little

, "You can try it, is your magic fast, or my hand is fast."

"Well, I can tell you, anyway, such a power is not something you can master, but, you have to give me the fragments."

"Good~ I promise you, do what you say."

The two landed on the roof, and Mandarin released the arm that was holding Agatha, and then, taking out a thin bamboo tube from his arms, shook it in front of Agatha's eyes.

Agatha glared at him, and then said,

"You should have heard of the phoenix power in that girl in X Academy, right?"

"Of course, since adulthood, there has been a girl who has been sleeping and never woke up again. Legend has it that as long as she is awake, her power can destroy the entire earth in an instant. What does this have to do with you?

"It's okay, it's just for you to refer to the level of strength, the power of chaos is no less than the power of the phoenix!"

Mandarin glanced at Agatha and said with some doubt,

"But as far as my feelings are concerned, it seems to be a little far away~"

"That's that I haven't abandoned black magic yet, I completely have the power of chaos, I'm still learning!"

"Who to learn from?"

"With... You have too many questions, I have already answered what should be answered, and the things are taken.

Agatha stopped her mouth in time, but Mandarin had also obtained what she wanted to know.

Mandarin's face curved and casually threw out the bamboo tube in his hand.

Agatha caught the bamboo tube, and when she looked again, Mandarin's figure had disappeared, carefully took out the fragments in it, but before reading the content, Agatha knew that she had been deceived, although this piece is also the same parchment as the "Book of Darkness", but the pattern, color, pattern style is completely different, unfolded, inside is just a prophecy.

It is rare to see Agatha, who has always had a gentle smile, lose her temper, Wanda and Cody looked at each other, Wanda quickly stepped forward to comfort, Cody glanced, the prophecy on the table is the one that Sithorne said.

After thinking about it, Cody spoke

, "It's okay, Agatha, after that, I will find a way to determine the specific location of that fragment, I will personally get it, just to annoy you and help me attract fire in the open."

"Well, I will, next time I see him, I will definitely teach that guy a hard lesson, but now that he knows about the existence of the power of Chaos, is it okay?"

"No problem, Mandarin's biggest reliance is just his ring, he doesn't have any outstanding magical talent, even if he puts the Book of Darkness in front of him, he can't learn it."

"Didi Di ~"

Cody's bracelet sent a reminder, Cody took it out and saw that it was an encrypted message, writing that Magneto had transferred some blank bottles, suspecting that those souls were placed in them.

Cody frowned and said to Wanda and Agatha.

"I still have some business to deal with here, I have to go first. Agatha, next time I go to Hell's Kitchen, I will contact you. At

least five kilometers away from the target, Cody stopped his advance.

Further on, he will enter the most advanced early warning lidar detection area of S.H.I.E.L.D.

With such technology, Cody is not sure whether he can be detected after entering the ghost state.

However, the eyes after the transformation still allowed Cody to see his goal clearly.

An armored vehicle disguised as an ordinary van, a bottle of transparent bottles the size of a mineral water bottle, neatly arranged in several rows. Being so far away still did not prevent Cody from feeling the purity of those souls.

In the cockpit, there are two mutants, one is a secret guest who had a conflict with Cody, and the other, Cody, is a little strange.

His appearance is very similar to the two angels that Cody currently sees, and one of the mutants does indeed have white wings and is codenamed Angel.

The angel is just an ordinary mutant, and his biggest mutant ability, that is, wings are born on his back.

But what Cody saw was different, his wings were black and white, and his skin reflected the color of metal. It is very different from the image in Cody's impression.

The armored car drove all the way behind a huge iron gate to block Cody's view.

Soon after, the secret guest left alone in an empty car, and the suspected angel was not among them.

Cody fell back to the ground, leaned back, sank into the glass window, and entered the world in the mirror. Very smoothly walked into this base of S.H.I.E.L.D. But half an hour later, Cody reappeared from somewhere outside the radar range.

Perhaps S.H.I.E.L.D. really relied on a surveillance video to study something, and after entering the core area of the base, a black space appeared in the mirror world there, which is a space made of special materials and without any reflective surfaces in the real world.

Cody never thought that there was actually a means to jam the bug in the mirror world. After several fruitless attempts, Cody gave up.

He could have appeared to break the exterior walls of those buildings, and with his current skills, it was more than enough to deal with these people, but what came next to Cody may be countless troubles, and in the end, Cody resisted the impulse.

After coming out, Cody slapped his belt a few times with some anger, and he didn't know why, he couldn't lift the transformation.

"Lord, you have guests coming!"

The report of the hellstorm sounded in Cody's mind.

"Guest? What is he doing now? The

moment Cody received the perception, he "saw" the person who had already taken care of himself and sat on his throne, it was Lucifer who he had seen not long ago.

"Why are you here for me if you don't help your brother retrieve those lost souls?"

"Hehe~ Of course, I know your little secret, so I came to you specifically~"

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