When the border of hell could no longer be seen in sight, all that remained in the vision of the two was an endless desert.

Charles unleashed telepathy, but as a result, it seemed to be blocked by something, only extending a few hundred meters.

"Maybe we should find a local and ask for directions?"

Charles nodded, indicating that you are casual, Charles is still very interested in the young man in front of him, a natural psychic immunity, moreover, the magic he uses is obviously very evil at a glance, but he gives people no trace of dark breath.

Perhaps due to the innate intuition of telepathics, Charles did not pay much attention to youth.

The two randomly found a place to stay.

Cody flicked out two spells, crossed the ground, and then chanted a simple spell, which is actually the usual method of summoning the crossroads demon.

Unfortunately, Cody clearly felt that the casting had been successful, but there was not even a ghost around him.

Cody scratched his head

, "It shouldn't be~"

Cody tried again, and the result was still the same.

"Do you have to summon a high-level guy to come out?"

The red light flashed in Cody's hand, and the Book of Dark God appeared in his hand. But what Cody didn't notice was that when he took out the book, Charles's pupils suddenly contracted sharply.

Cody, who was oblivious to this, turned to the page where the demon was summoned and began to chant the incantation, while his body slowly floated up.

On the sand dunes in front of him, a huge, bloodpool-like magic array emerged, and three huge roars came out of it.

This voice made Charles all over his guard.

Cody summons nothing else, it is the watchdog of hell, the three-headed dog of hell, although the most famous appearance of the three-headed dog of hell is actually Greek mythology. But cerberus is not exclusive to Greek mythology, just like dogs in the real world, the hell distributed in this myth also has different breeds and appearances, not all of them are three-headed.

The one in front of you looks a bit like a wolf, rather than a traditional mastiff.

After Cody sent three streams of chaotic energy into the mouths of its three heads, the dog began to wag its tail and become docile.

Cody stepped forward, jumped, straddled its back, and touched three furry black heads before asking,

"Do you know where most people in hell stay?"

The three heads immediately scrambled to scream.

"Okay, well, when I find someone, I'll feed you guys, and take me with you now." All right?


~" "Really good, Charles sit up quickly, don't be afraid, they are very well-behaved~" "Forget it, I'll

just follow you!"

"Okay~ let's go, let's go, good guys."


The three heads of the hellhound lifted up, sniffed in the air, and suddenly dashed in one direction, followed by Charles.

With this dog leading, Cody found that he seemed to be really going the wrong way, no wonder, full of desert, real hell, he had never seen before.

The three-headed dog of hell crashed straight towards a sand dune, and Cody thought they were playing, but he didn't expect that what greeted Cody was the scenery in front of him, which suddenly changed.

Where is there any desert, in front of it has become a strange rocky space, overhead is blood-colored clouds, the river next to the cry is strange green, will some green-faced fangs fish jump out of sleep and eat something that looks like a bird and a plant.

After crossing a mountain, Cody's vision opens up, and above the magma siege waterfall, a magnificent black castle stands there.

"Obedient, where are you taking us?"

Cerberus did not answer, and ran straight in the direction of the castle, stepping on the magma and splashing waves of flames, but Cerberus was like stepping on water, and did not respond.

"Whose castle belongs to that?"

Cody thought about it and made a vague guess.

"Are you sure you want to go in?"

Charles held Cody's hand and prepared to push open the castle gate,

"So what to do?" Do you know Tony where they are? "

I don't know."

"Wouldn't that be enough, ask the master of hell and you will know about it?"

Cody decisively pushed open the gate of the castle.

A beautiful woman with goat's horns on her head stood in the doorway, as if waiting for Cody's arrival.

"The lord is waiting for your arrival."

"Lord? Who is your lord? The

beauty did not answer Cody, but led the two and walked towards the inside of the castle.

"Please wait!"

Entering the hall, the woman nodded slightly at Cody and Charles, and left.


The sound of the engine came and echoed in the castle, making people feel which direction it came from.


A door on the side was knocked open directly, and a man with a flame in his head, a man riding a heavy motorcycle, appeared.

A drift, a "whoosh", the motorcycle stopped.

The man on the motorcycle got out of the car and walked to the throne on the stage. Now, it is clear who this person is.

It was the one who used the Medal of Strength to kill Mephisto and become the Evil Spirit Knight of the Hell Lord himself.

"You have come to hell for the second time, and according to the rules of hell, since the living have come, they can only stay here forever as punishment for trespassing."

"It's really wrong for me to trespass, but we also have a reason, right? We're here to get our friends back.

"No matter who it is, it's the same, if those friends of yours are really here, then I'm afraid they can't leave with you."

“...... What exactly do you have to do so that you can be accommodating? What I'm looking for is the famous Tony Stark, although you are a Hell Lord, but the name of the Stark family, you can't not have heard of it, right?

"So what?"


It seems that it really won't be good, it seems that Stark's name will not work in the underground world.

"Anyway, how about giving me a chance?"

"Oh, so be it, see my chains? As long as you accept my judgment and pass my verdict, I will take you to him, how about? "

Okay~ Come on!"

Suddenly, two chains flew from the front and wrapped around the necks of Cody and Charles.

The Ghost Rider watched the changes between the two from a distance, Charles seemed to fall into memories under the influence of the chains, while Cody looked at the Ghost Knight with a smile.

"This kind of thing is useless to me, I'm curious, since Mephisto is dead, why do you continue to be your evil spirit knight?"

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