"Wanda, Wanda, wake up, Wanda..."

At night, Wanda, who was sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes, and the sound of awakening that lingered in her ears dissipated.

Wanda sat up, a stream of red light flashed through her eyes, Wanda got up, put on a coat, and slowly opened the bedroom door.

"Mr. Cody? Was it you who called me just now? At

this moment, in front of Wanda, the door was no longer a corridor, but another quaint room, illuminated by countless candles.

Wanda hesitated slightly, then lifted her foot and entered the room, only then did she see another person in the room.

The man sitting cross-legged on a carpet painted with an unknown magic array made an inviting gesture,

"Please sit!"

"Who are you? What about Mr. Cody?

"You can call me Dr. Strange, rest assured, Miss Wanda, Mr. Cody entrusted me, and he has some other work now."

Saying that, Strange placed a ring on the table, and Wanda looked down, only to find that it turned out to be a ring with a palm depicted, exactly the same as the one that Cody gave her.

Relaxed a little, Wanda walked over and sat cross-kneeled across from Strange.

"So, is there something going on with Mr. Cody?"

Strange did not hurry to answer, but raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the candles around him, in a strange pattern, were half extinguished.

"Next, we have about 10 minutes, and I may say things that make you feel incredible, even angry, but I can guarantee that all of this is true."

"Ten minutes?"

"Yes, ten minutes, 9 minutes and 30 seconds left, after which the magic you left in your house will dissipate a lot, and then someone will know that you left the room at such a special time."

"What... What do you mean?

Wanda was confused.

"I'm not going to talk nonsense, but I have to remind you, no matter what you hear, believe it or not, or how angry you feel, don't do it here. Otherwise, with your current strength, it won't be enough to resist the protective magic here, you know what I mean?

Strange didn't care about Wanda's reaction anymore and began to repeat Cody's words

, "First of all, you haven't actually lost your magical power for so many years, your power is only exhausted, and at the same time you can't replenish it, you will become powerless."

Wanda's first words made Wanda's eyes widen. Just as I wanted to say something, I saw Strange's silence gesture.

"Second, the reason for the depletion of power is that someone has transferred to himself through the

Dark God Book..." "Impossible, that Dark God Book has established a contract with me, we are one, if my power is really transferred, how can I not know it?"

Wanda didn't hold back, interrupting Strange's narration while arguing out loud.

"The specific cause of this incident, we are still investigating, but we have identified the murderer in advance."


Wanda asked impatiently.

"Can't you just wait for me to finish? Forget it, let me say it directly, it's your Agatha Hagness. For

a moment, Strange almost saw that Wanda's eyes seemed to lose their brilliance?

"How is it possible, you... You, who are you? And Cody, Mr. Cody, is it... Are you Agatha's enemies?

Wanda stumbled to her feet, a dark red glow in her hand, and made an attacking gesture.

"I know..."

Strange rolled his eyes, waved his hand, on the blanket under his butt, the unknown magic array lit up, and the next second, Wanda felt that her magic power was imprisoned, and at the same time, several golden silk threads firmly bound Wanda in place.

"Although Cody is still looking for a specific reason, I have an immature little idea here, I can be the first to share it with you without even saying Cody."

Strange opened his hands, made several gestures, and one by one, the display of magic formed appeared in front of him and Wanda.

"The crisis that your master and apprentice experienced, Karma Taj is recorded, and our mage also specially investigated and confirmed that only your house and Agatha Hagonis' academy were attacked, and even that crisis, even the shells of these two buildings were not broken.

Therefore, it is hard for me to believe that such a limited crisis can actually cause two of the most powerful witches in the world to suffer heavy losses.

Also, guess what I found on the exterior walls of your house and Agatha's academy?

Strange turned his wrist, and a new pattern appeared

, "One of the most powerful magic recorded in the Book of Dark Gods, domain magic, didn't you say that the Book of Dark Gods is only bound to you?" So how did Agatha Hagnis learn the magic of this? Is it with Chaos Magic? "


Wanda was speechless for a moment.

Meeting Agatha was simply the happiest thing in her previous life, Agatha not only taught her to learn magic, but also took care of her like a mother in life, how could such a person harm herself?

"The truth is almost what you said~"

A voice sounded in Strange and Wanda's ears, and Cody pushed open the door and walked in. Still holding something in his hand.

With a wave of his hand, the magic on the carpet faded, and Cody lifted Wanda up and brought her to the table for her to sit down, placing the things in her hand in front of her.

"Are you familiar with these things?"

"This is,"

Wanda looked over one by one

, "Isn't this my parents' relics, and my old belongings?" There was my mother's brooch, my father's watch, the doll my parents gave me on my birthday, and... Pietro's shoes? These, I remember, have been lost. Where did you get it?

Wanda's expression was very complicated, and with somewhat moist eyes, she kept looking at Cody.

"Just now, I went to Agatha's magic academy, and these were all found in Agatha's secret room. I also found this thing inside.

Cody took out a smaller box, which was a coffin-shaped box full of various gemstones and looked quite luxurious.

"Wanda, do you have a heart?"

Cody did not wait for Wanda's reaction, and with a palm carrying the power of chaos, he accurately inserted the position of Wanda's heart.

However, when Wanda reacted, she found that she didn't feel a trace of pain.

Cody naturally won't hurt Wanda, he used magic to penetrate the location of Wanda's heart, and now his guess has become one hundred percent.

Cody opened the box, and a still beating heart appeared in the box.

"This is your heart."

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