As soon as the price was announced, it almost instantly detonated a global boom.

For this price, what more bike? Even if it's just a simple transformation waste, it's worth the price, okay?

Many people have expressed their incredulity at this price, and even, some doubts, whether this is just a predetermined price, and there will be additional payments later.

After all, think about it, the price of the last technology product, Shumagea, when compared, this price always feels a little incredible.

However, in the end, it turned out that such a thing happened in front of them.

When Tony was still doing the final finishing touches on stage, the background data showed that the number of predetermined units of this transformer had exceeded 10 million.

After all, this is still the sale of the basic model, and many clicks into the pre-order screen only to find that it turns out that this belt, and so many bells and whistles of private custom items, many people are addicted to it, picking the shapeshifter shape and additional features that they are most satisfied with.

According to the statistics of that night, when these private orders were placed, this converter sold more than 20 million units this evening alone.

In subsequent orders, in fact, many people are not satisfied with the basic model, most of them have customized the shape, or added one or two other functions.

Among them, the one who added the most private customization items, and even customized the price of a single model to a price of more than 100,000 US dollars, and the three models added up, almost all of them were the price of a Shumagia.

However, who makes people a local tycoon.

Cody paid special attention to this person, and found that this person was still a familiar stranger.

It is the descendant of the desperate virus incident after Cody Butterfly, the descendant of the husband and wife of the author of the dead desperate virus, who may become Mordor in the future, and Cody and Tony also replaced the boy who belonged to the Qi Longan Gem in his hand.

After not paying attention to him for a long time, Cody asked Zea to check his current condition.

This kid was really genius, and after that, he took the money from selling the company, started a carefree study, completed college to graduate school in two years, and then started a small biotech company on his own. Now it's just getting started.

After setting the special attention, Cody put him aside.

This time, under the condition that the production capacity was not affected at all, from the third day, one after another, those customers who purchased the basic model received the package through ordinary express delivery.

So another wave of online craze began to heat up.

In the follow-up, there is a professional company team to dock everything, and Cody's gaze has shifted from this.

The part that Si Thorne added to the Book of Dark Gods, Cody has already learned almost the same.

Going to other dimensions, Cody also began to prepare.

But to be honest, Cody never thought that he would kill Wanda and Strange in other universes.

But this trip, his purpose is also very simple, the "Book of Darkness" in each universe, in terms of content, is different, Cody intends to collect those differentiated parts, I don't know why the "Book of Vishan Emperor" has no difference.

But before you go, you have to solve a small trouble, to be precise, a problem for Spider Boy.

This guy has been obsessed with live streaming for a while recently, especially after the recent superhero decree is almost equivalent to scrapping, and the good neighbor Spider-Man is out again.

He would start a live stream and record the process as he fought some less tricky criminals. This keeps him hot on social media.

The problem lies here, a mistake that is so small that it cannot be made and cannot be made, has appeared.

Perhaps it was because the child's mobile phone was too old or something, and after completing the fight against criminals one day, when he turned off the live broadcast, the mobile phone malfunctioned.

As a result, the spider boy, who did not turn off the live broadcast, not only showed his face with his mask off in front of the camera, but also exposed all his home address, and even the gag with his friends was recorded. It is also hammered his identity from the side.

Aunt May and all his belongings have been urgently transferred by Tony. And he himself, now with Tony.

When Cody saw him, his whole body was downcast, completely devoid of the liveliness of the past, and he understood what he meant by this.

"Do you have any ideas?"


Peter stopped talking, looked up at Cody, and then lowered his head again.

Cody sighed and shook his head, now in front of Peter, it seems that only generous admission, and then, like Tony, accept everyone's gaze, under the gaze of others, complete high school, college, and after graduation, join Stark Industries or Marvel Technologies.

As for Spider-Man, he has exposed his identity, if he still wants to continue to be Spider-Man, then he must sign the superhero registration act.

Of course, Cody can also unleash a super-large Oblivion Charm like in the movie, and can ensure that it does not cause a multiverse invasion, but Cody has no intention of doing so.

Peter in this universe has not yet experienced those mortal enemies and feelings, and under the "doting" of Cody and Tony, there is almost no growth, so there are some things that he still needs to experience personally.

After putting these choices in front of him and thinking for a long time, Peter finally made the decision to sign the superhero registration law and temporarily become a bright hero. As for the rest, take it one step at a time.

Peter's affairs seem to have come to an end here, and Cody looked at it, and there was no more business of his own, so one night, Cody opened the first door to space.

The black hole behind him receded, and Cody's feet stepped on the grass, and the feeling of being down-to-earth made Cody feel a little jerking nervously, and finally calmed down.

The first time I crossed the multiverse, there seemed to be nothing special.

Raised his hand and looked, although Zeya was here, he could no longer connect with this universe.

"Zea, enter the internet and learn about the world, especially those superhero things."


Although Sithorne provided Cody with coordinates, there was nothing specific about this universe. It also needs to be investigated by Cody himself.

After waiting for a few minutes, Cody's mind had roughly summarized the world.

This world, currently in 2010, the most familiar hero in this world is actually Spider-Man.

And looking at the years of reporting of this Spider-Man in the media, Cody is almost certain that the universe he arrived in seems to be a parallel universe of Tobey Maguire's version of Spider-Man.

Why say this, at this time, the old enemies in those movies have been solved one by one, the only difference is that this Spider-Man has changed from a good neighbor to an anti-hero.

The culprit for this is the symbiote suit on his body. In the movie, Venom is solved, but here Spider-Man, he chooses to be with Venom.

Cody's universe has not yet experienced venom, but this seems to be inescapable, and Cody only hopes that this matter can be smaller.

The Spider-Man of this universe has now been corroded by venom from head to toe, inside and out.

As early as a year ago, the world's Spider-Man, his identity, has been exposed on the front page of various newspapers and magazines.

In addition to the news that he solved the crime, the most reported was what accident he made in human form today.

It's exactly like a street fighter.

Cody shook his head, how did he love, how was it, he still had business to do.

Discerning the direction, Cody opened the door to space and went to Strange's hospital first.

I don't know if Strange has already started his career as a mage, so it seems like a good choice to come here

, "Hello, may I ask if Dr. Strange is there?"

Cody came to the front desk of the hospital and consulted the nurse.

"Excuse me, sir, Dr. Strange is not here at the moment, you are a patient? Still is?

"How so? I heard that he had medical skills and flew from Asia to find him, where did he go?

"Well, sir, it's unfortunate that every year Dr. Strange takes a vacation during this month. As for where he went, we don't know. "


Coming out of the hospital, Cody looked at the time, according to what the nurse said, Strange would be on vacation for a month, and now here, it is already the 28th, that is, in a maximum of 3 days, Strange will return.

And according to the tone of the nurse, apparently Strange has nothing to do now.

"So I'm waiting for him? Or go find Wanda first?

Cody thought about it, and finally decided, or not waste time, go to Wanda first, after all, the first time I crossed it, I don't know if the time flow rate of the two worlds is the same. Don't delay here for a few days, when the time comes to go back and see, months or years have passed.

Where can Wanda go?

Probably still in Sokovia, right?

The moment he passed through the portal again and stepped on the land of Sokovia, Cody immediately felt obvious magic fluctuations, and this fluctuation was still very familiar black magic.

Speaking of magic sensing, Cody walked all the way towards the place where the magic overflowed.

Through the forest, a cabin appeared in front of Cody, if you don't know, you probably think that this is an ordinary small house, but Cody knows that the inside of this house has become a space of its own, about thousands of square meters, and this is

also the only place in Sokovia that has magical fluctuations.

Breaking the simple spell on the door, Cody attached Chaos magic, hid his figure, and walked in.

"This is a... School of Magic? "

At a glance, there are at least a few hundred people coming and going, and the crowd is suppressed by the black.

The huge space inside the room is almost occupied by layers of bookshelves. Many teenagers walked through it, books in hand.

After looking around, but not finding Wanda, Cody walked towards the depths of space.

This is obviously the so-called "forbidden book" area, and the number of people is also the smallest, with only one woman who looks much older and is tidying up the bookshelf.

"Hello, welcome to the guest."

The woman didn't turn her head, but her voice sounded.

Cody saw that he was discovered, and simply disguised himself.

The man finally finished tidying up the bookshelves and turned his head to look at Cody

, "You came here, is there something wrong?"

"Yes, I'm looking for someone."

"People? All my apprentices are here, didn't you finish reading it just now?

"How are you?"

"Simple realm magic, the moment you enter the little house, I know you exist. And..." the

woman ruffled her hair and approached Cody,

"I seem to smell something very familiar on you."


With the woman's movements, Cody saw the woman's face clearly, and it seemed that he was not looking for the wrong place, and the appearance of this woman was Agatha Harkness.

On her fingers, there were some black marks, a feature that could not be more obvious, which was corroded by the Book of Darkness.

I think the Book of Darkness is in Agatha's hand.

"Do you know a girl named Wanda?"

"You... What to do with her? Hearing

this name, Agatha's words hesitated for a second, which confirmed some kind of Cody's guess, this Agatha had set her sights on Wanda.

Cody thought for a moment and said deliberately

, "Since you are a magician, do you know the Book of Darkness?"

"What? How did you know the name?

Agatha's expression became incredible, Cody was a little strange, as for such a big reaction?

"Unfortunately, there is a copy under it."

Cody directly summoned the Book of Darkness.

Seeing the "Book of Darkness" floating in front of him, Agatha couldn't help but stretch out her hand and wanted to touch it, but without waiting for Agatha to touch it, the Book of Darkness was withdrawn by Cody.

"I looked for her because only she can inherit this Book of Dark God. So, do you know where she is? "

I... You...... Can you wait? I went to her immediately!

Agatha's expression was complicated, but the naked eye was visibly excited.

"Take me directly to her!"

"It's okay!"

Agatha hurried to the front, and after arranging the tasks for the students, she couldn't wait, pulled Cody, and walked into the portal.

The portal stopped in front of a somewhat dilapidated house, and Agatha stepped forward and knocked on the door.

A clear female voice sounded,


The door opened, and a familiar face of Cody was revealed, and when he saw Agatha, he exclaimed a little restrainedly,


Agatha stepped forward and hugged her and touched her head.

Huh? Isn't that right? Shouldn't they be at odds, do you die and I live? What's going on with this fun now?

Only then did Wanda notice Cody,

"This is?"

"Hello, Wanda, my name is Cody, nice to meet you!"

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