The scenery on the planet Vomir has always been a desolate scenery, if it were not for the phoenix feathers floating in front, it always felt that after walking for most of the day, the surroundings were still exactly the same.

"When is this going to go~"

Cody sat on the boulder with his ass, not wanting to leave.

Feeling it, the direction they were traveling was getting closer and closer to the core of the planet, because Cody's body clearly felt a force similar to the gravitational field. This power seemed to be directly pressed on his soul, which made Cody feel a little breathless.

"Che, aren't you? This doesn't work?

The phoenix turned around

, "Look at Adam, nothing happened."

"Yes, Adam, don't you feel bad?"

Cody asked.

Adam seemed to feel it carefully, then nodded,

"Nothing feels." I just feel clear-headed. "

Isn't it?"

Cody said strangely.

"He feels that way, it's right."

Phoenix took the conversation.


"Because the soul gem is repelling us, but it is attracting him."

What's so strange about that?

"No, he hasn't seen a soul gem before, why is it attracted to him?"

"Of course it's the reason for the counterfeit."

The phoenix looks like you don't understand this

, "It feels it, the breath of the same kind."

Cody said disdainfully,

"Kind? That fake stone is the same, can I be the same? I don't have these few Infinity Stones here to use them as decorations, do you say I can leak a little bit of the breath of other gemstones?

After listening to Cody's words, Phoenix quickly stopped

him, "Eh, don't, you came to find it, not to threaten it, the soul gem is a living stone, it has territorial consciousness, and feels the existence of other gems, do you want him to use us as provocative people and drive us out?"


Cody felt a little incredulous

, "A stone, how can it be alive." It is alive, so shouldn't the Mind Gem be more alive?

The phoenix shook his head

, "This life is not the other's life, and the life of these extraordinary things is a relatively abstract concept." The moment the fake gemstone was made, due to the special state of existence of the soul gem, the stone became part of the power of the soul gem, and after the gemstone was buried in Adam's body, because it continued to fuse with Adam, trying to assimilate Adam and grow in Adam's body, in a sense, it also became a part of Adam.

Cody picked up,

"So it means that Adam is also part of the soul gem?"

Phoenix nodded

, "Of course not, but it's about the same, Adam became the natural owner of the soul gem."

"So, we can break the principle of obtaining the soul gem and take it away directly?"


"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

Cody stood up at once, his head was no longer dizzy, his legs were no longer painful, and he was comfortable everywhere.

"Phoenix, didn't you just look at Adam a few times? How do you know all this? "

Phoenix's Legacy Memory!"


I believe that you have a ghost, it can't be Adam from other universes, I also have a similar experience, and then I was seen by your phoenix, right?"

But think about it, it doesn't seem that this possibility does not exist.

Carried by the phoenix's feathers all the way, the three of them walked along the rugged mountain road and entered a canyon, and on the empty ground in front of them, countless special lines and stripes formed a circular stone platform, and the feathers disappeared in place in the center.

This made Cody understand that he had arrived at the location.

"Now, what to do?"

Cody looked at Phoenix, and Phoenix looked at Adam, "It's up to him next." Whether they can perceive the Soul Gem Essence, and whether the Essence is willing to leave with him, is determined by their communication.

"So you can't necessarily take it away?" You swear so much, I thought I was 100% sure!


I didn't say it~" "Hmph, I didn't know who to sacrifice before, but now I know, I love myself the most, if it doesn't work out for a while, I'll simply sacrifice my original body." You will honestly stay in the space in the future, don't come out

~" "Huh~ It's useless, what is needed for the sacrifice is a living individual with a soul, and your body has no soul~

" "Who said it~ It's a big deal, I still have Milo, I can make him sacrifice willingly

~" "Hey~ Don't take me with you guys if you quarrel, okay?"

Milo shouted in the space.

The two were bickering here, while Adam had already walked into the center of the stone platform, sat cross-kneeled, and closed his eyes.

At this moment, Adam's consciousness smoothly sank into the spiritual world, and he followed the feelings, always looking for that familiar power.

Since the black stone entered his body, Adam could hear the whispers ringing in his ears, listening carefully, but could not hear anything.

But in the end, he didn't hate this feeling, and always felt that he had someone to accompany him when facing this indifferent world.

The people around him, whether it was Ayesha or his half-brother, all wanted to gain something through their power, but never seemed to notice what they wanted. Adam knew he was just their tool.

But this black stone appeared, and that whisper gave him the feeling of being accompanied.

Until he was taken out of that cage by Cody, Cody became the one who really got him out of the past, so although Cody also wanted something from him, he was willing to let Cody take the black stone.

Finally, following this familiarity, the front of consciousness, flashed a fiery orange light, thinking that this was the soul gem that Cody mentioned in their mouths.

Stepping forward, Adam raised his hand, and the gem was grasped by him, and in an instant there was a clear light between heaven and earth.

The perennial unchanged sky on the planet Vomir actually lifted the clouds and mist, and the light fell.

Cody and Phoenix looked back, and Adam's hand continued to flicker

, "Got it, soul gem?"

Adam opened his eyes, nodded, and opened his palm to place it in front of Cody.

Cody carefully observed the stone, and apart from its color, it seemed to be no different from other gemstones.

"Adam, do you have any special feelings about holding it?"

Adam nodded

, "I can suddenly see a lot of things that I couldn't see before, such as..." Adam didn't

finish speaking, suddenly raised his hand, and a ray of light shot out from his hand, directly blowing a boulder into powder.

Cody was taken aback by this action, but when Cody looked over, he immediately became even more surprised.

"Red Skull?"

How did I forget about him.

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