It turns out that no fool is grinning and will show the hole cards. Especially when that kind of thing is extremely precious. From the beginning, Cody encountered difficulties in taking out the stone.

Chaos magic turns into a perfect knife in Cody's hands, trying to make a hole in Adam's heart. It's just that these knives, after touching Adam's heart, are like melting ice cubes, melting at the heart and spreading into the air.

Until a manifestation spell went down, a complete closed-loop magic array appeared above Adam's heart.

Also, the value of that stone cannot be measured with ordinary objects, and it seems reasonable to have such protection.

It wasn't until Cody continued to research that he found that he really didn't seem to want to take this thing out of Adam's heart. It is worthy of being something linked to death.

Judging from the growth of the stone, yes, that thing is also growing as Adam grows, it spreads a lot of tentacles from the body, no, it should be called a nerve more accurately, such a nerve has firmly grasped Adam's heart and become a part of Adam, and Cody can't force anything at all.

The first time I tried, I still swore that I would do it, and Cody slapped his face like this.

Taking back the chaos magic, Cody smiled awkwardly at Adam

, "I'm sorry, it seems that I have raised it, and I have to go back to research."

Adam didn't look disappointed either, just said that Cody could try him whenever he needed it.

After Cody left, Adam returned to the lab alone, and what he didn't tell Cody was that he felt that the stone was trying to encroach on him in some way, hoping that Cody could take the stone out of his body.

Cody was not idle, and after finishing Tony's affairs in the evening, and returning home, Cody began to learn the new dark magic of Sithorne.

According to Sithorne, after being sealed, he sat idly and created new magic.

Probably Sithorne's heart also yearns for freedom, and many of these magic spells are spells used to escape in various situations.

However, Sithorne was being sealed, how could he be sure that these magic works well?

However, facts have once again proved that these big bosses with the ability to open a sect can really do whatever they want. Not only are these spells all useful, but they are also very useful.

After studying for a few days, Cody actually found out magic that might be useful in Adam's situation.

There is a magic that temporarily spiritualizes the body of a creature, which was originally part of an escape magic and was extracted by Cody as a useful part of it.

Cody called Adam in and recast his magic, this time, without disappointing both parties.

When Adam's body became spiritualized, the stone snapped through Adam's body and fell to the ground.

The moment he left Adam's body, all the changes in the stone disappeared, turning back into a black and swarthy stone, like coal.

Cody picked up the stone with a robotic arm, temporarily put it in the analytical instrument, and then asked Adam,

"How are you feeling?"

"Well, it's good, it's more relaxed than ever."

Adam was still the same indifferent look, but at this time there was some excitement in his tone, and it seemed that he was happy.

At this time, the results of the analytical instrument also came out, just like many alien items found by Cody, countless substances that did not exist on Earth were detected in them.

Determining that it was not dangerous, Cody tried to reach out and touched him.

At that moment, the phoenix chirping in my head sounded.

"How could it be a soul gem? This thing actually has the energy reaction of the soul gem. "

Soul Gem? Isn't that right? The color is not right, and doesn't it mean that this is a stone that death touches?

"Cody only thinks it is impossible, you know, the acquisition of the soul gem is to sacrifice the soul of a loved one to get him, how can it run out on its own?

But listening to the phoenix's sworn voice, Cody was not sure.

"How is this not like a soul gem~"

Cody's question was quickly answered, in front of Adam, the phoenix seemed to have no intention of concealing, it directly took Cody's original body, came out of Cody's space, and picked up the gem in front of the two to study.

During the period, Cody clearly saw that this product actually directly bit with his teeth, and was not afraid to break his teeth.

Soon after, the phoenix put down the stone in his hand

, "It's true that it's a soul gem, but this gem is imitation!"

"Who has the ability to imitate the Infinity Stones?"

Cody was surprised.

Phoenix shrugged

, "As long as you figure out the energy principle in it, you can make it." Didn't you just copy the Cosmic Cube?

"Can that be the same... Since it is an imitation of the soul gem, then I think this thing is not made by Thanos, I don't believe in the saying that the stone touched by death, the creation god has nothing to do, what is the Infinity Stones for?

"In fact, don't worry, just like Adam said, this thing is only used to ensure Adam's growth, although it uses the energy path of the soul gem, but the gap with the real soul gem is too big, and it cannot form the danger of the infinity stone." However, I noticed an interesting phenomenon.

Phoenix looked at Adam and spoke in a seductive tone.

"Cody, do you want to get the soul gem in advance. I have a special way of doing oh~

" "What... What can I do?

"You don't care about it, just say you don't want it or not."

"Of course I think about it, getting the soul gem, that means that all the infinity stones are in our hands, even if there is no way to complete it, what can be done after collecting all the gems, but having great power is always a good thing, isn't it?"

"Okay, with your words, then I'm relieved. Adam, next, it's up to you.


"Yes, just you."

"Okay, so how can I help you?"

"Transform and absorb all the energy in the imitation of this soul gemstone, and you will understand when the time comes."


After listening to the phoenix's words, Adam honestly took the stone, held it in his hand, lay back on the laboratory table, and turned into a golden cocoon.

"What do you do?" God is mysterious, can't I not tell?

"No, it won't work if you tell you, just wait~"

After speaking, Phoenix returned directly to the knight space, allowing Cody to harass him, and ignored him.

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