"Quill, is your method really reliable? Don't let people serve us a pot~

" "Shh, don't make a noise, pretend to be natural, the rocket your tail is exposed, take it back!"

"Okay, okay, got it~ Leila, dear, your tail covers my eyes and I can't see the way. Collect it quickly.

Shrouded in night, four strangely shaped figures walked quickly towards the dense forest outside the main hall.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place, and after Quill escaped from the chaos, he immediately hid in the cleaning room where the attendants piled up their dirty clothes, which not only has a system representing various identities, including the armor of soldiers.

So, in the dead of night, several people immediately changed their clothes, covered their faces with wide hoods, and rockets, took out a can of golden paint out of nowhere, and several people painted the exposed areas gold, and then escaped.

Tonight's guards are already equivalent to a vacuum, and it is said that they don't know who to go to fight.

Of course, Sawilin also has human-piloted spaceships, but those spaceships need to be opened using genetic material verification, and the best way is to find a single Sorvilin and escape with them, but after the investigation of Rocket and Leila, it was found that it was impossible.

The biggest reason why the Guardians of the Galaxy were able to create chaos and escape was the swelling arrogance of the Sovirins, who believed that since they were judged and became their own prisoners, they should obediently wait for death and let them slaughter.

Such an inflated confidence is naturally because of the technology and ability they rely on.

So even if you get away with it, it is absolutely impossible for the spaceship to escape here. All key locations are absolutely free from the dispensable loose security of prisons.

Dozens of minutes later, in the forest, several people took off their clothes and returned to their original appearance, Lyra held Groot and jumped down from the rocket head,

"What do we do next?" You can't hide here for the rest of your life, can you?

"yes, if only we could contact Cody."

Quill took out the canned locust in his pocket and played with it in his hand.

I saw that the locust seemed to hear some instructions, and immediately changed from a canned state to a locust state, and its eyes flashed.

"Hello? Is it Quill?

Everyone was silent for a moment before suddenly coming to their senses, Star-Lord immediately picked up the canned locust and said loudly

, "Cody, where are you?" Come and save us~

" "I'm a little busy here now, you may need to wait for a while, are you safe?"

Through the sound of the locusts, everyone heard the explosion on the other end of the phone very clearly.

"Safe, safe, we are hiding in the woods now, have escaped! What's going on with you there?

"Well, that's good! I'm with Yongdu now, and I also ran into your own father~

" "Igo? Cody, you have to be careful, he's in a gang with a super soldier made by Sovirin.

"Well, I will!"

Hanging up the communication, Cody ordered Zea

, "Locate the location of the locusts just now, you use the Marvel to pick them up, since they have already run out of Sawerilin's cell, then I don't have to run."

"Okay, do it now."

Listening to what Star Lord said just now, Cody knew that Star Lord had mastered the truth of the matter, so now, he didn't need to keep his hand.

A black-red energy spread out from Cody's hands, gradually dyeing the original crystal diamond, and the part of the diamond began to become sharp and sharp, like a dragon's horn. This is the Witch Rider Chaos Infinite Form that transforms into the Witch Rider Chaos Infinite Form after being contaminated with Chaos Magic.

At the same time, the fire of the phoenix's judgment burned on Cody's arms, and quickly covered the whole body, and the purple of the power gem was wrapped around it, and the infinite form of the witch horse seemed to be a natural fusion device, and any power could be harmoniously integrated into it.

Seeing the Marvel go away, and the already badly damaged Marauder mothership also leave the core, Cody finally does not have to deliberately limit his strength.

Cody's soaring power in an instant made Adam's brows furrow deeply, and he felt a huge pressure. At this time, Iago had turned into a white armor, wrapping Adam's body and constantly providing Adam with energy.

Originally, I felt that the battle was stable, but I didn't expect such a change.

The golden light on Adam's body was magnificent, and his whole body seemed to turn into a golden sculpture, rushing towards Cody with unprecedented speed and strength, like a shooting star.

However, just when he arrived at a position away from Cody and was about to smash his fist into Cody's body, Adam found that he could not get any closer in any way, and his body was completely imprisoned and unable to move.

Then, when he saw the person in front of him, he smashed a fist on his chest,

"Boo!" With a sound, the white armor that Iago turned into actually began to crack rapidly, and countless forces continued to gush out and flow towards the belt of the person in front of him.

And his own body is also entangled in terrible flames, no matter what he does, he cannot offset the power in his body, and the power of destruction wantonly destroys his body.

Finally, a terrible explosion erupted from Cody's location, and even turned everything floating in a radius of hundreds of kilometers into cosmic dust.

Cody looked at the person in front of him with some incredulity, he felt that Adam's power had been completely scattered and absorbed by himself, not to mention directly contacting his own Igo, if he hadn't absorbed those energies, the blow just now was enough to make himself also beaten back to his original form, it seems that the fusion of multiple forces, for himself, is still a little reluctant.

I was like this, but I didn't expect that this Adam, who had suffered his own blow, was actually alive, and his vital signs were weak, but he was indeed alive.

The Marauder mothership slowly drove over, Cody thought about it, or took this Adam to the Marauder's mothership.

"Brave, give me a quiet room, I have to study this person, by the way, I have asked Marvel to pick them up Quill, and they will be back soon."

"Really? That's great! Go, follow me, there is a room under this spacecraft, which is full of all kinds of biological medical devices, I heard that these things are quite expensive, so I engaged in a lot, ready to sell, but I didn't expect the price to fall so much, we can't even recover the cost, so I simply arranged a medical room, which should be enough for you to study.


Adam's body was laid flat on the bed, but in such a short period of time, Adam's body was actually covered with a layer of soft energy body, and it was gradually deforming and hardening, looking a bit like the kind of cocoon he had become before.

While the cocoon had not fully hardened now, a mind gem appeared on Cody's forehead, and his hand was attached to Adam's forehead.

In an instant, countless information poured into Cody's mind,

so it was!

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