Walking out of the portal, Cody had already transformed into a four-boy in advance.

The opposite side is an unknown space in the universe, although with Cody's current physical fitness, it has no effect on being exposed to the ordinary cosmic vacuum for a long time, but now that the situation on the opposite side is unknown, this kind of intellectual retardation behavior that forcibly makes it difficult for himself, it is better not to do it.

In addition to transformation, Cody did not forget to add a magic barrier to himself.

The foot touched the soft lawn, and then as far as Cody could see, what he saw was a magnificent scenery with pleasant scenery, but on the other side of the mountain, the sky was dyed with endless red, which seemed a little out of place.

Cody bent down and picked up the broken pendant on the ground

, "No, the magic I set is directly teleported to them, such a basic magic, there should be no mistakes, right?"

Cody put away the pendant, sprayed flames under his feet, and quickly flew towards the red patch in the sky.

Flying over the mountains, Cody finally understood what that red was.

The dancing flames burned everything in sight, and these flames did not burn on the vegetation, but as if using some magical power, little by little, eating away and decomposing the surface, whether it was flowers and trees, or stone soil.

The middle has become conical, and this "fire" is still spreading outward in a circle.

"Wait... The center of the flame, there seems to be something there?

Cody slowly flew to the center point and landed.

Those flames, when they came into contact with the magic shield formed by Cody using chaos magic, were like touching some femme fatale, and quickly dodged.

At the center of the flame is a huge golden cocoon, with countless tentacles sticking out below it deep into the ground, as if it is... Encroaching on the planet.

At this moment, the cocoon seemed to be "woken up" by Cody, and I saw the cocoon tremble a few times, and then those flames were quickly absorbed back into the body by the cocoon. Then, those cocoons actually began to fold layer by layer, Cody quickly took a few steps back, and a few seconds later, a person appeared in the place where the cocoons were originally erected.

His skin seems to be made of gold, and even his eyes and hair are blonde. Wearing a black and red outfit.

"Who is this?"

Cody circled in his head, and he didn't remember which role this was.

"Who are you? Why bother me to eat!

The man spoke first, his voice low and magnetic, but in a somewhat strange tone, like a robot.

"I'm just a Kamen Rider passing by~ I'm looking for my friends, I don't know, have you ever met them?"

"Your friend? It wouldn't be those cosmic bugs, would it? What is it called the Guardians of the Galaxy? "

Oh? You know? So where are they now?

"Now, I have probably been judged by the great High Priest Ayesha for a capital crime, and will soon be put to death, since you are their friend, presumably, you are also a nest of snakes and rats, why not accompany them?"

When the words fell, the opposite person burst from the spot, and the golden fist slammed down on Cody's head.

"Hey, are you a little sick, and you will do it without saying a word."

Greeting the golden fist on the opposite side was the dense missile launched from Cody's leg, and under the guidance of the radar, each one hit his fist accurately, but the shock wave generated by such a dense kilometer only slowed down the movement of the person on the other side slightly.

But this slowdown is enough, and Cody has replaced it with a "north-south pole switch".

Two cannons on the shoulders flew out and combined in front of Cody.

“Limit Break!"

Then the dense missile came a super electromagnetic bombardment.

The violent impact directly knocked out tens of meters of the person on the opposite side, but to Cody's surprise, this person was only repulsed, his legs ploughed two deep ditches on the ground, and his arms were crossed in front of him, blocking the electromagnetic cannon without suffering a little damage.

Cody felt bad, the cosmic switch automatically appeared on the belt, while holding the "Balician Holy Sword" in his hand, dozens of switches poured out from Cody's belt and merged into Cody's body, along with the blue light, Cody was produced into the final form, Kamen Rider Fourze cosmic form.

"Oh? Your ability looks quite interesting, how about letting me taste it? The

person on the other side licked his lips, as if he was really hungry. Cody chilled,

"That depends on your own skills!"

The person on the opposite side rushed towards Cody again, this time his speed increased by more than one point or two, if he was at such a speed just now, then Cody was sure that this person could easily dodge the attack of missiles and electromagnetic cannons

, "So, didn't he put me in his eyes just now, underestimating the enemy?"

Cody's feet also moved, and the thrusters behind him ejected blue flames that took away the Mach ring, accelerating instantly with Cody, while Cody pressed the No. 1 switch rocket and No. 10 switch power on his chest, the switch force automatically loaded, and the "Balician Holy Sword" automatically unfolded.

With the help of the acceleration of the thrusters, the "Balician Holy Sword", which carries flames and electricity, collides violently with the fist of the opposite person, and a terrible explosion is generated in the center.

Cody did a backflip, pressed the missile switch and the No. 32 freezing switch at the same time, and at the moment when Cody landed, countless ice bombs hit the center of the explosion, allowing the other party to experience it well, what is called the two heavens of ice and fire.

The smoke of the explosion dispersed, and the people in the middle, whose clothes were already a little tattered, and their golden bodies were stained with black ash, becoming a little embarrassed.

"How? Does it taste good? But

Cody didn't dare to relax at all, the man looked embarrassed, but his body didn't even have any scars.

I saw that he dusted his fingers and slowly walked towards Cody, his momentum looked more cold and hard, as he walked, the clothes on his body gradually changed, from the ordinary uniform style, began to move closer to the tights, and a cloak grew behind, his hair also changed from soft to rooted, and his golden eyeballs shone even more.

"You are very good, you can actually make me seriously use my power to treat you. It is your pleasure. Now, it's time for you to be judged!

In the scientific and technological eyes of the four armors, countless cosmic rays were constantly merging into the body of the person opposite at this time with the momentum of "flying down three thousand feet".

The cloak was windless and automatic, flying up with the person on the opposite side, followed by countless golden laser beams, ejecting from his eyes, slamming towards Cody, each as thick as a stone pillar, leaving deep pits in the ground, and in these craters, Cody also detected some devouring sensations similar to black holes.

The speed advantage of Sizai is only reflected in flight, so Cody decisively flies to the deep space of the universe, and the radar switch accurately turns on the automatic driving, so that Cody can be a little idle and do something else.

Pulling out the cosmic switch and filling it with the "Baliso Holy Sword", Cody suddenly turned his body and greeted the dense laser rain.

The blue light shone,

"Warp Drive!"

At the same time that the holy sword slammed into the man's body, a distorted space unfolded behind him, sending him away.

The moment he appeared again, Cody felt a terrible heat, behind that person was the closest star to the planet just now, this star, almost dozens of times the sun, and then Cody did not hesitate, quickly unplugged the cosmic switch, the holy sword unfolded, and the blue light gushed out,

"Rider Chougings Finish!"

The Knight Super Galactic End turned into a huge blue sword glow and crashed the man into the star's light with unparalleled momentum.

Cody flew away at full speed, so that he was not affected by the terrible energy explosion, and with one last glance at the place of the explosion, Cody turned around and flew back to the location of the planet just now.

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