"Hey Strange, need my help?"

At this time, in the New York Sanctuary, the battle between Casillas and Strange had almost destroyed the interior of the building.

In the movie, it is probably due to the cost of shooting, that is, broken bottles and jars, glass floors and so on.

In reality, the impact of the battle between the two has left the New York Holy of Holies with a shell full of holes, but due to the blessing of shielding magic on the periphery, passers-by look at it as before.

Cody still feels quite proud, this Strange finally did not bury his teaching, this trick, much stronger than the one in the movie.

Countless magic ropes shot out from the corner from time to time, making Casillas' attacks a little restrained, but the surging dark dimensional energy in Casillas' hands would also contaminate these magic ropes and convert them into their own power to attack Strange in the same way.

"Are you... Cody? Hearing

Cody's voice, Strange took the time to look at it and saw Cody's new form that made him feel a little familiar, but if it weren't for Cody's intentional failure to change his voice, Strange really wouldn't have recognized it.

"Of course you need to, this guy is not easy to deal with."

Hearing Strange's words, Cody took a step and jumped down from the railing on the 3rd floor,

"Just him?"

"Of course not, several."

Cody looked around, but saw no other figures.

"It seems that you have solved all those little words of his~

" "Of course! However, be careful, this guy's moves are too weird.

Cody's arrival had obviously attracted Casillas's attention, and when he heard Strange mention Cody's name, a backflip, temporarily out of the battle, he spoke,

"You are the temporary guardian of the Holy of Holies in New York?"

"Of course not,"

Cody waved his hand, then pointed to Strange next to him,

"Did you see something on his neck?" Now he

is the leader" "It doesn't matter, anyway, today, you are all going to die here, the Book of Darkness is in your hands, right?" Hand it over and I can make you die faster. "

The Book of Dark Gods? What Book of Dark Gods? I've never heard of it. Cody pretended to be stupid.

Besides, although almost all the dark magic in the world is recorded in the Book of Dark Gods, it does not record Dormammu.

After all, Dormammu is a high-dimensional creature, and it is beyond this world.

Obviously, Casillas has become a devout disciple of Dormammu, which can be seen from the "dark circles" around his eyes. "

This is something that only appears after absorbing the dark energy of Dormammu.

"What to pretend to be stupid? The first time you appeared at Karma Taj, I have been paying attention to you. Looking

at Casillas' "I'm in control" look, Cody didn't pretend to be stupid.

"Well, then... What do you want it to do?

"That's not what you should be asking."

Casillas held out his hand in front of Cody,

"Give it to me!"

"You are ugly, think beautiful!"

Cody looked at Casillas' ugly dark circles and jumped to give him a little darker color. So Cody did the same.

The fist carrying magic slammed into Casillas' face, and before Casillas could react at all, he was punched directly outside the main entrance of the New York Holy Sanctuary.

Cody turned to Strange and asked,

"What the hell is he here for?"

Cody felt that it was not right, originally according to the development of the plot, this section should be until Casillas destroyed the three most holy places, so that Dormammu could come. Apparently there seems to be some deviation now.

"He came looking for this thing."

Strange took out a crystal ball from his magic pocket.

Cody recognized at a glance that this crystal ball, which had been safely placed on the display shelf, was just one of the interior decorations of the Holy of Holies.

It doesn't have any great features, the only function is as a radar!

People, objects, as long as you need, as long as it is on earth, everything can be found through it.

Cody thought about using it to find the remaining hydra and catch it all, but he never had a chance, and he was also a little worried that doing so would make the development of certain things produce more and more deviations.

"So, what's the use of what he wants this thing for?"

Cody was puzzled.

Outside the door, Casillas, who was punched away, also stood up again.

In his hand, dark red magic lit up, forming a magic seal in the air.

A strong suction force appeared, and that magic seal changed into a huge black hole, attracting everything.

Suddenly, the already crumbling Holy of Holies in New York finally could not resist gravity and completely collapsed.

So, an accidental, under the influence of the falling building debris, the crystal ball broke away from Strange's hand and flew in the direction of French seal.

Casillas' palm grasped the crystal ball, and then, with a sharp push of the other hand, the magic seal was pushed into the door, so that the suction force spread widened and became more unscrupulous, as if to suck everything from the ruins of the Holy of Holies in New York.

In the chaos, Casillas opened the spatial passage and fled directly.

A magic pattern lit up in Cody's hand, and two fan-shaped weapons appeared in his hand, and under the power of Gu Yi, he quickly destroyed this magic.

In an instant, Cody felt that the magic left by Casillas was full of the power of the dark dimension.

Since Furuichi had borrowed this power, Cody was no stranger to its feelings after using Guichi's power.

Following this familiar breath, a tracking magic in Cody's hand instantly took shape, flying out of the sanctuary, leaving a trail in the air and guiding the direction.

"Let's go, let's go see what that Casillas is so tired!"

Cody took off directly into the air, while Strange was carried up by the cloak.

The two followed the trajectory and flew into the distance.

How does it feel like this route is becoming more familiar?

It wasn't until the familiar building appeared in front of Cody that Cody reacted.

"Isn't this Sokovia here?"

What is Casillas doing here?

Continue to follow the tracking magic to fly over Sokovia, continue to fly towards the secret forest, and gradually the terrain becomes higher and higher, and the mountain fog that is so thick that it cannot be dissolved almost prevents the sight of the two.

Cody waved the folding fan in his hand, and two magic storms blew up, opening the way for the two.

The altitude of the flight became higher and higher, and in Cody's eyes where he could distinguish the magical power, the originally white clouds gradually stained with strands of black and red. And the magic storm created by Cody always disappears quickly.

There is only one explanation for this, that is, the clouds around this are magical, and they are compatible with the magic of the ancient one or negative magic.

Cody stopped Strange's flight, closed his eyes, stained his fingertips with crimson magic, and began to sense the power around him.

This is....

When he felt something, Cody had no time to dodge, and in a hurry, Cody only had time to open the door of space and push Strange in, and a red-to-black power poured down, swallowing Cody.

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