Before Cody could talk to a few people, in the distance, the sounds of helicopters, police cars and ambulances came.

Now Kamen Rider's actions are also illegal, Cody didn't want to entangle too much, didn't say anything, waved his big hand, shrouded several people, and returned to Cody's house together.

The four of them arrived in an unfamiliar environment and were a little restrained, but they seemed sure that Kamen Rider was friendly and unguarded against Cody.

"What is this?"

That special Tyregen crystal was still floating in Cody's hand at this time.

Black Bolt has deliberately remained silent for many years, and even if he has no ability now, it is still customary for Medusa to speak in his place.

"This is originally an ordinary Tyregen crystal, only need to meet the water, it will produce the Tyregen fog, allowing our people to produce various abilities.

But a few months ago, Maximus, the younger brother of Black Bolt, didn't know where he got a substance that, when combined with the Terrigan crystal, would have the opposite effect, allowing the abilities we had already acquired to degenerate or disappear.

He designed Black Bolt to touch this crystal, and after seizing the power, he rebelled against us and imprisoned us, if it weren't for the crystal and tetanus, I am afraid we would have died by now.

"Do you know what that substance is?"

Medusa shook her head.

"You shouldn't have lost your superpowers, right?"

Medusa stroked herself, and now only stubble on her head

, "No, but, my hair growth cycle is very long, my original hair, more than 30 years of growth, has just reached the length of the knee." Maximus did not take my power, but tortured me. After

a while, Vision came back first.

The others didn't seem to be going well until the evening, when they returned.

The American team met the soldiers who tried to arrest him, the Wanda brothers and sisters, Pietro was careless, was imitated by the speed ability, and it took a lot of effort to solve.

However, several people unanimously brought back a somewhat strange-looking Tyrigen crystal.

Steve put down the crystal through his gloves and left, Carter's body was a little uncomfortable recently.

Seeing that there was an extra beautiful girl in the room, Pietro's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and said

, "Hey, beauty, hello, my name is Pietro, eh~ Wanda, what are you doing?"

Wanda followed Pietro in the next second, smiled apologetically at Crystal, grabbed Pietro's ears, and took him away, don't forget to educate,

"Is it time to pick up a conversation?" You give me a little more reliability, I haven't asked you to settle the account for today's theft of ability!

Cody shook his head and put the 4 Terrigan crystals together

, "Since this crystal can degrade or disappear your abilities, have you ever thought about using the Tyregen Crystals again, try it, and see if you can restore your original abilities."

Medusa shook her head

, "Of course I tried, but it didn't work."

A few people still spoke, after listening to the conversation for a while, Vision on the side stepped forward, put his palm on top of the crystal, and a materialized data stream emerged from the crystal, and then entered Vision's mind through his palm.

After a while, Vision opened his eyes

, "The basic substances, I have already analyzed, according to the analysis of the evolutionary machine I have kept in my mind, this Terrigan crystal, originally a crystallized biological hormone polymer, can induce random changes in the body, which is what you call superpowers."

And this Terrigan crystal is wrapped with a special biological cell, which makes it have some special abilities, and your ability is not degraded, but stored in the crystal. If you can reverse engineer, then it is possible to return your abilities!

Need my help?

"Vision, you still have this ability?" Cody looked at Vision incredulously.

"The ability to analyze the structure of matter, very basic! As long as the principle is clear, the experiment is not difficult to complete.

"Then please!"

Medusa bowed to Vision.

"You're welcome!"

After that, Jarvis also nodded towards Medusa, took four Terrigan crystals and left.


"Didn't you say no problem? Now the crystals are all snatched, and your warriors are all dead! What about my abilities after that? In

the dark room, there was only a bluish light, and angry and corrupt questioning voices came from it.

A black-haired man, wearing a gorgeous dress, was now full of anger, staring at the hood of the black hole opposite the screen.

The person on the other side of the screen said nonchalantly,

"What are you in a hurry?" Now you are the king of Attilan, and if you want to say loss, it is also my loss! The toys that have been transformed for a long time have been solved by my gods all at once.

Maximus slapped the table hard

, "But if Black Bolt gets back his abilities, won't my position be secured?"

In the face of Maximus' anger, the man on the other side still maintained that very calm tone

, "This has nothing to do with me, it's a matter of your ability." Whether you can rule your subjects depends on your own ability.

"Don't forget, if I tell the leader of the Earth Inhumans that you sneaked their people and used them as containers for your body, in your current state, I am afraid that you will not be able to bear any losses!"

"Maximus, the last thing I'm afraid of is your threat, the leader of the Inhumans on Earth, what's the name? Jiaying, right? Do you see who this is? "

The hood leaves the screen, revealing a scene of life, a laboratory that looks very high-tech.

Behind the hood, there are three white sleeping capsules, and the screen above is showing the life response of the human body inside.

"You... When did you make her into your container?

"Of course, it was the first time I saw her, I'm not like you, I obviously did everything I should do, but I couldn't do it at the last moment, killed my brother, let him escape, and now I have left so many hidden dangers for myself."

"I... I made up my mind, just one step late.

"Oh~ I was stunned by beauty, right? Is it called a crystal? I'm very interested in her abilities. This time it was a pity, I almost gained her ability.

"Her abilities are mine!"

"Don't, if you want to be so clean, I can make another copy, how good it is for you and me to use together." Besides, didn't your brother's abilities all give you everything? Maximus

' eyes couldn't help but look to the side, there were energy balls made of Terrigan crystals, as long as one of them was held in his mouth, Maximus could use Black Bolt's ability.

But a replica is a copy, and the power of Maximus' roar is very limited. At most, it is a more powerful shock wave, and it is impossible to achieve the power of "silence" like Black Bolt.

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